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This section focuses on the political attitudes as well as international financial, economic and political news that shape the creation of a single financial market, rather than the technical details of proposals.

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Policy impacting Finance - 2023306 articles out of 306.

Policy impacting Finance - 2022289 articles out of 289.

Policy impacting Finance - 2021234 articles out of 234.

Policy impacting Finance - 2020248 articles out of 248.

Policy impacting Finance - 201957 articles out of 57.

Policy impacting Finance - 201880 articles out of 80.

Policy impacting Finance - 2017126 articles out of 126.

Policy impacting Finance - 201697 articles out of 97.

Policy impacting Finance - 201593 articles out of 93.

Policy impacting Finance - 201489 articles out of 89.

2013 Policy impacting Finance
2013-12-20 FSB: Responses to August 2013 proposed regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities: AIMA, BBVA, EFAMA et al
2013-12-18 FSB: Annual update on global adherence to regulatory and supervisory standards on international cooperation and information exchange
2013-12-13 ESBG's position on the Review of the European System of Financial Supervision and feedback already received
2013-12-12 Plenary Session: Basic bank accounts for all
2013-12-12 Plenary Session: Parliament and EU leaders' relations in the run-up to the European elections
2013-12-10 FT: BoE policy-maker backs 'bogeyman' of bundled debt
2013-12-10 Plenary Session: New mortgage rules to be properly enforced EU-wide
2013-12-09 Lithuanian Presidency: ECOFIN eyes agreement on Single Resolution Mechanism
2013-12-02 Competitiveness Council: Conclusions on Smart Regulation
2013-11-28 Responses to FSB consultation on shadow banking risks: EFAMA, GFMA/IIF
2013-11-22 State aid: Commission consults on modernising state aid policy through better evaluation
2013-11-21 New international financial consumer protection organisation, FinCoNet, established
2013-11-15 EU and US conclude second round of TTIP negotiations in Brussels
2013-11-15 ECFIN Economic Brief: The G20@5 - Is it still delivering?
2013-11-15 ECOFIN Council results: Bank resolution/SRM
2013-11-15 ECOFIN Council statement on EU banks' AQRs and stress tests, including on backstop arrangements
2013-11-15 ECOFIN Council: Adoption of the Professional Qualifications Directive
2013-11-15 ECOFIN Council results: Savings taxation
2013-11-14 FSB publishes Global Shadow Banking Monitoring 2013
2013-11-07 ESAs consult on the removal of mechanistic reliance on credit ratings
2013-11-05 FSB launches QIS2 on proposed regulatory framework for haircuts on securities financing transactions
2013-11-04 FN: Maijoor steers ESMA through a regulatory storm
2013-10-31 ESMA/Maijoor: Letter to Commissioner Barnier on the review of the ESFS
2013-10-23 Lithuanian Presidency: Protection of consumers' interests at the centre of newly-agreed EU programme (2014-2020)
2013-10-21 ECB/Cœuré: Retail payments at a crossroads
2013-10-16 EP President Schulz: TTIP - let us use this window of opportunity wisely
2013-10-15 ECOFIN Council approves single supervisory mechanism for banking
2013-10-14 FSB & IMF publish fourth IMF/FSB progress report on the Implementation of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative
2013-10-09 IMF says countries should 'buckle up', the move to financial stability could be bumpy
2013-10-09 DG MARKT/Faull: Preventing downfall - The EU's role in bank capitalisation after the crisis
2013-10-07 IMF: Central banks can plan smooth exit from policies to fight crisis
2013-10-05 Telegraph: UK's CBI boss in talks with Germany to reform EU laws
2013-10-02 EBA issues Work Programme for 2014
2013-10-02 IMF: Global Financial Stability Report Chapters 2 & 3 - Transition challenges to stability
2013-09-30 Responses to FSB consultation on risk appetite framework: GFIA and Insurance Europe
2013-09-25 IMF: More fiscal integration to boost euro area resilience
2013-09-22 FT: Deep divide over EU retail investor protection vote
2013-09-16 UK cheers double win on Libor and short-selling
2013-09-13 Commissioner Barnier: The G20 must remain committed to global implementation of financial reforms
2013-09-12 NYT: US trade officials try to curb Europe's expectations
2013-09-12 Deutsche Bank: Savings tax, administrative cooperation & co.
2013-09-10 Plenary Session: Parliament outlines rules to limit risks for home buyers
2013-09-10 FSB completes peer review of the United Kingdom
2013-09-10 Statement by Commissioner Barnier following the EP vote related to new rules on mortgage credit lending
2013-09-08 G20 Leaders' Declaration: We will work together until regulatory job done
2013-09-06 Results of the G20 summit: Joint statement by Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy
2013-09-05 FSB reports to G20 Leaders on financial regulatory reform progress
2013-09-05 Bundesbank/Dombret: Competition policy and regulation in a global economic order
2013-09-05 Remarks by Van Rompuy ahead of the G20 summit
2013-09-04 WEF: Global Competitiveness report
2013-09-04 The EU at the G20 Summit: Stepping up global efforts to restore global confidence
2013-09-02 FSB reports to G20 on progress and next steps towards ending "too-big-to-fail"
2013-09-02 Reuters: FSB's Carney warns G20 of risk of fragmented banking rules
2013-08-30 ESMA publishes SMSG contribution to the ESFS Consultation
2013-08-29 FSB publishes policy recommendations to strengthen oversight and regulation of shadow banking
2013-08-29 FSB publishes progress report and interim peer review report on credit rating agency ratings
2013-08-29 FSB: Progress report on the oversight and governance framework for financial benchmark reform
2013-08-29 CRE: FSB calls for US federal insurance supervision
2013-08-26 FT: UK markets supervisor rejects EU regulatory guidance
2013-08-23 IMF/Lagarde: Monetary policies have bought time—use it wisely
2013-08-22 WSJ/Steinhauser: Pivotal dates are ahead for European financial reform
2013-08-21 FSB welcomes implementation progress report by the EDTF
2013-08-12 Bloomberg: FSB extends too-big-to-fail bank resolution to insurers
2013-07-31 Finance Watch response to the consultation on the review of the European System of Financial Supervision
2013-07-31 EFAMA reply to European Commission's Consultation on the review of the European System of Financial Supervision
2013-07-31 PensionsEurope publishes response to EC consultation on the review of the European System of Financial Supervision
2013-07-24 Ensuring markets work well for consumers and for firms: FCA publishes guidance on its approach to objectives
2013-07-23 Joint G20 summit letter: Improving global confidence and supporting global recovery
2013-07-22 Council approves measures to tackle VAT fraud schemes
2013-07-20 OECD calls on G20 finance ministers to support next steps in clampdown on tax avoidance
2013-07-20 Commissioner Šemeta welcomes G20 Finance Ministers' commitments on new measures to fight tax evasion and avoidance
2013-07-19 PwC comments on FSB announcement of G-SII companies
2013-07-18 FSB identifies an initial list of G-SIIs
2013-07-17 FSB consults on Principles for an Effective Risk Appetite Framework
2013-07-16 FSB releases guidance papers on recovery and resolution planning
2013-07-16 Commissioner Barnier: Time for a new transatlantic partnership
2013-07-12 Commissioner Barnier: The single market in financial services - We need the UK on board
2013-07-12 EU and US conclude first round of TTIP negotiations in Washington
2013-07-09 IMF: Emerging market slowdown adds to global economy pains
2013-07-08 2013 Article IV Consultation with the Euro Area Concluding Statement of IMF Mission
2013-07-03 Plenary Session: Small investors to be shielded against reckless risk-taking by investment funds
2013-07-03 Plenary Session: Parliament sets out priorities for overhauling EU banks
2013-07-03 ESMA publishes research on the sale of complex products to retail financial consumers
2013-07-02 Fed/Powell: International financial regulatory reform
2013-06-28 European Council conclusions on completing EMU
2013-06-28 Joint Committee of ESAs holds its first Consumer Protection Day
2013-06-27 European Council conclusions, 27 June 2013: Youth Employment / Growth, Competitiveness and Jobs
2013-06-27 ECOFIN Council agrees position on bank resolution
2013-06-26 Council confirms agreement with EP on market abuse regulation
2013-06-26 European Council: Agreement on the review of the Professional Qualifications Directive
2013-06-26 Another step forward for consumer protection under Irish Presidency
2013-06-25 FCA consumer panel warns against early demise of KIDs
2013-06-23 BIS 83rd Annual Report: Making the most of borrowed time - Repair and reform the only way to growth
2013-06-18 Statement by IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on the G8 Leaders' Summit
2013-06-18 ECB Working Paper: Convergence in European retail payments
2013-06-14 MoneyMarketing: Bowles - EU exit would be 'disaster' for UK financial services
2013-06-13 EBA publishes good practices for responsible mortgage lending and treatment of borrowers in payment difficulties
2013-06-13 Finance Watch response to ECON coherence questionnaire
2013-06-13 Plenary Session: EU countries and Commission need to deliver faster on financial sector reform
2013-06-13 EACB position on IOSCO's consultation of Retail Structured Products
2013-06-12 Plenary Session: Stop talking and act on financial services reform, MEPs tell Member States
2013-06-10 Simon Nixon: Still hiccups on path to economic NATO
2013-06-04 IMF/Lagarde: Policy steps towards a full-speed global economy
2013-05-29 Competitiveness Council results on audit reform
2013-05-29 Council confirms agreement with EP on transparency requirements for issuers of securities
2013-05-28 VP Almunia: Presenting the Annual Competition Report for 2012
2013-05-28 Finance Watch: Discussion paper in the context of the PRIPs regulation proposal
2013-05-24 ESMA/Maijoor: ESAs – Achievement and challenges
2013-05-23 IMF publishes 'Sovereign debt restructuring - Recent developments and implications for the Fund's legal and policy framework'
2013-05-20 FN: Industry decries regulatory bottleneck
2013-05-17 EP commissions two studies reviewing the European system of financial supervision
2013-05-14 Savings taxation: Council go-ahead to negotiate with Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and San Marino
2013-05-14 ECOFIN Council conclusions on SEPA
2013-05-13 Council adopts new rules on credit rating agencies
2013-05-11 UK Chancellor's closing remarks at the G7 meeting
2013-05-08 Mortgage credit: Council confirms agreement with EP
2013-05-03 EuropeanIssuers: KID/PRIPs - New disclosures for shares and bonds
2013-05-01 PRA/Bailey: The new approach to financial regulation
2013-04-30 HM Treasury: Government provides FPC with first remit
2013-04-26 Commission consults on the European System of Financial Supervision
2013-04-25 IMF says decisive action in Europe can strengthen growth and avoid economic stagnation
2013-04-24 EBF: Banks welcome Mortgage Credit Agreement
2013-04-23 EFBS: Agreement on mortgage credits - 'Rationality has won'
2013-04-23 ECON Committee: Home loans - Better protection for buyers
2013-04-22 Irish Presidency reaches agreement on new European mortgage rules
2013-04-22 Statement by Commissioner Barnier following the agreement in trilogue on the Mortgages Directive
2013-04-21 EBA/Enria: Progress in banking sector and institutional repair in the EU
2013-04-11 ECON Committee: Public consultation on the coherence of EU financial services legislation
2013-04-10 Lagarde sets out global policy actions to stay ahead of crisis
2013-04-08 Commissioner Barnier meets US Treasury Secretary Lew: Strengthen the US-EU financial market and regulatory dialogue.
2013-04-08 President Van Rompuy meets new US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew
2013-04-05 ESMA 2013 Regulatory Work Programme
2013-03-28 HM Treasury: Government announces board members of new Financial Conduct Authority
2013-03-27 Commission consults on proposal for simplifying procedures under the EU Merger Regulation
2013-03-25 FSA: FCA business plan and risk outlook published
2013-03-20 ECON Committee: Time for a wholesale restructuring of banking
2013-03-16 IMF: Financial Sector Stability Assessment on the European Union
2013-03-13 Commissioner Šemeta welcomes EP vote on the revision of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010)
2013-03-13 BaFin President on consumer protection: "We need even more transparency"
2013-03-11 FTAdviser: PRIPs amendment calls for fund cost calculator
2013-03-08 Commission updates action plan
2013-03-07 ESAs: Joint Letter to Commissioner Barnier on the possible regulatory framework for benchmark activities
2013-03-04 FSA publishes discussion paper on transparency
2013-02-28 Commissioner Almunia: Relying on the Single Market for the future of Europe
2013-02-16 Statement by IMF Managing director Christine Lagarde on G20 ministerial meeting in Moscow
2013-02-15 SIFMA supports US-EU Trade Agreement, offers recommended framework for financial services provisions
2013-02-15 ISDA response to CPSS, IOSCO & FSB regarding Qualifying Central Counterparties
2013-02-15 OECD: Structural reforms more important than ever for a strong and balanced economic recovery
2013-02-12 FT: G7 fails to defuse currency tensions
2013-02-11 Bundesbank/Dombret: Regulatory agenda of the international financial system - A coherent strategy
2013-02-01 VP Šefčovič: "Regulatory burden - Why Europe needs to get smarter to do better"
2013-01-23 FT: Brussels aims to reward investor loyalty
2013-01-22 Financial transaction tax: ECOFIN Council agrees to enhanced cooperation
2013-01-21 ECB: Continued decline in 2012 in the number of euro area/EU MFIs
2013-01-18 FSA consults further on FSCS Funding
2013-01-16 Plenary Session: Careful pooling of sovereign debt is good for the euro, say MEPs
2013-01-16 Plenary Session: Tougher credit rating rules confirmed by Parliament's vote
2013-01-15 ABBL response to FSB Consultation on strengthening oversight and regulation of shadow banking
2013-01-14 EFAMA response to FSB consultation on strengthening oversight and regulation of shadow banking
2013-01-14 CEP Policy Brief: Proposal for EP/EC Regulation on KIDs for investment products
2013-01-04 Insurance Europe responds to FSB shadow banking consultation

Prior Years Reports

Policy impacting Finance - 2012129 articles out of 129.

Policy impacting Finance - 2011233 articles out of 233.

Policy impacting Finance - 2010376 articles out of 376.

Policy impacting Finance - 2009372 articles out of 372.

Policy impacting Finance - 2008600 articles out of 600.

Policy impacting Finance - 2007245 articles out of 245.

Policy impacting Finance - 2006105 articles out of 105.

Policy impacting Finance - 200571 articles out of 71.

Policy impacting Finance - 200435 articles out of 35.