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"A single banking system is the mirror image of a single money. As the vast majority of money is bank deposits, money can only be truly single if confidence in the safety of bank deposits is the same irrespective of the Member State in which a bank operates. This requires single bank supervision, single bank resolution and single deposit insurance."

Source: Five Presidents' Report "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union", 22 June 2015

Commission explanation of the need for banking union, and its structure here

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Banking Union - 202280 articles out of 80.

Banking Union - 2021119 articles out of 119.

2020 Banking Union
2020-12-30 ESRB's Mazzaferro at SUERF: Consequences for banks’ business from COVID-19 and policy responses
2020-12-30 SSM's Enria: wide-ranging Interview with Börsen-Zeitung
2020-12-28 SRB: A European Bad Bank – a necessary tool for financial stability?
2020-12-17 AFME: Commission’s revised action plan for NPLs from Covid-19 disappoints
2020-12-17 Vox: Two proposals to resurrect the Banking Union: The Safe Portfolio Approach and SRB+
2020-12-16 Project Syndicate Howard Davies: The Measure of Financial Regulators’ Independence
2020-12-16 Association of German Banks has reservations about EU action plan to reduce non-performing loans
2020-12-16 EBF: ECB decision on bank dividends is a step in the right direction
2020-12-16 Speech by Elke König at CER - ‘Coping with Covid: the next steps for banks
2020-12-16 Opening remarks by Commissioner McGuinness at the press conference on the Action Plan for non-performing loans (NPLs)
2020-12-15 ECB asks banks to refrain from or limit dividends until September 2021
2020-12-14 Steven Maijoor speaks at the third ECB roundtable on euro risk-free rates
2020-12-11 ECON: Update on recent banking developments
2020-12-09 ECB warns banks are ‘all over the place’ on bad loan preparations
2020-12-09 Single Resolution Board publishes MREL dashboard
2020-12-09 Council endorses new rules addressing cessation of financial benchmarks
2020-12-08 Bruegel: Can the gap in the Europe’s internal market for banking services be bridged?
2020-12-07 EURACTIV: Commission eyes new proposal to unblock deposit insurance scheme
2020-12-07 SRB publishes guidance on bank mergers and acquisitions
2020-12-07 BIS: Tools for managing banking distress: historical experience and lessons for today
2020-12-04 SSM: Bank boards and supervisory expectations
2020-12-02 Project Syndicate: European Banking’s Moment of Merger Truth
2020-11-30 FT: Brussels seeks to help banks offload rising tide of bad loans
2020-11-30 The EU prepares for the end of LIBOR: the Commission welcomes the agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on finan
2020-11-30 Parliament and Council strike a deal on the orderly termination of benchmarks
2020-11-24 SSM's Fernandez-Bollo: Facing up to the challenges posed by COVID 19 and Brexit
2020-11-23 ECB Working group on euro risk-free rates launches two public consultations on fallbacks to EURIBOR
2020-11-20 EBA publishes Report on benchmarking of national insolvency frameworks across the EU
2020-11-20 Joint Trade Associations Paper Requesting an Extension of the Third-country Benchmarks Transition Period
2020-11-19 Speech by Sebastiano Laviola at the EUI FBF Bank Resolution Academy: Bank Resolution in times of uncertainty
2020-11-18 SSM Enria: The yin and yang of banking market integration – the case of cross-border banks
2020-11-18 JOINT PRESS RELEASE Pillar II project conclusion “The impact of banking regulation on employment
2020-11-18 EBA publishes Report on benchmarking of national insolvency frameworks across the EU
2020-11-12 FT: EU banks urged to prepare for bad loans as pandemic hits economy
2020-11-11 EBA announces timing for publication of 2020 EU-wide transparency exercise and Risk Assessment Report
2020-11-09 FSB consults on regulatory and supervisory issues relating to outsourcing and third-party relationships
2020-11-09 ISDA: Understanding the New IBOR Fallbacks Opening Remarks
2020-11-04 German Banking Federation: Comments EBA GL Fit & Proper
2020-11-03 SSM's Enria: Supervisory challenges of the pandemic and beyond
2020-11-03 BIS: Implementation of Basel standards - A report to G20 Leaders on implementation of the Basel III regulatory reforms
2020-10-27 FT: ECB's Enria: the EU needs a regional ‘bad bank’
2020-10-27 FT: Eurozone banks rein in lending due to pandemic worries finish
2020-10-27 SSM Enria: Hearing at the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
2020-10-27 SRB: Speech by Elke König to European Parliament ECON Committee
2020-10-26 EP briefing ahead of public hearing with Elke König, Chair of the Single Resolution Board
2020-10-21 EBA issues Opinion to address possible infection risk stemming from legacy instruments
2020-10-21 FSB publishes global transition roadmap for LIBOR
2020-10-21 ECB's Macroprudential Bulletin
2020-10-14 SSM's Enria:Interview with Handelsblatt
2020-10-09 SSM: What are the priorities for ECB Banking Supervision amid the pandemic?
2020-10-09 ISDA Board Statement on the IBOR Fallbacks Supplement and Protocol
2020-10-07 ECB publishes summary of feedback on public consultation on compounded €STR rates
2020-10-02 ECB consultation on banking sector consolidation: EBF response
2020-10-01 SSM Enria: An evolving supervisory response to the pandemic
2020-09-30 EBA publishes work programme for 2021
2020-09-25 EBA launches EU-wide transparency exercise
2020-09-23 SSM: Technology exposes banks’ vulnerabilities
2020-09-22 FT: European banks load up on government bonds, raising concerns over ‘doom loop’
2020-09-18 EBA flags to the EU Commission elements of the definition of credit institution and aspects of the scope of authorisation
2020-09-16 Bloomberg: The EU Needs Banks to Merge Across Borders
2020-09-09 SRB: Elke König: Paths towards a clear and predictable liquidation regime
2020-09-09 SR: Elke König: A sound framework to safeguard financial stability
2020-09-09 BCBS consultation on NPL securitisations: EBF response
2020-09-05 EBA publishes its 2019 Annual Report on resolution colleges
2020-09-03 CEPS: Responsible lending in times of crisis
2020-09-03 Better Finance: Les Echos - The Nationalization of European Banks
2020-09-01 SUERF: Are bank capital requirements optimally set? Evidence from researchers’ views
2020-08-31 EBA issues Opinion regarding the European Commission’s intention to amend the EBA’s final draft RTS on economic downturn
2020-08-12 SSM blog: “Consolidation can secure safe and sound banks”
2020-08-10 SRB publishes guidance documents for the bail-in operationalisation
2020-08-06 Basel Committee releases consultative documents on principles for operational risk and operational resilience
2020-08-04 Financial stability: Commission addresses risks of Libor cessation
2020-07-30 EBA and ESMA launch consultation to revise joint guidelines for assessing the suitability of members of the management body and key function
2020-07-06 ESBG: Future changes foreseen for EU-wide stress test
2020-07-02 Clarifying the ECB’s supervisory approach to consolidation
2020-07-02 FSB statement on the impact of COVID-19 on global benchmark reform
2020-06-30 European Liberal Forum: Banking Union: imminent crisis and possible solutions
2020-06-24 Bruegel: Should Denmark and Sweden join the banking Union?
2020-06-23 SSM's Enria: Interview with Il Sole 24 Ore
2020-06-23 UK Finance responds to government’s intention to legislate to facilitate Libor transition
2020-06-19 EBA publishes revised standards to identify staff with a material impact on the institution’s risk profile
2020-06-16 Working group on euro risk-free rates recommends voluntary compensation for legacy swaption contracts affected by the discounting transition
2020-05-26 Vox: Beyond the pandemic: Eight proposals to revive the banking union
2020-05-21 SCT Inst scheme gaining further traction in Europe
2020-05-21 ISDA Publishes Report Summarizing Final Results of Consultation on Pre-cessation Fallbacks for LIBOR
2020-05-19 IBOR: EFRAG draft comment letter on IASB ED/2020/1
2020-05-15 EBA consults on technical standards for contractual recognition of stay powers under the BRRD
2020-05-13 Breugel's Veron: Banking regulation in the euro area: Germany is different
2020-05-11 BIS: The CCP-bank nexus in the time of Covid-19
2020-05-06 Banks' dividends in Covid-19 times
2020-05-05 BIS: Releasing bank buffers to cushion the crisis - a quantitative assessment
2020-05-05 SSM's Enria: Public hearing at the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
2020-05-04 EBA launches additional EU-wide transparency exercise
2020-05-04 Deutsche Bank: Crisis impact on bank balance sheets in the euro area
2020-05-04 CSFI Fuller: Bankers in Wonderland
2020-04-28 AFME welcomes European Commission legislative proposal on Capital Requirements Regulation but more is needed
2020-04-28 EBF supports Covid-19 update on EU banking package
2020-04-28 Coronavirus Response: Commission adopts banking package to facilitate lending to households and businesses in the EU
2020-04-27 The evaluation of the Consumer Credit Directive: EBF’s views
2020-04-24 BIS: Buffering Covid-19 losses - the role of prudential policy
2020-04-21 Reuters: ECB to give banks ample time to resume pre-crisis capital rules: press
2020-04-20 SSM Chair Enria: wide-ranging interview on use of capital flexibility and loan loss provisions
2020-04-20 Expected loss provisioning under a global pandemic
2020-04-17 Statement of EU ministers of finance on continuing bank lending and on maintaining a well-functioning insurance sector amid the COVID-19 pan
2020-04-17 Statement of EU ministers of finance on continuing bank lending and on maintaining a well-functioning insurance sector amid the COVID-19 pan
2020-04-17 ECB Banking Supervision provides temporary relief for capital requirements for market risk
2020-04-16 European banks in the corona crisis: Schilbach - Deutsche Bank Research
2020-04-15 EBA issues updated Guidelines on equivalence of non-EU authorities for participation in supervisory colleges
2020-04-07 ECB announces package of temporary collateral easing measures
2020-04-06 FT: Regulators free up $500bn capital for lenders to fight virus storm
2020-04-03 FAQs on ECB supervisory measures in reaction to the coronavirus
2020-04-03 3 April update: FAQs on ECB supervisory measures in reaction to the coronavirus
2020-04-01 Jane Fuller - CSFI: On bank loan losses and ways to account for them
2020-04-01 Konig: An extraordinary challenge: SRB actions to support efforts to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak
2020-03-27 ECB asks banks not to pay dividends until at least October 2020
2020-03-25 EBA provides clarity to banks on the application of the prudential framework in light of COVID-19 measures (including IFRS9)
2020-03-24 Vox EU: Covid Perpetual Eurobonds: Jointly guaranteed and supported by the ECB
2020-03-24 Bruegel: Banks in pandemic turmoil
2020-03-23 European Parliament: Is the current “fit and proper” regime appropriate for the Banking Union?
2020-03-22 Vox EU: ‘Stress tests’ for banks as liquidity insurers in a time of COVID
2020-03-20 ECB banking supervision provides further flexibility to banks in reaction to coronavirus
2020-03-20 BIS: Basel Committee coordinates policy and supervisory response to Covid-19
2020-03-20 Bank of England announces supervisory and prudential policy measures to address the challenges of Covid-19
2020-03-19 CEPS: Overcoming the gridlock in EMU decision-making
2020-03-19 EBA launches call for papers for its 2020 policy research workshop
2020-03-18 Financial Times: Banks lobby regulators to relax post-crisis rules
2020-03-17 Bank of England: HM Treasury and the Bank of England launch a Covid Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF)
2020-03-17 BIS: Bank boards - a review of post-crisis regulatory approaches
2020-03-16 European Parliament: How has the macro-economic imbalances procedure worked in practice to improve the resilience of the euro area?
2020-03-14 Financial Times: Europe’s banks face a test of resilience
2020-03-13 ECB: Working group on euro risk-free rates seeks feedback on swaptions impacted by transition from EONIA to the €STR
2020-03-12 ECB announces easing of conditions for targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO III)
2020-03-12 ECB announces measures to support bank liquidity conditions and money market activity
2020-03-12 ECB Banking Supervision provides temporary capital and operational relief in reaction to coronavirus
2020-03-12 BIS: Statement: Joachim Wuermeling: The European financial market after Brexit
2020-03-12 EBA statement on actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the EU banking sector
2020-03-12 EBF statement in response to ECB and EBA decisions
2020-03-10 EBA highlights the importance of data and information preparedness to perform a valuation for resolution
2020-03-09 ESMA consults on draft technical standards for benchmarks
2020-03-06 AFME comments on SRB policy under the banking package consultation
2020-03-06 EBA launches call for expression of interest for its new Banking Stakeholders Group (BSG)
2020-03-05 EBA launches consultation to update methodology to identify G-SIIs
2020-03-03 VoxEU: The effect of bank capital requirements on the real economy and their interaction with monetary policy
2020-03-03 ECB's af Jochnick: Challenges for the European banking system
2020-03-02 EBA notes enhanced consistency on institutions’ Pillar 3 disclosures but calls for improvements to reinforce market discipline
2020-03-01 Financial Times: Beware ‘badwill’ in European bank M&A
2020-02-27 BIS: Benchmark rate reforms
2020-02-27 BCBS meets to review vulnerabilities and emerging risks, advance supervisory initiatives and promote Basel III implementation
2020-02-27 Enria: Flexibility in supervision: how ECB Banking Supervision is contributing to fighting the economic fallout from the coronavirus
2020-02-26 Veron: Banks in the Pandemic Turmoil: Capital Relief Is Welcome, Supervisory Forbearance Is Not
2020-02-25 ISDA launches new consultation on pre-cessation fallbacks
2020-02-25 BIS working paper: Variability in risk-weighted assets: what does the market think?
2020-02-24 ISDA publishes results of consultation on fallbacks for derivatives referencing Euro LIBOR and EURIBOR
2020-02-24 LSE: How the Basel Accord’s dependence on external institutions aggravated the 2008 financial crisis
2020-02-19 ECB: Working group on euro risk-free rates issues recommendations to support smooth transfer of EONIA’s liquidity to €STR
2020-02-17 ECB's Lane: The analytical contribution of external statistics: addressing the challenges
2020-02-17 EBA shows banks’ progress in planning for failure but encourages them to issue eligible debt instruments
2020-02-17 Bank of England: How would banks cut their distributions in a period of economic stress?
2020-02-14 EBA acknowledges adoption of amended supervisory reporting standards by the European Commission
2020-02-13 EBA consults on guidelines on the appropriate subsets of exposures in the application of the systemic risk buffer
2020-02-10 Financial Times: EU regulator call for clearer rules on rescuing banks
2020-02-05 ECB launches public consultation on its guide to assess how banks calculate counterparty credit risk
2020-02-04 BIS: Financial Stability Institute: Convergence in the prudential regulation of banks - what is missing?
2020-01-31 ECB to stress test 35 euro area banks as part of the 2020 EU-wide stress test led by EBA
2020-01-31 EBA launches 2020 EU-wide stress test exercise
2020-01-31 EBA releases its annual assessment of the consistency of internal model outcomes
2020-01-30 Bruegel: Europe’s banking union must be cyberproofed
2020-01-28 ECB keeps capital requirements and guidance for banks stable and increases transparency
2020-01-27 BIS: Cross-border resolution cooperation and information-sharing: an overview of home and host authority experience
2020-01-24 BIS: Bad bank resolutions and bank lending
2020-01-23 Financial Times: Eurozone bankers launch fresh push against negative rates
2020-01-23 Deutsche Bundesbank and Deutsche Börse publish concept study on DLT-based collateral management
2020-01-23 FCA: Andrew Bailey calls on tech giants to collaborate with the FCA to help protect consumers
2020-01-22 Financial Times: European Banking Authority plans overhaul of EU bank stress tests
2020-01-22 BIS international banking statistics at end-September 2019
2020-01-21 ECB: January 2020 euro area bank lending survey
2020-01-16 BIS: Margarita Delgado: The European Banking Union
2020-01-16 Bank of England: Next steps for LIBOR transition in 2020: the time to act is now
2020-01-15 ECB publishes supervisory banking statistics for the third quarter of 2019
2020-01-14 ECB working paper: The impact of the ECB’s targeted long-term refinancing operations on banks’ lending policies: the role of competition
2020-01-13 EBA report identifies key challenges in the roll out of big data and advanced analytics
2020-01-13 Financial Times: European banking, bonds versus deposits edition
2020-01-13 Financial Times: Italy emerges as biggest obstacle to eurozone banking union
2020-01-10 Bank of England: Working paper: Impact of IFRS 9 on the cost of funding of banks in Europe
2020-01-10 ECB: Working paper: Firm or bank weakness? Access to finance since the European sovereign debt crisis
2020-01-09 EBA: EU banks’ face a further contraction of profitability
2020-01-07 FCA and Bank of England announce proposals for data reforms across the UK financial sector

Prior Years Reports

Banking Union - 2019326 articles out of 326.

Banking Union - 2018374 articles out of 374.

Banking Union - 2017328 articles out of 328.

Banking Union - 2016259 articles out of 259.

Banking Union - 2015226 articles out of 226.

Banking Union - 2014266 articles out of 266.

Banking Union - 2013285 articles out of 285.

Banking Union - 2012267 articles out of 267.

Banking Union - 2011147 articles out of 147.

Banking Union - 2010138 articles out of 138.

Banking Union - 2009132 articles out of 132.

Banking Union - 2008123 articles out of 123.

Banking Union - 200747 articles out of 47.

Banking Union - 200620 articles out of 20.

Banking Union - 200519 articles out of 19.

Banking Union - 20045 articles out of 5.

Banking Union - 20033 articles out of 3.