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"A single banking system is the mirror image of a single money. As the vast majority of money is bank deposits, money can only be truly single if confidence in the safety of bank deposits is the same irrespective of the Member State in which a bank operates. This requires single bank supervision, single bank resolution and single deposit insurance."

Source: Five Presidents' Report "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union", 22 June 2015

Commission explanation of the need for banking union, and its structure here

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Banking Union - 2023113 articles out of 113.

2022 Banking Union
2022-12-21 EBA publishes final technical standards on the identification of a group of connected clients
2022-12-20 ECB's Enria and de Guindos: Are banks ready to weather rising interest rates?
2022-12-15 SSM: LSI supervision report 2022
2022-12-14 EBA consults on Guidelines on the overall recovery capacity in recovery planning
2022-12-07 NVB: Undesirable consequences of de-risking for customers and banks
2022-12-02 ECON Hearing: SSM's Andrea Enria
2022-11-30 CEPS: The evolving key risks in the banking sector, and related priorities for the SRB
2022-11-25 SSM's af Jochnik: Banking stability amid macroeconomic uncertainty
2022-11-23 GBIC comments on EBA draft RTS on groups of connected clients
2022-11-22 Bruegel: Completing Europe’s banking union: economic requirements and legal conditions
2022-11-15 EBA consults on Guidelines to institutions and resolution authorities on resolvability testing
2022-11-11 Enria, de Guindos, Campa: Strong rules, strong banks: let’s stick to our commitments
2022-11-07 SSM's Enria: Written overview ahead of the exchange of views of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB with the Eurogroup on 7 Novemb
2022-11-01 CEPR: How to get the European Banking Union unstuck
2022-10-27 The EBA sets examination programme priorities for prudential supervisors for 2023
2022-10-27 The EBA sets examination programme priorities for resolution authorities for 2023
2022-10-13 Banks exposed to downside risks as residential real estate markets get overheated, EBA Report finds
2022-10-12 EBA clarifies the status of several disclosure guidelines, and ensures continuous transparency of credit quality of exposure
2022-10-10 ECB: Real estate and financial stability
2022-10-06 Basel Committee publishes evaluation of buffer usability and cyclicality in its regulatory framework; issues newsletter on positive cycle-ne
2022-10-05 CEPR/Vox: Making the EU macroprudential framework fit for the next decade
2022-10-04 SSM's Enria: Better safe than sorry: banking supervision in the wake of exogenous shocks
2022-10-04 Daisy chains: Council adopted a revised bank resolution framework
2022-10-04 Basel Committee reports on Basel III implementation progress
2022-10-03 SRB: Guest blog - Westman: The Liikanen Report and the proposal for a resolution framework – 10 years on
2022-10-03 EBA assesses the market share of non-EU entities in the EU banking system and the dependency of EU banks on funding in foreign currencies
2022-09-30 Basel III capital ratios for largest global banks rose last year to the highest level since 2012, latest Basel III monitoring exercise shows
2022-09-28 EBA publishes Guidelines on transferability to support the resolvability assessment for transfer strategies
2022-09-23 SSM's Tuominen: The way towards banks’ good climate change risk management
2022-09-23 EBA launches 2022 EU-wide transparency exercise
2022-09-21 SRB holds its seventh annual conference – European banks: resolvable and ready for crisis?
2022-09-14 FSB seeks feedback on first experiences with the Framework for information from FMI intermediaries
2022-09-14 Eurofi Article by Elke König - Banking Union: CMDI can build further on solid ground
2022-09-13 SSM:Borsen Interview with Kerstin af Jochnick, Member of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, conducted by David Bentow
2022-09-12 GBIC Comments on RTS on groups of connected clients
2022-09-09 Consumer Credit Directive: BEUC recommendations for trilogue
2022-09-06 Benchmark Regulation – EU Commission’s consultation on third-country benchmarks
2022-09-02 BIS: Large exposures standard – Executive Summary
2022-09-02 ECB appoints five experts to re-evaluate annual supervisory review process
2022-08-02 EBF Response to the European Commission’s call for evidence on Open Finance
2022-07-20 SRB Chair, Elke König speech at the ECON Committee
2022-07-15 ESRB publishes EU Non-bank Financial Intermediation Risk Monitor 2022
2022-07-15 SRB publishes Resolvability Assessment and Heat-map
2022-07-06 EBA reports on the successful mitigation of possible infection risk stemming from legacy instruments
2022-07-01 SSM's Enria: Hearing at the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
2022-06-28 EBA observed an increasing encumbrance ratio in 2021 albeit with some signs of stabilisation
2022-06-24 Speech by Andrea Enria, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, at the SRB and ECB Joint Conference "The test of time: banking union a de
2022-06-24 ECB blog - Anneli Tuominen: Euro area banks’ resilience
2022-06-22 The SRB Blog: Euro area banks’ resilience
2022-06-15 SRB publishes updated guidance documents for bail-in operationalisation
2022-06-15 EBA highlights main achievements in 2021 in its Annual Report
2022-06-08 SRB responses to the European Commission’s targeted consultation on the evaluation of state aid rules for banks in difficulty
2022-06-03 SRB statement on EU Court judgments related to the Banco Popular Español resolution
2022-06-01 Reuters: EU court rejects complaints over Banco Popular rescue deal
2022-05-25 Commission: Targeted consultation on the regime applicable to the use of benchmarks administered in a third country
2022-05-17 EBA publishes peer review on management of non-performing exposures
2022-05-17 SSM's Enria: Of temples and trees: on the road to completing the European banking union
2022-05-11 EBA sees progress in the implementation of the supervisory review and evaluation process and of the supervisory priorities for 2021 but flag
2022-05-03 EBA publishes amended final draft technical standards on the mapping of ECAIs for securitisation positions
2022-04-29 ECB's Elderson: Mind the gap, close the gap – the ECB’s views on the banking package reforms
2022-04-07 FSB welcomes smooth transition from LIBOR
2022-04-04 SRB Bi-annual reporting note to Eurogroup (EG)
2022-04-01 EBA Risk Dashboard indicates limited direct impact on EU banks from the Russian invasion of Ukraine but also points to clear medium-term ris
2022-04-01 SSM's Andrea: Hearing at the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
2022-03-30 SSM/Bank of England: Financial leverage and banks’ risk controls
2022-03-30 SRB Chair, Elke König speech at the SRB Annual Press Breakfast
2022-03-18 WSBI-ESBG: European Commission review of EU macroprudential framework for banks
2022-03-16 SSM: Invasion of Ukraine: euro area banks so far resilient to a second exogenous shock
2022-03-14 SRB Chair, Elke König at the ECON Committee March 2022
2022-03-10 Reuters Analysis: Ukraine crisis leaves European banks' renaissance in tatters
2022-03-10 City A.M: Branch banking to be dead and gone in Europe by 2025, survey says
2022-03-02 SSM: Supervisory independence and accountability
2022-02-22 EBF/EACB/EAPB and ESBG Joint Conclusions from the cohosted “Access to better technology for (Supervisory) Reporting” workshop
2022-02-21 EBA updates methodology for assessing third country equivalence of regulatory and supervisory frameworks
2022-02-09 Implementing Basel III Remarks by Pablo Hernández de Cos, Chair of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and Governor of the Bank of S
2022-02-02 MEPs agree on changes to improve resolution framework for EU banks
2022-01-26 SRB:The public interest assessment and bank-insurance contagion
2022-01-21 EBA consults on draft Guidelines on remuneration and gender pay gap benchmarking exercise for banks and investment firms
2022-01-10 EBA: Asset quality has further improved, but cyber risk remains a source of concern for EU banks
2022-01-10 Priorities for 2022 – the SRB’s view

Prior Years Reports

Banking Union - 2021119 articles out of 119.

Banking Union - 2020187 articles out of 187.

Banking Union - 2019326 articles out of 326.

Banking Union - 2018374 articles out of 374.

Banking Union - 2017328 articles out of 328.

Banking Union - 2016259 articles out of 259.

Banking Union - 2015226 articles out of 226.

Banking Union - 2014266 articles out of 266.

Banking Union - 2013285 articles out of 285.

Banking Union - 2012267 articles out of 267.

Banking Union - 2011147 articles out of 147.

Banking Union - 2010138 articles out of 138.

Banking Union - 2009132 articles out of 132.

Banking Union - 2008123 articles out of 123.

Banking Union - 200747 articles out of 47.

Banking Union - 200620 articles out of 20.

Banking Union - 200519 articles out of 19.

Banking Union - 20045 articles out of 5.

Banking Union - 20033 articles out of 3.