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"A single banking system is the mirror image of a single money. As the vast majority of money is bank deposits, money can only be truly single if confidence in the safety of bank deposits is the same irrespective of the Member State in which a bank operates. This requires single bank supervision, single bank resolution and single deposit insurance."

Source: Five Presidents' Report "Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union", 22 June 2015

Commission explanation of the need for banking union, and its structure here

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Banking Union - 202280 articles out of 80.

Banking Union - 2021119 articles out of 119.

Banking Union - 2020187 articles out of 187.

Banking Union - 2019326 articles out of 326.

Banking Union - 2018374 articles out of 374.

Banking Union - 2017328 articles out of 328.

Banking Union - 2016259 articles out of 259.

Banking Union - 2015226 articles out of 226.

Banking Union - 2014266 articles out of 266.

Banking Union - 2013285 articles out of 285.

Banking Union - 2012267 articles out of 267.

2011 Banking Union
2011-12-28 Japan's Financial Services Agency and Bank of Japan comment on Volcker rule proposal
2011-12-21 VoxEU: A short guide to the EBA’s recapitalisation results
2011-12-21 Eurofinas: Exclusive report that contributes to greater understanding of consumer credit statistics existing at the European level
2011-12-20 Commission approved split-up of WestLB
2011-12-20 Commission approved second restructuring plan of Bank of Ireland
2011-12-20 Commissioner Almunia presented the Commission's decisions on WestLB and Bank of Ireland
2011-12-19 Government sets out plans to reform the structure of banking in the UK
2011-12-19 BoE Andrew Haldane: Accounting for bank uncertainty
2011-12-19 TheCityUK: Comment on HM Treasury response to ICB final report
2011-12-17 VoxEU: Deleveraging in the eurozone
2011-12-12 FSA Board publishes report into the failure of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
2011-12-12 BIS: Locational banking statistics
2011-12-12 BIS: Consolidated banking statistics
2011-12-09 BIS: Financial stability and risk disclosure
2011-12-09 EBF: European banks hopeful of more favourable circumstances
2011-12-09 Commission approved extension of Danish winding-up scheme for credit institutions
2011-12-08 Association of German Banks: Results of the stress test are arbitrary
2011-12-08 ABBL: Shouting things loudly does not make them true
2011-12-01 ABBL: Second impact assessment of the new liquidity rules for Luxembourg banks
2011-12-01 BIS: International Journal of Central Banking (IJCB) December 2011
2011-12-01 State aid: Commission scoreboard shows continued trend towards less and better-targeted aid
2011-12-01 BoE: Financial Stability Report December 2011
2011-12-01 FT: European banks face a dual burden
2011-11-30 IFC Bulletin No 34 - Initiatives to address data gaps revealed by the financial crisis
2011-11-30 Eurofinas: Report on consumer credit statistics workshop
2011-11-27 FT: Europe's banks feel funding freeze
2011-11-23 Vítor Constâncio: The future of the international monetary system
2011-11-22 State aid: Commission grants temporary approval to Spanish support for Banco de Valencia
2011-11-22 ECON Committee: MEPs debate credit rating agencies and bank recapitalisation with Almunia and Barnier
2011-11-22 ECON Committee: Exchange of views with Commissioner Barnier
2011-11-22 FT: Crisis hits central and eastern Europe
2011-11-18 EBIC encourages EC to accept its self-regulatory initiative on transparency and comparability of personal current account fees
2011-11-15 Andreas Dombret: Back home – making the G20 Summit commitments work
2011-11-14 Vítor Constâncio: A European solution for crisis management and bank resolution
2011-11-10 Peter Praet: The (changing) role of central banks in financial stability policies
2011-11-09 Deutsche Bundesbank/Weidmann: Managing macro-prudential and monetary policy – a challenge for central banks
2011-11-03 Mario Draghi: ECB press conference - introductory statement
2011-11-03 FBF: French banks will make every effort necessary to bolster their capital and continue to finance the economy
2011-10-27 FBF: French banks are ready to participate actively in the implementation of a lasting solution for the eurozone crisis
2011-10-27 European banks will help implement solutions
2011-10-25 VOX: 'The Future of Banking'
2011-10-24 Eurofinas: Sixth Consumer Market Scoreboard - the right priorities?
2011-10-20 Gillian Tett: Central bankers must update outdated analytical toolkit
2011-10-20 BIS: Locational banking statistics
2011-10-20 BIS: Consolidated banking statistics
2011-10-19 Commission confirms inspections in suspected cartel in the sector of euro interest rate derivatives
2011-10-19 BIS: How to cope with the too-big-to-fail problem?
2011-10-19 IMF: Making banks safer - can Volcker and Vickers do it?
2011-10-17 Commission temporarily approves rescue aid for Dexia Bank Belgium and opens in-depth investigation
2011-10-17 Eurofinas response to the European Commission consultation on the application of Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Commercial Practices
2011-10-17 EBA publishes follow-up review of banks' transparency in their 2010 Pillar 3 reports
2011-10-16 FT: Banks and insurers defend 'liquidity swaps'
2011-10-14 GFMA statement in advance of G20 Finance Ministers' meeting
2011-10-13 José Manuel González-Páramo: The conduct of monetary policy – lessons from the crisis and challenges for the coming years
2011-10-13 High time for coordinated European solution on sovereign debt, say European banks
2011-10-11 FBF says there is no solution without restoring confidence in the eurozone
2011-10-10 FT: Regulators stand up for new capital rules
2011-10-10 ECB Vice President Vítor Constâncio: Contagion and the European debt crisis
2011-10-10 WSBI/ESBG message to the G20 Leaders Summit
2011-10-10 ABBL: The Belgian, French and Luxembourg states provide strong support to Dexia in the implementation of the restructuring plan
2011-10-06 President Barroso: Commission is proposing to Member States a coordinated action to recapitalise banks
2011-10-05 BBC: What went wrong with Dexia
2011-10-05 FT: EU ministers examine bank aid plans
2011-10-04 Commissioner Almunia: The impact of the crisis on the state aid regime for banks
2011-09-30 BIS: Central banking post-crisis - What compass for uncharted waters?
2011-09-23 FT: EU to speed bank recapitalisation
2011-09-20 Commission approved restructuring of HSH Nordbank - subject to conditions
2011-09-19 BIS: Consolidated banking statistics
2011-09-19 BIS: Locational banking statistics
2011-09-16 Eurofinas: Response to the Financial Action Task Force's Review of the Standards
2011-09-15 Almunia proposes an extension of the existing State aid crisis regime for financial institutions beyond 2011
2011-09-14 Bloomberg: Risk piling up at ECB as European banks lose deposits
2011-09-14 Reuters: Moody's cuts French banks as euro crisis deepens
2011-09-12 ICB: Final Report - Recommendations
2011-08-23 OECD published report on bank competition and financial stability
2011-08-08 IMF published working paper on cross-border banking linkages
2011-08-08 IMF published paper on Capital Regulation and Tail Risk
2011-07-28 ECB published results of the July 2011 bank lending survey for the euro area
2011-07-26 BIS: Preliminary international banking statistics, Q1 2011
2011-07-25 EBA published two consultations outlining guidelines for data collection on bank remuneration practices
2011-07-21 FT: Global banks scored on capital requirements
2011-07-18 Commission approves restructuring plan of Hypo Real Estate (HRE) and clears the aid
2011-07-18 Commission recommends access to basic and affordable bank accounts for all citizens
2011-07-18 EU to decide in autumn on new bank state aid rules
2011-07-17 FT: Spain and Italy top results in stress tests
2011-07-15 IMF statement on the European banks stress tests
2011-07-15 Commissioners Barnier and Rehn statement on the publication of EBA's stress test results
2011-07-15 EBF statement on stress tests
2011-07-15 EBA published results of the 2011 EU-wide stress test
2011-07-13 FT: EU States working on 'backstops' for banks
2011-07-13 FT: French banks in Italy
2011-07-12 ECON committee published a study on the impact of CRD IV
2011-07-06 BIS published report on the progress so far on bank resolution policies and frameworks
2011-07-05 Moody's says 26 banks may need stress test support
2011-06-29 Commission approves resolution of Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide Building Society
2011-06-29 EBA Chairman: The future of EU regulation
2011-06-28 Reuters: Up to 15 EU banks to fail stress test
2011-06-26 BIS invites new banks to join
2011-06-17 Almunia: Competition policy beyond the banking crisis
2011-06-15 French bank ratings under review
2011-06-06 FT: German regulator attacks EBA stress tests
2011-06-02 WSJ: EBA postpones publication of bank stress test results
2011-06-01 Commission authorises extension of bank support schemes in Ireland and Spain
2011-05-30 FT: Britain’s banking reforms must not fall short
2011-05-26 Global liquidity: A view from Basel
2011-05-23 Commission approves restructuring plan of Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE)
2011-05-12 ECB Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell: Transformation of the banking business and its impact on retail payments
2011-05-11 ECON committee chairwoman comments on new bank stress tests
2011-05-10 Bank stress tests: EPP Group wants more clarity on upcoming tests
2011-05-09 IIF proposes approaches to bail-in and resolution planning
2011-05-03 ECON committee: Public hearing with Mervyn King and Andrea Enria, Vice-Chairs of the ESRB
2011-05-02 BIS Paper: The bank lending channel - Lessons from the crisis
2011-04-26 IMF published working paper on balance sheet stress testing
2011-04-20 EBF President Christian Clausen: The challenges imposed on many banks by Basel III obligations are significant
2011-04-12 IIF: Banks continue to implement risk management reforms following the crisis
2011-04-11 AFME comment on the interim report from the ICB
2011-04-11 UK ICB: Interim report and consultation on reform options
2011-04-08 EBA announces the benchmark to be used in the 2011 EU-wide stress test
2011-04-08 EBF warns that new financial reforms should not endanger European economies
2011-04-06 State Aid: Commission approves restructuring of ABN AMRO Group, subject to conditions
2011-04-05 CEPS Senior Fellow calls for retail financial market integration in Europe
2011-04-04 EBA publishes details of stress test scenarios and methodology
2011-04-01 EC, ECB and IMF welcomed the Irish authorities’ banking system announcements
2011-03-31 State aid: Commission approves Austrian State support for the restructuring of Kommunalkredit
2011-03-30 ECB Bini Smaghi: Banking supervision and corporate governance in the European architecture
2011-03-30 FINMA published circular on capital buffers and capital planning
2011-03-27 Deutsche Bank Dr Josef Ackermann: Drawing up lists of SIFIs would be conceptually wrong
2011-03-23 Commissioner Almunia: The application of competition rules to the financial sector
2011-03-20 Association of German Banks on new bank stress test
2011-03-18 The EBA published details of its stress test scenarios and methodology
2011-03-14 IMF working paper: 'Subsidiaries or Branches: Does One Size Fit All?'
2011-03-11 Bank of Spain informed that 12 banks must increase their capital to comply with the Royal Decree-Law
2011-03-11 FT: European banks' stress test criteria is softened
2011-03-09 Mervyn King: Banks putting profits before customers
2011-03-02 EBA completes its top management structure and reaches agreement on the next steps of its EU-wide stress test exercise
2011-02-22 FT: New EU bank stress test rules out soon
2011-02-17 EBF published position paper on systemic risk
2011-02-16 Competition Commissioner Almunia: Proposal submitted by the German federal government on the restructuring of WestLB
2011-02-16 CEPS warns that Basel III is too complex
2011-02-15 BCBS Report: A critical survey of the literature on the transmission channels between the financial and real sectors
2011-02-15 EBA Chairman: EU banks to get single rulebook
2011-02-09 Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide assets to be auctioned
2011-02-08 UK Treasury: Bank levy rates to be increased, raising £800m more in 2011
2011-01-25 Commission published summary of responses to the public consultation on access to a basic payment account
2011-01-18 The EBA elected its decision-making bodies and prepares new EU-wide stress test
2011-01-18 EBF position on personal data protection in the European Union
2011-01-18 European Banking Federation: EU Crisis Management Framework is top priority for 2011

Prior Years Reports

Banking Union - 2010138 articles out of 138.

Banking Union - 2009132 articles out of 132.

Banking Union - 2008123 articles out of 123.

Banking Union - 200747 articles out of 47.

Banking Union - 200620 articles out of 20.

Banking Union - 200519 articles out of 19.

Banking Union - 20045 articles out of 5.

Banking Union - 20033 articles out of 3.