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ESMA Guideline: 17/18. Firms should ensure that staff giving information/investment advice about investment products, investment services or ancillary services that are available through the firm have the necessary knowledge and competence to (V II/III e) understand the impact of economic figures, national/regional/global events on markets and on the value of investment products...

This part of our service is designed to provide an overview of the principal economic events at EU/EZ level and NOT be a substitute for economic research forecasting the impact on financial markets.


Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance

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2022 Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance
2022-11-30 Special report 26/2022: European statistics – Potential to further improve quality
2022-11-22 Questions and answers on the 2023 European Semester: Autumn Package
2022-11-22 Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis, Commissioner Gentiloni and Commissioner Schmit at the press conference of the 2023 European
2022-11-11 Commission: Autumn 2022 Economic Forecast: The EU economy at a turning point
2022-11-10 Council adopted conclusions on statistics
2022-06-15 Project Syndicate's Fuest: Don’t Raise the Eurozone’s Public-Debt Limit
2022-06-02 Parliament: National recovery plans should boost resilience, autonomy and social protection
2022-05-16 Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni at the Spring 2022 Economic Forecast press conference
2022-05-03 Recovery fund: ministers welcome assessment of national plans for Bulgaria and Sweden
2022-04-27 European Commission: Fiscal Sustainability Report 2021
2022-04-01 CEPS: Fiscal rules and the macroeconomic constraint
2022-03-14 Eurogroup statement on the fiscal guidance for 2023
2022-03-08 ECON: Recovery and Resilience tools to support EU countries through the Ukraine crisis
2022-03-02 European Commission: Towards a green, digital and resilient economy: our European Growth Model
2022-03-02 Commission presents fiscal policy guidance for 2023
2022-03-02 NextGenerationEU: First annual report on the Recovery and Resilience Facility finds implementation is well underway
2022-02-09 POLITICO: Good news for France and Italy as Brussels looks to keep debt rules on ice in 2023
2022-02-07 ECON: Economic Dialogue with the European Commission on EU Fiscal Surveillance
2022-02-01 Jacques Delors Centre: How to make the marriage work: Wedding the Recovery and Resilience Facility and European Semester
2022-01-31 SUERF: Pledge or pretext? Lessons from the Fiscal Compact
2022-01-26 SUERF: Choosing the European fiscal rule
2022-01-15 Vox: Revising the European fiscal framework, part 2: Debt management
2022-01-14 Vox: Revising the European fiscal framework, part 1: Rules

Prior Years Reports