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Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance

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2011 Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance
2011-12-21 FT: Demand for ECB loans rises to €489 billion
2011-12-20 FT: Strong take-up of ECB loans expected
2011-12-19 Graham Mather: A look at the new Treaty Draft "International Agreement on a Reinforced Economic Union"
2011-12-19 ECB exposure to struggling eurozone economies has surged by 50 per cent in six months
2011-12-19 ECB Financial Stability Review – December 2011
2011-12-19 ECON Committee: Deeper economic governance and credit ratings dominated debate with ECB President Draghi
2011-12-19 Mario Draghi: Hearing at the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2011-12-18 FT: Draghi warns on eurozone break-up
2011-12-18 Bloomberg: EU ministers seek crisis IMF funding deal
2011-12-16 IMA: UK investors wary of eurozone debt crisis
2011-12-16 ECB announces two one-day liquidity-providing fine-tuning operations
2011-12-16 FT: False assumptions underpinned British strategy
2011-12-15 FT: Doubts over ECB move to boost bond sales
2011-12-15 Mario Draghi: The euro, monetary policy and the design of a fiscal compact
2011-12-15 EP delegation joins working group drafting new intergovernmental agreement
2011-12-14 FT: Eurozone set for fiscal union, says Merkel
2011-12-14 WSJ: Legal problems seen for EU deal
2011-12-14 Nils Bernstein: The European debt crisis – from a Danish perspective
2011-12-13 FT: Barroso sides with Cameron’s critics
2011-12-13 FT: Debate over role of ECB hits wrong note
2011-12-13 FT: EU treaty hopes come under strain
2011-12-13 Bloomberg: Monti says changes to austerity plan will boost fairness
2011-12-12 EU Economic Governance "Six-Pack" enters into force
2011-12-12 EBA Enria: The crisis has reached a systemic level
2011-12-12 BIS December 2011 Quarterly Review discusses global market repercussions of euro area sovereign debt crisis
2011-12-09 Statement by the euro area heads of state or government
2011-12-09 President Barroso: Statement at the press conference following the first day of the European Council
2011-12-09 Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, following the first session of the European Council
2011-12-09 EU to channel €200 billion to IMF to strengthen global safety net
2011-12-08 WSJ: Eyes turn to German-Italian duo
2011-12-08 Vítor Constâncio: Challenges to monetary policy in 2012
2011-12-07 Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy's letter to Herman Van Rompuy
2011-12-06 AFME's proposals for common eurozone sovereign issuance
2011-12-06 Barroso's interview with Die Welt on the Treaty change
2011-12-06 Reuters: S&P piles pressure on EU budget plan
2011-12-05 OECD’s Gurría welcomes Italian government measures to strengthen public finances
2011-12-05 Reuters: ECB's Orphanides claims Greek haircut was a "terrible mistake"
2011-12-05 FT: Monti cabinet agrees Italy austerity plans
2011-12-05 FT: France and Germany agree on new rules
2011-12-02 Citywire: Merkel's fiscal union - is a short-term eurobond a long-term answer? (feat. ELEC proposal)
2011-12-02 WSJ: A euro crisis deal emerges
2011-12-02 Jürgen Stark: Economic situation and fiscal challenges
2011-12-01 Mario Draghi: Hearing before the Plenary of the European Parliament
2011-12-01 Bloomberg: Franco-German push for budget policing meets resistance
2011-11-30 Coordinated central bank action to address pressures in global money markets
2011-11-30 Speech by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, at the Annual Conference of EU Ambassadors
2011-11-30 Pooling excess eurozone debt could be the euro's survival route
2011-11-29 WSJ: European nations pressure own banks for loans
2011-11-29 John Murray: With a little help from your friends - the virtues of global economic coordination
2011-11-28 WSJ: Europe's leaders pursue new Pact
2011-11-28 FT: Germany told to act to save Europe
2011-11-25 José Manuel González-Páramo: Sovereign contagion in Europe
2011-11-24 WSJ: German bond sale spurs worries
2011-11-24 Reuters: Sarkozy, Merkel agree to stop sniping on ECB crisis
2011-11-24 FT: France pushes hard on ECB intervention
2011-11-23 WSJ: Pressure on Merkel amplifies
2011-11-23 Reuters: Merkel backs ECB, warns on Greek aid tranche
2011-11-23 FT: Barroso warns fate of the euro at stake
2011-11-23 Economic governance: Commission proposes two new Regulations to strengthen budgetary surveillance in the euro area further
2011-11-22 Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, following the meeting with Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti
2011-11-21 FSA Turner: Debt and deleveraging - long-term and short-term challenges
2011-11-18 Eurozone crisis: Cameron and Merkel stress unity
2011-11-17 WSJ: Italian premier appoints emergency government
2011-11-16 Reuters: Barroso says eurozone must integrate to survive
2011-11-16 France, Germany clash over ECB role to stem crisis
2011-11-16 Telegraph: Sir Mervyn King says ECB is right not to bail out eurozone
2011-11-16 FT: ECB under strain as political masters bicker
2011-11-14 Bloomberg: Merkel urges EU overhaul with closer union
2011-11-14 Spiegel: Merkel eyes constitution revamp to boost EU powers
2011-11-14 David Cameron: Leaving the EU is not in our national interest
2011-11-14 Christian Noyer: Europe - a financial crisis, not a monetary one
2011-11-13 Statement by Van Rompuy and Barroso on Mario Monti
2011-11-13 FT: Bundesbank warns against intervention
2011-11-13 Guardian: Barroso tells Europe we must advance together or face decline
2011-11-12 WSJ: Budget bill hastens Berlusconi exit date
2011-11-11 IPE: Krugman says ECB must become lender of last resort
2011-11-11 European Council President Van Rompuy visits Italy
2011-11-11 Bloomberg: Silva says ECB as last-resort lender will end crisis
2011-11-10 European Commission Economic Forecast - Autumn 2011
2011-11-10 Bloomberg: Italy's Senate speeds austerity vote
2011-11-09 German Council of Economic Experts Annual Report: "Assume responsibility for Europe"
2011-11-08 FT: Berlusconi pledges to step down
2011-11-07 Presseurop: Technocracy is no way to go
2011-11-04 EMG: EU Treaty has no provision for a country leaving the eurozone
2011-11-04 José Manuel González-Páramo: The ECB and the sovereign debt crisis
2011-11-03 Finance minister Schäuble: 'Germany does not want to rule Europe'
2011-11-03 FT: Draghi launches ECB term with rate cut
2011-10-31 Reuters: Draghi over-interpreted on bond buys, says Trichet
2011-10-27 Speech by President Barroso: Briefing on the conclusions of the European Council of 23 and 26 October 2011
2011-10-27 FT: EU reaches deal on Greek bonds
2011-10-26 WSJ: Berlusconi cuts a deal for pension overhaul
2011-10-25 Bloomberg: Trichet urges a euro area finance ministry
2011-10-25 Reuters: Italy keeps EU waiting on eve of crucial summit
2011-10-25 FT: Italian government on brink of collapse
2011-10-24 Jean-Claude Trichet: Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - a vision for Europe
2011-10-24 Yves Mersch: Current challenges in the sovereign debt crisis
2011-10-23 FT: Banks must find €108 billion in new capital
2011-10-23 FT: Pressure on Italy in eurozone struggle
2011-10-21 Jean-Claude Trichet: Towards a more integrated Europe - challenges ahead for the euro area and Central and Eastern Europe
2011-10-21 Sharon Bowles MEP: European leaders are on borrowed time to save the euro
2011-10-20 ECB published occasional paper: ‘The Size and Composition of Government Debt in the Euro Area’
2011-10-19 Reuters: Spain downgrade ups pressure on EU to act
2011-10-18 Bloomberg: France risks losing top grade on bailout fund
2011-10-17 Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: The European debt crisis
2011-10-16 FT: Pressure grows for more Europe
2011-10-13 FT: ECB warns against private role in bailouts
2011-10-12 Jürgen Stark: Economic adjustment in a monetary union
2011-10-12 Verhofstadt insists on a single European bank recapitalisation plan
2011-10-11 FT: Trichet warns of ‘systemic’ phase of crisis
2011-10-10 ECON Committee briefing paper: How effective and legitimate is the European Semester?
2011-10-10 WSJ: Merkel and Sarkozy say a deal is near
2011-10-09 FT: ‘Time short’ for eurozone, says Cameron
2011-10-09 FT: Save Europe's unity now
2011-10-08 WSJ: Spain and Italy hit by downgrades
2011-10-06 FT: ECB boosts liquidity and holds rates
2011-10-05 IMF: Implementation of strong action needed to restore growth in Europe
2011-10-04 Moody's downgrades Italy's government bond ratings to A2 with a negative outlook
2011-09-28 FT: Split opens over Greek bail-out terms
2011-09-28 FT: Greece creditors in bail-out backlash
2011-09-28 WSJ: Finland backs boost to bailout fund
2011-09-28 UK Foreign Secretary Hague: "The euro is a burning building with no exit"
2011-09-27 Bloomberg: Geithner to Europe - Get on with crisis response
2011-09-26 WSJ: Europe split on rescue plan
2011-09-26 Reuters: Under fire, Europe works to bolster debt crisis fund
2011-09-26 FT: Europe thinks the unthinkable to solve crisis
2011-09-25 Wolfgang Münchau: Zero hour for the euro
2011-09-24 IMF members vow to confront crisis, prevent escalation
2011-09-23 Bloomberg: G20 vows to tackle renewed global risks
2011-09-23 Reuters: ECB's Knot admits to chance of Greece defaulting
2011-09-23 Duvvuri Subbarao: US recession anxiety and the eurozone sovereign debt crisis
2011-09-23 British Chancellor of Exchequer Osborne: Six weeks to save the euro
2011-09-22 G20 Communiqué after meeting in Washington
2011-09-21 Bloomberg: Barroso says eurobonds should not be ruled out
2011-09-21 Reuters: Greece sharpens austerity measures
2011-09-21 European Systemic Risk Board meeting
2011-09-21 FT: Troika makes good progress on Greece
2011-09-20 FT: Italy plans reforms to rebuild growth
2011-09-20 IMF publishes working paper 'Growth spillover dynamics from crisis to recovery'
2011-09-20 WSJ: Should busted Greece stay in eurozone?
2011-09-20 Bloomberg: S&P cuts Italy rating on weak growth outlook
2011-09-19 FT: Greece should default and abandon the euro
2011-09-19 IMF and World Bank: Weak global economy tops agenda for policymakers
2011-09-19 BIS September 2011 Quarterly Review traces back recent turbulence in financial markets to weaker growth expectations
2011-09-19 WSJ: Greece seeks further cuts
2011-09-19 José Manuel González-Páramo - Monetary and fiscal policies in times of crisis
2011-09-19 FT: Lenders harden their stance on Athens
2011-09-18 Reuters: EU finance ministers take stock of progress on debt crisis
2011-09-16 FT: Mood improves as eurozone tensions ease
2011-09-16 FT: Finland sees end to Greek collateral problem
2011-09-16 EBF: European banks urge governments to commit to budgetary discipline
2011-09-15 Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: Policy rules and institutions in times of crisis
2011-09-15 FT: Central banks act to help Europe lenders
2011-09-15 Lagarde urges collective action to restore confidence
2011-09-15 WSJ: Merkel, Sarkozy say Greece belongs in currency bloc
2011-09-14 A euro without Germany? Don’t bet against it
2011-09-14 IMF chief urges focus on riskier EU debt
2011-09-14 Bloomberg: Geithner takes tougher tone on Europe
2011-09-14 World Bank Zoellick: Time for muddling through is over, all need to be responsible stakeholders now
2011-09-14 FT: Wen sets preconditions to help Europe
2011-09-14 Reuters: EU warned of credit crunch
2011-09-13 FT: Merkel bids to quash Greece default talk
2011-09-13 WSJ: Greece's efforts fail to calm
2011-09-13 Bloomberg: Merkel says uncontrolled Greek insolvency must be avoided
2011-09-13 Jens Weidmann: The crisis as a challenge for the euro area
2011-09-12 WSJ: Support grows for new EU Treaty to boost fiscal ties in eurozone
2011-09-12 IMF completes first review under an EFF with Portugal and approves €3.98 billion disbursement
2011-09-12 Statement by Herman van Rompuy following his meeting with Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland
2011-09-12 EC 2011 Report on Public Finances: The sustainability of the public finances is the key policy concern in the wake of the crisis
2011-09-12 FT: Italy turns to China for help in debt crisis
2011-09-12 FN: Default swaps could boost EFSF funding efforts
2011-09-11 Wolfgang Münchau: Stop rejoicing - this was no victory for the eurozone
2011-09-11 Reuters: Stark ECB exit hits shaky eurozone at worst time
2011-09-11 FT: Germany rewrites its contract with ECB
2011-09-10 FT: Lagarde softens stance on EU banks
2011-09-09 WSJ: ECB opens door to shift on rates
2011-09-08 WSJ: Italian austerity plan clears Senate hurdle
2011-09-08 Geithner: What the world must do to boost growth
2011-09-08 OECD says economic growth perspectives weakening as recovery slows
2011-09-08 Madrid and Rome – two sorts of crisis
2011-09-08 Julie Chon: G7 faces three-front battle against contagion
2011-09-07 FT: German court upholds eurozone rescue
2011-09-07 Ruling of German Constitutional Court on euro rescue package
2011-09-07 FT: Dutch PM calls for Europe budget tsar
2011-09-07 FT: Expulsion from the eurozone has to be the final penalty
2011-09-07 Statement of the European Commission on new fiscal measures announced by Italian Government
2011-09-07 Commissioner Olli Rehn: Overcoming the economic crisis in Greece and Europe
2011-09-07 President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy welcomes today's judgement by the German Federal Constitutional Court
2011-09-07 President Herman Van Rompuy: "Beyond the crisis - lessons for the future of the eurozone"
2011-09-06 WSJ: Italian minister gives austerity assurance
2011-09-06 FT: Italian debt markets break losing streak
2011-09-06 FT: Italy makes last-minute budget U-turn
2011-09-06 FT: We must listen to what bond markets tell us
2011-09-06 Reuters: Wall Street down on Europe; bear market fears grow
2011-09-05 NY Times: Europeans talk of sharp change in fiscal affairs
2011-09-05 Statement by Herman Van Rompuy following his meeting with Jyrki Katainen, Prime Minister of Finland
2011-09-05 FT: Fears rise again over Europe debt crisis
2011-09-05 FT: Why austerity is only cure for the eurozone
2011-09-03 Reuters: Eurobond would get weakest member's rating
2011-09-03 WSJ: Spain is closer to controls on budget
2011-09-03 FT: Trichet keeps pressure on Italy over budget targets
2011-09-02 German ‘bad bank’ in Greek debt swap
2011-09-02 Spiegel: Schäuble pushes for new EU Treaty
2011-09-02 IMF completes third review under the extended arrangement with Ireland
2011-09-02 Statement by the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF on the Fifth Review Mission to Greece
2011-09-02 WSJ: Greece forecasts problems with budget-deficit goals
2011-08-31 FN: EFSF yields hint at investor worries
2011-08-31 CII Thinkpiece 61: 'Back to Basics - Rethinking Risk Management and Regulation in a Post-Crisis World'
2011-08-31 Barroso's statement on priorities for the autumn
2011-08-30 Eurozone special meeting: Time to pull together to defy the crisis
2011-08-30 WSJ: German debate on bailout fund is test for Merkel
2011-08-29 ECON Committee: Debate with Commissioner Olli Rehn
2011-08-29 ECON Committee: Debate with Trichet on the latest developments in the eurozone debt crisis
2011-08-29 Merkel to voters: Germany will emerge stronger
2011-08-28 NY Times: Finland could upend fragile consensus on Greece
2011-08-27 WSJ: Spain cements deficit-cap deal
2011-08-27 IMF Lagarde: Global risks are rising, but there is a path to recovery
2011-08-27 FT: Cyprus approves emergency fiscal package
2011-08-26 Presseurop: Helmut Kohl lectures Merkel
2011-08-25 European Central Bank swap line agreement
2011-08-24 WSJ: Eurozone weighs new plan on Greek bail-out collateral
2011-08-24 Bloomberg: Sarkozy defends debt rating with pre-election tax on wealthy
2011-08-24 FT: German president says ECB bond-buying illegal
2011-08-22 FN: Political mastery rules central bankers
2011-08-22 FT: Greco-Finnish deal reopens bail-out debate
2011-08-22 FT: A bigger, bolder fund can stop the next crash
2011-08-21 FT: Rehn rejects option to lead Finland
2011-08-21 FT: Merkel defies pressure on debt crisis
2011-08-20 Bloomberg: Van Rompuy opposes common bonds until euro region budgets converge further
2011-08-18 WSJ: France, Germany push for sanctions
2011-08-18 WSJ: Fed eyes European banks
2011-08-18 FT: France backs down on short selling loophole
2011-08-18 FT: Greek rescue package faces further hurdles
2011-08-17 FN: Industry unites against 'dishonest' transaction tax
2011-08-17 Joint Merkel and Sarkozy letter to Van Rompuy
2011-08-17 Sharon Bowles MEP comments on the eurozone debt crisis
2011-08-17 Paul N Goldschmidt: The Franco-German summit - Vague communiqué, worrying explanations!
2011-08-16 FT: France and Germany plan joint taxation
2011-08-16 WSJ: Eurobond debate rises in Germany, France - Controversial idea gains attention as crisis efforts fall short
2011-08-16 FT: Sharp fall in German economic growth
2011-08-16 FT: Europe need not wait for Germany
2011-08-16 Statement by President Barroso and Commissioner Rehn on today's proposals by President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel
2011-08-16 IMF Christine Lagarde: Don’t let fiscal brakes stall global recovery
2011-08-15 WSJ: Italy cuts criticised by unions
2011-08-15 FT: Germany and France rule out eurobonds
2011-08-14 FT: Three steps to resolving the eurozone crisis
2011-08-13 Italy, UK press case for deeper eurozone fiscal ties
2011-08-13 WSJ: Italy unveils measures to balance budget
2011-08-13 WSJ: Global crisis of confidence
2011-08-13 President Van Rompuy welcomes the rigorous financial measures adopted by the Italian Prime Minister and his Government
2011-08-12 Statement by the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF on the first review mission to Portugal
2011-08-12 FT: Central banks - Two against the world
2011-08-11 FT: European quartet bans short selling
2011-08-11 Bloomberg: EU heads for eurobond clash over fiscal union
2011-08-10 FT: Focus of eurozone crisis turns to France
2011-08-09 WSJ: ECB puts pressure on Italy
2011-08-09 ECB Trichet: Italian, Spanish bond purchases not a shift in ECB strategy
2011-08-09 FT: Merkel faces revolt over eurozone deal
2011-08-08 Guardian: Financial crisis - full force of US downgrade is felt around the world
2011-08-08 WSJ: ECB moves to prop up Italy, Spain
2011-08-08 Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
2011-08-08 Van Rompuy welcomes the decisions taken to strengthen fiscal discipline and growth
2011-08-08 FT: Italy and Spain respond to ECB treatment – relief for Rome and Madrid but for how long?
2011-08-07 Statement by the President of the ECB
2011-08-07 WSJ: Sarkozy and Merkel stress commitment to bailout moves
2011-08-05 Commissioner Rehn: Ongoing developments in the eurozone
2011-08-05 S&P: US long-term rating lowered to 'AA+'
2011-08-04 ECB announces details of refinancing operations
2011-08-03 Statement by President Barroso on the euro area sovereign bond markets
2011-08-03 President Barroso: Letter to members of European Council
2011-08-01 European Commission: Increasing co-financing rates for EU funds - boosting European economic recovery
2011-08-01 Herman van Rompuy: A summer of discontent?
2011-07-31 FT: Lagarde warns Europe to speak with one voice
2011-07-29 IMF: Spain to keep up reform momentum
2011-07-28 WSJ: Warnings feed Europe debt fears
2011-07-28 Bloomberg: The euro crisis - big rescue, big doubts
2011-07-27 FT: Moody’s downgrades Cyprus bonds
2011-07-27 IMF's comments on France: Good progress but credibility needs to be cemented
2011-07-27 Jean-Claude Trichet: The euro is not in question - it is solid, strong and credible
2011-07-24 FT: Major banks hesitate to commit to Greek package
2011-07-22 Sharon Bowles: Fire fighting summit goes in right direction but long-term eurozone health needs more
2011-07-22 ECB published report on review of the international role of the euro
2011-07-22 IMF welcomed agreement to tackle eurozone crisis
2011-07-21 President Barroso’s statement on the euro area summit: "We needed a credible package: we have a credible package"
2011-07-21 Greece Financing Offer: Statement by the IIF board of directors
2011-07-21 Eurozone summit statement by the Heads of State or Government of the euro area and EU institutions
2011-07-20 Bruegel published an action plan for the European Leaders
2011-07-20 President Barroso's statement ahead of the EU summit on the eurozone debt crisis
2011-07-20 FT: Bank tax proposed to help Greece bail-out
2011-07-20 WSJ: In defence of the ECB
2011-07-20 Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: Avoiding the next eurozone crisis - how to build an EU that works
2011-07-19 FT: Eurozone - an elusive debt resolution
2011-07-19 IMF: The solution is more, not less Europe
2011-07-15 IMF: Greek reform agenda is essential for growth
2011-07-14 Bruegel: Will it take a Lagarde to steer the IMF away from Europe?
2011-07-13 Quarterly report on the euro area: The European Semester helps to tackle the ongoing debt crisis
2011-07-13 WSJ: Euro solution is at hand - with a little courage
2011-07-12 ECOFIN Council conclusions on fiscal surveillance
2011-07-12 Moody's cuts Irish debt rating to junk status
2011-07-11 CGFS: The impact of sovereign credit risk on bank funding conditions
2011-07-11 Statement by the Eurogroup: Greece must sustain its ongoing efforts to meet its commitments towards fiscal sustainability
2011-07-11 FT: Why banks and supervisors must act now
2011-07-11 Bruegel: Fledgling referee of systemic risk
2011-07-10 Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: European democracies and decision-making in times of crisis
2011-07-07 Banks struggle to agree Greek aid plan in Rome talks
2011-07-06 Rehn: The EC has agreed to table a report on the feasibility of eurosecurities towards the end of the year
2011-07-06 European Commission criticised credit ratings agencies
2011-07-06 FT: Trichet seeks way out of dilemma
2011-07-06 Lagarde: IMF must continue to adapt
2011-07-04 Paul N Goldschmidt: The Greek rescue - a first useful step
2011-07-04 ACCA: IFRS is adequate and fit for purpose
2011-07-01 IIF: The private financial community is ready to engage in a voluntary, cooperative, transparent and broad-based effort to support Greece
2011-06-30 EU relieved as Greece says 'yes' to austerity
2011-06-30 Greek Government survived first vote, heads for second
2011-06-29 Commission released 'Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) - Q&As'
2011-06-28 Bank of England has 'Greek default contingency plan'
2011-06-28 Olli Rehn on Greece: One crucial challenge is to fight tax evasion
2011-06-28 Bruegel: A summer to-do list for European leaders
2011-06-27 CER Essay, Simon Tilford: Germany's brief moment in the sun
2011-06-24 European Council urged Greece to finalise key laws on fiscal strategy and privatisation
2011-06-23 Summary of the plenary session debate on economic governance
2011-06-23 FT: Europe's return to Westphalia
2011-06-23 Parliament seals its position ahead of European Council on Economic Governance
2011-06-22 Commissioner Rehn: The Commission will work until the last minute to achieve a satisfactory solution on economic governance
2011-06-22 European Parliament opinion poll shows public support for tax on financial transactions
2011-06-21 Economic Governance Package of six proposals: Council offers compromise to Parliament
2011-06-21 ECON committee: Finance ministers have not moved enough for good economic governance
2011-06-20 IMF: Europe needs greater economic integration
2011-06-20 Eurogroup statement: Greece is unlikely to regain private market access by early 2012
2011-06-20 President Barroso met Greek Prime Minister Papandreou
2011-06-14 WSJ: Banks are Greece's Achilles' heel
2011-06-14 Nicolas Véron: Markets, politics and the euro
2011-06-14 Eurozone ministers struggled to agree on new aid for Greece
2011-06-14 ECON committee: Economic governance package explained
2011-06-11 Paul N Goldschmidt: Systemic Risk Prevention
2011-06-10 ECB Vice-President Constâncio: The governance of financial stability in the euro area
2011-06-10 ECB Jean-Claude Trichet: Two continents compared
2011-06-09 Kathimerini: Trichet rules out any form of restructuring of Greek debt
2011-06-08 German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble: Greece needs more aid
2011-06-08 Barroso met with Mr Andonis Samaras, leader of the main Greek opposition party
2011-06-08 FT: Obama fears Greece default
2011-06-07 Barroso on the EU semester: Achieving the goals we have set will mean making hard choices
2011-06-07 ECON committee: Juncker and Rehn discussed today's and tomorrow's eurozone
2011-06-07 Hungarian Presidency made final push on key economic governance ingredient
2011-06-07 European Semester: Commission presents 2011 country-specific recommendations
2011-06-03 Statement by European Commission, ECB and IMF on the fourth review mission to Greece
2011-06-03 Commissioner Rehn on Greece: The EC and the Member States are ready to reinforce their assistance
2011-06-01 Commissioner Rehn: The current stage of the crisis is a combination of a sovereign debt crisis and banking sector fragilities
2011-05-31 ECMI report: A torrent of mortgage defaults - a possible effect of the eurozone debt crisis
2011-05-31 The Commission published a note explaining the EU economic governance: A major step forwards
2011-05-31 FT: Intolerable choices for the eurozone
2011-05-30 FT: Lagarde lobbies for IMF support
2011-05-30 ECR Group: “More Europe” is not the answer to preventing an economic crisis
2011-05-29 FT: Greece set for severe bail-out conditions
2011-05-27 CRIS committee: Invest more at EU level to counter crises
2011-05-20 IMF: Economic policy cooperation vital to global recovery
2011-05-20 IMF: Wider plan needed to address Ireland's problems
2011-05-19 Angela Merkel backs a European candidate to head the IMF
2011-05-19 EU and EFSF funding plans to provide financial assistance for Portugal and Ireland
2011-05-18 ECOFIN Council: Nomination of the president of the ECB
2011-05-18 Barroso: Debt restructuring could never be an alternative to the painful adjustments that need to be implemented
2011-05-17 ECOFIN Council conclusions: Agreement on short selling and CDS reached
2011-05-17 FN: Fund managers fear eurozone crisis
2011-05-16 Eurogroup and ECOFIN Ministers agreed to grant financial assistance to Portugal
2011-05-12 EP Plenary session: Differing views on the road out of the debt crisis
2011-05-12 Finnish parties agree to support bail-out for Portugal
2011-05-12 IMF calls for strengthened policy response, stronger financial integration to bolster Europe's recovery
2011-05-11 FT: Too early for new Greece talks, says Commissioner Olli Rehn
2011-05-10 Kathimerini: Greece denies new loan deal is on its way
2011-05-05 Statement on Portugal by Commissioner Olli Rehn and IMF's Dominique Strauss-Kahn
2011-05-04 Bruegel: French public finances - time for change
2011-04-26 Economic governance: MEPs demand tougher sanctions for excessive deficits
2011-04-20 ECON committee: Smarter and tougher economic governance dominates key committee votes
2011-04-18 S&P assigns a "negative" outlook on US credit rating
2011-04-18 Statement of US Treasury's Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets on US credit ratings
2011-04-17 Wolfgang Münchau: Europe’s long road of tears to fiscal union
2011-04-15 Statement by the European Commission, ECB and IMF on the first quarterly review mission to Ireland
2011-04-12 IMF: Governments need to tackle fiscal risks
2011-04-12 Van Rompuy’s speech: "Greece and Europe: building a better future in difficult times"
2011-04-12 Bruegel: Debt default by EU governments?
2011-04-11 ECOFIN: Portugal requires financial support, preparing for the stress tests, financial regulation
2011-04-11 IMF: Despite new risks, global recovery seen gaining strength
2011-04-10 Iceland rejected debt deal to repay UK and the Netherlands
2011-04-07 ACCA: New lessons need to be learned from the financial crisis
2011-04-07 FASB Chairman Seidman: The role of the accountancy profession in preventing another financial crisis
2011-04-07 Portugal asks Europe for bailout
2011-03-30 CRIS committee: Beyond economic governance: the EU needs new growth model
2011-03-29 S&P downgraded Portugal and Greece due to permanent bail-out fund agreement
2011-03-29 Wolfgang Münchau: A grand bargain that cannot end the crisis
2011-03-23 Commissioner Olli Rehn: EU leaders must now finalise the response to the debt crisis
2011-03-23 IMF spurs global economic policy rethink
2011-03-22 Hungarian Presidency published a synthesis report on the implementation of the European Semester
2011-03-17 Klaus Engelen: 'Angela Merkel's nightmare'
2011-03-15 ECON committee debate on the European Semester
2011-03-14 Joint statement by the EC and the ECB on the measures announced by the Portuguese government
2011-03-11 Spanish Treasury commented on Moody’s downgrade of Spanish debt
2011-03-11 Moody's downgraded Spain credit rating
2011-03-08 Olli Rehn: Economic Governance needs one strong model, not many parallel ones
2011-03-08 Constitutional Affairs committee: Eurozone stability mechanism should be part of the EU
2011-03-02 CRIS Committee’s briefing papers: 'Beyond Economic Governance' and 'Financing the Real Economy'
2011-02-23 Lorenzo Bini Smaghi: Eurozone, European crisis and policy responses
2011-02-23 Jürgen Stark: Central banking after the financial crisis
2011-02-22 Axel Weber: Europe's reforms may come at a high price
2011-02-22 A comprehensive approach to euro-area crisis: Background calculations
2011-02-14 IMF: Global monetary reforms needed to tackle imbalances
2011-02-14 Statement by the EC, ECB and IMF on the third review mission to Greece
2011-02-07 ECON committee public hearing with Trichet, Chairman of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
2011-02-01 Financial News: ‘Bailout bond’ is step towards single issuer
2011-01-31 World Economic Forum: European Leaders called for greater Eurozone transparency and structural reform
2011-01-26 Spanish plan for the strengthening of the financial sector
2011-01-25 IMF: World still needs to fix key economic and financial problems
2011-01-24 ECON committee - rapporteurs present their reports on the economic governance package
2011-01-20 Katinka Barysch: Can Greece be saved?
2011-01-20 EP Plenary session: Different takes on Member States' handling of Eurozone crisis
2011-01-18 ECOFIN Council conclusions: Launch of the 2011 "European Semester"
2011-01-18 ECON Chair Sharon Bowles: Refund the interest to bailed out countries upon repayment of European loan
2011-01-18 CER: Euro crisis - In defence of investors
2011-01-13 Rehn: New reforms can break Europe’s debt cycle
2011-01-13 FT: Issing warns debt crisis threatens euro
2011-01-12 Barroso: The European semester is at the heart of the reformed economic strategy
2011-01-12 Patrick Honohan: Restoring Ireland’s credit by reducing uncertainty
2011-01-12 EU economic governance: Commission launches the European Semester
2011-01-11 Sharon Bowles MEP called for rescue package windfalls to be refunded

Prior Years Reports