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Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance

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2017 Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance
2017-12-19 SUERF: Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union: the EU priorities by 2025 and beyond
2017-12-14 ECA: EU auditors announce “fresh approach” to auditing cohesion spending
2017-12-08 CEPS: Comprehensive EMU reform or tinkering at the margins?
2017-12-06 European Commission: Completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union- policy package
2017-12-05 Main results - Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 05/12/2017
2017-12-04 Main results of the Eurogroup meeting of 4th December
2017-12-04 Bruegel: The European Commission should drop its ill-designed idea of a finance minister
2017-11-30 2018 EU budget adopted
2017-11-30 A renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy: Council adopts conclusions
2017-11-29 New Europe: European Commission to announce European Monetary Fund on December 6
2017-11-29 ECB: Economic growth is supporting financial stability but markets are vulnerable to a sudden increase in volatility
2017-11-23 Bruegel: How should the European Central Bank ‘normalise’ its monetary policy?
2017-11-21 Marcello Minenna: Getting to Eurobonds by reforming the ESM
2017-11-19 Financial Times: The painful grind to a stronger eurozone
2017-11-18 2018 EU budget: Agreement reached
2017-11-14 Conclusions of the 48th meeting of the European Economic Area Council
2017-11-14 IMF: Europe: From recovery to resurgence?
2017-11-07 ECB's Draghi: European banking supervision three years on
2017-11-02 Bank of England: Bank Rate increased to 0.50%
2017-10-30 ECB: Dissecting long-term Bund yields in the run-up to the ECB’s public sector purchase programme
2017-10-26 European Commission: Coping with the international financial crisis at the national level in a European context
2017-10-24 European Commission Work Programme 2018
2017-10-23 OMFIF: Missing piece in QE puzzle
2017-10-10 Remarks by Vice-President Dombrovskis at the ECOFIN press conference in Luxembourg
2017-10-09 Eurogroup main results of 9 October
2017-10-04 European Parliament and European Council agreement: The EU is changing its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy legislation
2017-10-03 EC: Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA), Vol. 16, No. 2 (2017)
2017-10-02 ECB: Maintaining price stability with unconventional monetary policy measures
2017-09-28 ECA: Annual reports concerning the financial year 2016
2017-09-25 European Council: Greece's finances stabilised, the excessive deficit procedure is closed
2017-09-21 OECD sees synchronised momentum for global economy, but urges further policy action to ensure sustainable and inclusive medium-term growth
2017-09-17 September 2017 BIS Quarterly Review: Strong outlook with low inflation spurs risk-taking
2017-09-16 Remarks by Vice-President Dombrovskis at the informal ECOFIN
2017-09-15 Remarks by Jeroen Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting
2017-09-14 EU-Japan trade negotiating directives made public
2017-09-14 State of the Union 2017 - Trade Package: Commission unveils initiatives for a balanced and progressive trade policy
2017-09-14 CEPS: The Commission’s views on strengthening the Euro Area: Barking up the wrong tree?
2017-08-07 Financial Times: Lessons for the eurozone from Greece’s painful crisis years
2017-07-13 VoxEU: Completing EMU
2017-07-12 Council agrees its position for the 2018 EU budget and backs increase of 2017 EU budget
2017-07-11 2017 country-specific recommendations
2017-06-30 Bruegel: Eurozone or EU budget? Confronting a complex political question
2017-06-29 EUROPP: Reflecting on how to run €MU more effectively
2017-06-28 New Europe: EU-27 tax could limit Brexit’s budget hole
2017-06-28 An EU budget fit for tomorrow: Commission opens debate on future of EU finances
2017-06-25 BIS: Building resilient growth requires international cooperation
2017-06-20 EU revises its budget framework for 2014-2020 to meet new priorities
2017-06-20 LSE: What the Commission missed in its reflection paper on Deepening the Economic and Monetary Union
2017-06-17 Paul Goldschmidt commentary on EU paper on deepening EMU
2017-06-16 Economic and fiscal policies: Council approves 2017 country-specific recommendations
2017-06-15 Main results of the Eurogroup meeting
2017-06-14 Deutsche Bundesbank projection: German economy's solid upswing to continue
2017-06-13 Bloomberg: Schaeuble calls for end to ‘ultra loose’ monetary policy
2017-06-13 ECB working paper: The macroeconomic impact of the ECB's expanded asset purchase programme (APP)
2017-06-05 LSE: Seizing the moment for euro area reform: A three-step action plan
2017-06-01 Pierre Moscovici: Now Europe is recovering, it’s time to build a better euro
2017-06-01 Banque de France’s Villeroy de Galhau: Europe must seize window of opportunity
2017-05-31 Commission sets out possible ways forward for the deepening of Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
2017-05-30 EurActiv: ‘Brexit’ and ‘future of Europe’ muddle EU’s budget decision-making
2017-05-29 Mario Draghi statement at the hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2017-05-29 Conclusions on a future EU industrial policy strategy
2017-05-24 ECB's Praet: Europe’s economic recovery: challenges and opportunities for the banking sector
2017-05-24 Economic governance: Council conclusions on macroeconomic imbalances
2017-05-22 Policy Network: The future of the euro area in an age of uncertainty
2017-05-22 European Semester 2017 Spring Package: Commission issues country-specific recommendations
2017-05-22 Main results of the Eurogroup meeting
2017-05-16 European Economic Area (EEA) Council conclusions
2017-05-15 POLITICO: Spain wants euro bonds and common unemployment insurance
2017-05-11 Vienna Initiative: New Vienna Initiative reports
2017-05-11 Financial Times: The EU economy from recovery to resilience
2017-05-02 Commission takes new steps to enhance compliance and practical functioning of the EU Single Market
2017-04-27 ECA: Commission measures to protect Cohesion spending used effectively
2017-04-27 European Parliament: EU spending for 2015 approved
2017-04-25 Council adopts new rules to better protect EU finances
2017-04-21 Statement by ECB's Mario Draghi at the thirty-fifth meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee
2017-04-20 Speech by Commissioner Moscovici at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington DC: "Europe's pivotal year"
2017-04-07 Remarks by J.Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting
2017-04-05 MEPs back budget flexibility: €6bn more for jobs, growth and tackling migration
2017-04-05 ECA: The Commission’s negotiation of 2014-2020 Partnership Agreements and programmes in Cohesion
2017-04-03 ECB: Bond scarcity and the ECB’s asset purchase programme
2017-04-02 Financial Times: Central banks cut euro exposure and favour sterling long-term
2017-03-21 Project Syndicate: Mixed Signals from the Eurozone
2017-03-17 Quarterly Report on the Euro Area
2017-03-11 John Nugée: Central banking: edging closer to normality
2017-03-09 Bruegel: Sovereign bond holdings in the euro area – the impact of QE
2017-03-08 ACCA: Final Spring Budget is no spring for UK entrepreneurship
2017-03-03 Financial Times: Draghi should resist calls to prepare exit from QE
2017-02-27 Agreement to extend EU programme on financial reporting and auditing
2017-02-23 Peter Praet: The macroeconomic situation and monetary policy in the euro area
2017-02-21 Council sets its priorities for the 2018 EU budget
2017-02-20 Remarks by J.Dijsselbloem and Pierre Moscovici following the Eurogroup meeting
2017-02-15 OMFIF: The ECB has got it exactly right on the euro
2017-02-13 New Europe: The wake of Brexit paints a grey picture over the British economy’s future, while the EU’s forecast is of better fate
2017-02-10 CEPS: Stabilising the European Economic and Monetary Union: What to expect from a common unemployment benefits scheme?
2017-02-02 Mario Draghi: Security through unity: making integration work for Europe
2017-01-27 Council conclusions on macroeconomic and fiscal guidance to the member states (annual growth survey)
2017-01-26 John Iannis Mourmouras: The risks and prospects for the global economy and capital markets in 2017
2017-01-20 European Commission: Public consultation on the Capital Markets Union mid-term review
2017-01-19 ECB provides further details on APP purchases of assets with yields below the deposit facility rate
2017-01-17 Monti report recommends reform of EU budget

Prior Years Reports