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Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance

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2016 Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance
2016-12-08 The Telegraph: Europe's comfort blanket is being pulled away
2016-12-08 Bruegel: Eurozone QE and bank profitability: Why it is too early to taper
2016-12-08 ECB adjusts parameters of its asset purchase programme (APP)
2016-12-08 Protection against fraud to the EU budget: Council agrees on its position
2016-12-08 ECB: Eurosystem introduces cash collateral for PSPP securities lending facilities
2016-12-06 Remarks by Vice-President Dombrovskis at the ECOFIN press conference
2016-12-06 Remarks by J.Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting
2016-12-06 Investment plan for Europe: EFSI extension agreed by Council
2016-12-06 Council conclusions on tackling bottlenecks to investment identified under the Third Pillar of the Investment Plan
2016-12-05 Eurogroup statement on the draft budgetary plans for 2017
2016-12-01 CEPS: Harmonising Insolvency Laws in the Euro Area
2016-12-01 Project Syndicate: Preventing the Next Eurozone Crisis Starts Now
2016-11-30 Bruegel: What impact does the ECB’s quantitative easing policy have on bank profitability?
2016-11-29 OMFIF: ECB TARGET2 balances keep rising
2016-11-28 2017 EU budget gets Council approval
2016-11-22 Avoiding austerity: EU economic priorities debate
2016-11-22 Commission proposes new approach to business insolvency in Europe
2016-11-18 ECB's Draghi: The state and prospects of the euro area recovery
2016-11-17 European Council: Deal reached on 2017 EU budget
2016-11-14 ECB's Constâncio: Euro Area: Economic Outlook and Financial Sector Challenges
2016-11-13 Financial Times: The end of the era of central bank independence
2016-11-09 ECB's Praet: Monetary policy and the euro area banking system
2016-11-08 European Council: The annual ECOFIN-EFTA meeting focused on economic growth and investments
2016-11-08 2016 EU budget: Council backs prioritisation of expenditure
2016-11-03 ECA: EU budget: time to reform?
2016-11-03 Bank of England: Bank Rate held at 0.25%, government bond purchases at £435bn and corporate bond purchases at up to £10bn
2016-11-03 Jens Weidmann: No time for complacency - current economic challenges in the euro area
2016-11-03 ECB amends Guidelines relating to the Eurosystem’s monetary policy implementation
2016-10-26 EU 2017 budget: Council cannot accept EP amendments
2016-10-25 CEPS: Thirty Years of the Single European Market
2016-10-20 ACCA and IMA: Global business confidence holding up ahead of US elections
2016-10-20 Reuters: ECB keeps rates, guidance unchanged
2016-10-19 European Parliament: After CETA - the EU trade agreements that are in the pipeline
2016-10-19 Commission urges Member States to support proposals to strengthen European defences against unfair trade
2016-10-19 Reuters: Belgian region demands more time to fix EU-Canada trade deal
2016-10-19 ACCA and IMA: Global business confidence holding up ahead of U.S. elections
2016-10-18 Financial Times: The unwise war against low interest rates
2016-10-18 ECB: Results of the October 2016 euro area bank lending survey
2016-10-17 Reuters: ECB to maintain status quo when it meets on October 20: traders
2016-10-16 Vox EU: Keeping policy rates persistently low - Implications for the monetary transmission mechanism
2016-10-12 ECB: The ECB and the Federal Reserve – an ocean apart?
2016-10-11 European Commission: ECOFIN
2016-10-09 ECB: Securing sustained economic growth in the euro area
2016-10-08 Reuters: ECB could hit inflation target by late 2018, early 2019 - Draghi
2016-10-07 ECB: Beyond monetary policy
2016-09-28 IB Times: UK jumps three spots to seventh place in WEF competitiveness rankings
2016-09-21 OECD warns weak trade and financial distortions damage global growth prospects
2016-09-21 National productivity boards backed by Council
2016-09-12 EurActiv: Pan-European tax on the table after Brexit
2016-09-12 EU budget for 2017: Council sets out its position
2016-08-20 VoxEU: The glass is still half-empty: Eurozone stability under threat of a ‘bad shock’
2016-08-04 Bank of England cuts Bank Rate to 0.25% and introduces a package of measures designed to provide additional monetary stimulus
2016-08-04 ECB: Economic Bulletin Issue 5, 2016
2016-07-26 OECD: Priorities for completing the European Union's Single Market
2016-07-25 CEPS: The potential and limitations of reforming the financing of the EU budget
2016-07-21 VoxEU: Creditor participation clauses - Making orderly sovereign debt restructuring feasible in the Eurozone
2016-07-20 EU budget for 2017: Council agrees its position
2016-07-18 Bank of England: Brexit and Monetary Policy - speech by Martin Weale
2016-07-14 Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £375 billion
2016-07-12 Excessive deficit procedure: Council finds that Portugal and Spain have not taken effective action
2016-07-12 Economic, employment and fiscal policies: Council issues country-specific recommendations
2016-07-11 MEPs and Euro group ministers debate path to a Euro zone budget
2016-07-11 Financial Times: Focus on Bank of England’s policy response to Brexit
2016-07-07 ECA: Implementing the EU budget through financial instruments
2016-07-07 IMF Executive Board Concludes 2016 Article IV Consultation on Euro Area Policies
2016-07-07 ECB's Constâncio: Challenges for the European banking industry
2016-07-07 The AMF publishes its 2016 risk mapping
2016-06-29 European Parliament: Update EU’s long-term spending plan to cope with crises, urges Budgets Committee
2016-06-28 European Council conclusions on migration, jobs, growth and investment and on external relations
2016-06-25 VoxEU: Making the Eurozone more resilient: What is needed now and what can wait?
2016-06-17 Cyprus, Ireland and Slovenia: Deficits below 3% of GDP, Council closes procedures
2016-06-17 Council approves country-specific recommendations
2016-06-16 Bruegel: Corporates are responding to the new ECB corporate sector purchase programme
2016-06-14 Carnegie Europe: Refugees Will not Sink the EU, but the Euro Might
2016-06-14 Dijsselbloem concerned about flexible application of Stability and Growth Pact rules
2016-06-13 IRSG response to the Commission's consultation on an effective insolvency framework within the EU
2016-06-10 OECD: European economy is slowly recovering but legacies of the crisis remain and new challenges are emerging
2016-06-09 VP Dombrovskis on the EMU: restarting convergence and strengthening resilience
2016-06-08 Bruegel: The Juncker plan needs to be turned on its head
2016-06-07 ECB publishes its Convergence Report 2016
2016-06-06 Fondation Robert Schuman: Strengthening economic governance of the euro
2016-06-02 ECB: Monetary policy decisions
2016-06-02 ECB announces remaining details of the corporate sector purchase programme
2016-06-01 EU to sign Economic Partnership Agreement with the South African Development Community EPA Group
2016-05-30 Trade secrets protection: Council adopts new directive
2016-05-26 VoxEU: The European Single Market - A game changer for economic integration
2016-05-26 European Council: Better regulation to strengthen competitiveness
2016-05-25 Conclusions of the 45th meeting of the European Economic Area Council
2016-05-25 Council conclusions on macroeconomic imbalances and on implementation of country-specific recommendations
2016-05-25 Reuters: With ECB powers limited, Europe needs more integration - policymakers
2016-05-25 Eurogroup statement on Greece
2016-05-19 Bruegel: Sovereign bond holdings in the euro area – the impact of QE
2016-05-18 Spring 2016 European Semester package: Commission issues country-specific recommendations
2016-05-12 House of Lords: Completion of Economic and Monetary Union 'unlikely' by 2025
2016-04-22 Eurogroup statement - Thematic discussions on growth and jobs: National insolvency frameworks
2016-04-21 Bloomberg: Draghi defies German disfavor with claim ECB stimulus works
2016-04-21 ICMA publishes briefing note on ECB Corporate Sector Purchase Programme
2016-04-21 ECB: Monetary policy decisions and details of the CSPP
2016-04-19 ECA: Further improvements needed to ensure effective implementation of the excessive deficit procedure
2016-04-19 Financial Times: Negative rates put pressure on central banks to take risks
2016-04-19 ECB: Results of the April 2016 euro area bank lending survey
2016-04-18 Bloomberg: Draghi seen putting ECB stimulus back on agenda after summer
2016-04-12 Financial Times: Negative rates are not the fault of central banks
2016-04-07 OMFIF: Target-2 imbalances rise again
2016-03-23 LSE: Economic surveillance and coordination mechanisms won’t work without proper scrutiny by national parliaments
2016-03-22 Bruegel: Europe at a crossroads: How to achieve efficient economic governance in the euro area?
2016-03-17 European Council conclusions on jobs, growth and competitiveness and on climate and energy
2016-03-16 ECB: Monetary policy decisions
2016-03-15 ICMA briefing note on ECB Corporate Sector Purchase Programme
2016-03-14 Financial Times: The European Central Bank has lost the plot on inflation
2016-03-14 Paul Goldschmidt: The Prescriptions of the ECB - "Big Bazooka" or "Damp Squib"?
2016-03-10 IPE: ECB throws 'kitchen sink' at problems with expansion of QE's scope
2016-03-10 ECB adds CSPP to the asset purchase programme and announces changes to APP
2016-03-10 ECB announces new series of targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO II)
2016-03-08 Eurogroup Statement on follow-up to the Draft Budgetary Plans for 2016
2016-03-08 OMFIF: Battling a common adversary
2016-03-08 Council conclusions on the fiscal sustainability report
2016-03-03 Financial Times: European Central Bank must be much bolder
2016-02-29 Council conclusions on the Single Market Strategy
2016-02-29 TheCityUK: Demographics, Growth and Financial Services
2016-02-26 POLITICO: Commission highlights financial failings
2016-02-23 ECON: Report on the European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Growth Survey 2016
2016-02-18 Bruegel: Which fiscal union for the euro area?
2016-02-16 Remarks by Vice-President Dombrovskis at the European Semester Conference
2016-02-16 VoxEU: How to reboot the eurozone and ensure its long-term survival
2016-02-16 Reuters: ECB back in court as German group seek to curb its power
2016-02-15 Bruegel: The ECB’s quantitative easing programme - limits and risks
2016-02-15 "We have plenty of monetary policy instruments if needed", Draghi tells MEPs
2016-02-12 Eurogroup statement on the Draft Budgetary Plan of Portugal for 2016
2016-02-12 VoxEU: Safeguarding the euro – balancing market discipline with certainty
2016-02-12 VoxEU: The way forward - Coping with the insolvency risk of member states and giving teeth to the European Semester
2016-02-12 VoxEU: Balance-of-payments adjustment in the Eurozone
2016-02-04 European Commission: Winter 2016 Economic Forecast
2016-02-04 Statement by the Commission and the ECB following the third post-programme surveillance mission to Portugal
2016-02-02 "ECB will reconsider its monetary stance in March", Mario Draghi tells MEPs
2016-01-31 Financial Times: Italian finance official expects big interest in banks’ bad loans
2016-01-28 Bruegel: One market, two monies - the European Union and the United Kingdom
2016-01-27 Financial Times: Italy reaches ‘bad bank’ agreement with Brussels
2016-01-27 ECB: Single Supervisory Mechanism – Single Supervisory Law?
2016-01-27 ECA: Financial assistance provided to countries in difficulties
2016-01-25 ECB's Draghi: How domestic economic strength can prevail over global weakness
2016-01-25 EurActiv: Beware of Italy’s banking crisis
2016-01-25 European Commission: The EU, a net investor in the rest of the world
2016-01-22 EurActiv: Moscovici: Europe is less vulnerable than other regions to China slowdown
2016-01-21 IOSCO: Emerging market regulators reinforce commitment to strengthen resilience while ensuring fair and orderly markets
2016-01-20 The Huffington Post: Single Market - The EU in the Internet Age
2016-01-19 ECB: Results of the December 2015 survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets
2016-01-18 ECB's Mersch: Growth potential and competition – what lies ahead for card payments?
2016-01-15 Remarks by European Parliament Vice-President Dombrovskis at the ECOFIN press conference
2016-01-15 ECB's Cœuré: Rebalancing in the euro area: are we nearly there yet?
2016-01-14 Commissioner Moscovici's opening remarks at the Eurogroup press conference
2016-01-14 CEPS: What strategy for a genuine single market?
2016-01-12 Bruegel: Has ECB QE lifted inflation?
2016-01-12 OMFIF: Improving EMU’s incomplete architecture
2016-01-08 Reuters: ECB's Lane says can do more QE if needed

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