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Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance

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2018 Economic Policies Impacting EU Finance
2018-12-29 ECB: Lautenschlaeger sees possible 2019 rate hike on inflation
2018-12-27 EurActiv: ECB sees global economic slowdown in 2019
2018-12-21 Chatham House: How Europe will try to dodge the US–China standoff in 2019
2018-12-20 BIS working paper: A key currency view of global imbalances
2018-12-19 OMFIF: Radical risk-sharing rethink
2018-12-19 BBC: Italy budget deal struck with Europe after months-long row
2018-12-14 Main results - Euro Summit, 14/12/2018
2018-12-13 EurActiv: ECB chief Draghi downgrades economic forecast as risks persist
2018-12-13 Bruegel: Does the Eurogroup’s reform of the ESM toolkit represent real progress?
2018-12-12 EU-Japan trade agreement on track to enter into force in February 2019
2018-12-12 EurActiv: Italy’s Conte admits defeat on budget, presents new plan to EU
2018-12-11 Council endorses agreement on EU budget for 2019
2018-12-07 Vox EU: The case for a central fiscal capacity in EMU
2018-12-05 Provisional agreement reached on EU budget for 2019
2018-12-04 Main results - Economic and Financial Affairs Council
2018-12-04 Eurogroup Statement on the Draft Budgetary Plans for 2019
2018-12-04 Eurogroup report to Leaders on EMU deepening
2018-12-03 Bruegel:The international role of the euro
2018-12-01 G20 Leaders’ declaration: Building consensus for fair and sustainable development
2018-11-30 VoxEU: A more stable EMU does not require a central fiscal capacity
2018-11-29 Bank of France’s Villeroy de Galhau: What are the economic prospects for the euro area?
2018-11-29 ECB: Euro area financial stability environment has become more challenging
2018-11-26 WTO reform: EU proposes way forward on the functioning of the Appellate Body
2018-11-26 ECB: Hearing of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
2018-11-22 ECB: The resurgence of protectionism: potential implications for global financial stability
2018-11-22 European Parliament: Draft interim report on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Monetary Fund
2018-11-22 Bruegel: A monetary policy framework for the European Central Bank to deal with uncertainty
2018-11-22 EU moves to bolster free movement of goods through extended mutual recognition
2018-11-21 POLITICO: Commission calls for disciplinary action against Italy over budget plans
2018-11-19 EU budget for 2019: Conciliation ends without agreement
2018-11-18 Financial Times: The ECB should extend its bond-buying programme
2018-11-14 POLITICO: Italy refuses to bow to Brussels’ budget demands
2018-11-08 Autumn 2018 Economic Forecast: sustained but less dynamic growth amid high uncertainty
2018-11-06 Main results - Economic and Financial Affairs Council
2018-11-06 OMFIF: Country risk from credit derivatives
2018-11-05 Main results - Eurogroup
2018-11-02 Verfassungsblog: Playing the chicken game: The conflict over Italy’s draft budget reveals a construction flaw in the EMU
2018-11-01 Bloomberg: EU revises plan to fix WTO in bid to get US on board
2018-10-31 Financial Times: Italy is setting itself up for a monumental fiscal failure
2018-10-31 ECA: Simpler, more flexible rules proposed for cohesion funds after 2020
2018-10-30 The Express: US trade war hits EU: Former WTO boss warns European companies at risk in Trump trade war
2018-10-26 Vox EU: Reforming the EU fiscal framework: A proposal by the European Fiscal Board
2018-10-26 ECB's Cœuré: The international dimension of the European Central Bank's asset purchase programme - an update
2018-10-24 2019 EU budget: Council cannot accept EP amendments
2018-10-24 OMFIF: ECB ponders reinvestment options
2018-10-23 ECMI: International capital flows at the security level – evidence from the ECB’s asset purchase programme
2018-10-23 European Commission requests that Italy presents a revised draft budgetary plan for 2019
2018-10-23 Vox EU: Fixing the euro needs to go beyond economics
2018-10-19 European Commission: EU and Singapore forge closer economic and political ties
2018-10-17 ACCA: Collaborative economy and new business models’ challenges debated at multi-stakeholder conference
2018-10-16 OMFIF: Merkel setback hurts EMU reform chances
2018-10-16 ECA: Audits in 2019 will focus on key challenges the EU currently faces
2018-10-11 ACCA/IMA: Global economic confidence falls sharply amid growing trade tensions
2018-10-11 ECA: EU revenues - new proposal not based on fully robust assumptions and still complex
2018-10-11 European Commission: EMU. Main legal texts and policy documents for further strengthening of the EMU 2018
2018-10-09 Vox EU: Turning national growth-indexed bonds into European assets: A proposal to strengthen the euro area
2018-10-09 Bloomberg: IMF cuts forecast for global growth as trade war takes toll
2018-10-09 OMFIF: Euro will not survive if Italy fails
2018-10-08 ECA: EU auditors ask to be given a clear and formal audit mandate for the EMF
2018-10-05 EurActiv: ECA warns of risk of over-promising and under-delivering with EU funds
2018-10-05 ECB's Guindos: Building a resilient Economic and Monetary Union
2018-10-02 POLITICO: Trump gets trade win with new NAFTA deal
2018-10-02 VoxEU: Euro area reform: An anatomy of the debate
2018-10-02 OMFIF: Central banks face 'hot breath' over QE
2018-09-25 EurActiv: Draghi warns on protectionism as a risk for the Eurozone
2018-09-20 ECB's President Mario Draghi: Economic and Monetary Union: past and present
2018-09-07 Commissioner Moscovici's introductory remarks at the Eurogroup press conference
2018-09-04 2019 EU budget: Council adopts its position
2018-09-04 ECA: Selection and monitoring for ERDF and ESF projects in the 2014–2020 period are still mainly outputs-oriented
2018-08-30 Financial Times: Germany cools on Macron eurozone budget proposal
2018-08-29 Bruegel: The ECB is compromising the attractiveness of euro-area sovereign bonds
2018-08-28 POLITICO: Oettinger: 50-50 chance of a budget deal before 2019 election
2018-07-31 Vox EU: Whither a fiscal capacity in EMU
2018-07-19 Vox EU: Delivering a safe asset for the euro area: A proposal for a Purple bond transition
2018-07-19 IMF executive board concludes 2018 Article IV consultation on euro area policies
2018-07-18 Financial Times: European Investment Bank faces call for overhaul after UK exits
2018-07-18 Financial Times: EU strikes data deal with Japan with UK looking on
2018-07-18 Structural reform support programme: Council confirms increased financial envelope
2018-07-16 VoxEU: Risk sharing and market discipline: Finding the right mix
2018-07-16 Omnibus regulation: simpler rules for use of EU funds adopted
2018-07-16 Joint statement of the 20th EU-China Summit
2018-07-16 EU economy ministers discuss the future of European industrial policy
2018-07-13 Main results - Economic and Financial Affairs Council
2018-07-12 Main results - Eurogroup
2018-07-12 European Parliament: ECB non-standard-policies and collateral constraints
2018-07-12 Project Syndicate: Time to untie the ECB’s hands
2018-07-11 EU budget for 2019: Council agrees its position
2018-07-06 EU-Japan: Council adopts decision to sign trade agreement
2018-07-05 ECB's Mersch: Deepening EMU – political integration and economic convergence
2018-07-05 BIS: Prolonged low interest rates could affect financial stability, central banks find
2018-06-29 European Council conclusions
2018-06-29 EurActiv: EU leaders postpone completion of banking union
2018-06-28 ECB announces methodology for calculating Euro Short-Term Rate (ESTER)
2018-06-26 LSE: Tackling non-performing loans in the euro area
2018-06-26 Fondation Robert Schuman: How to consolidate the euro area?
2018-06-26 Trade barriers: EU removes record number in response to surge in protectionism
2018-06-22 Main results - Economic and Financial Affairs Council
2018-06-21 Main results - Eurogroup
2018-06-21 ESM Board of Governors approves 2017 Annual Report
2018-06-19 OECD: Further reforms needed for a stronger and more integrated Europe
2018-06-19 Meseberg Declaration: Renewing Europe’s promises of security and prosperity
2018-06-18 EU and Australia launch talks for a broad trade agreement
2018-06-15 Vox EU: Beyond risk sharing and risk reduction: A Spanish view of EMU reforms
2018-06-14 Vice-President Dombrovskis' opening speech at the Economist's 22nd Roundtable with the Government of Greece
2018-06-14 BBC: ECB to end crisis-era stimulus programme in December
2018-06-11 Bruegel: Enhancing the ESM lending toolkit through a precautionary credit line
2018-06-11 Fondation Robert Schuman: European Union Budget: which possible compromise is there between France and Germany?
2018-06-11 BIS: Yves Mersch: Central bank risk management in times of monetary policy normalisation
2018-06-10 POLITICO: Italy’s new economy minister rules out leaving euro
2018-06-08 Bruegel: Is the ECB collateral framework compromising the safe-asset status of euro-area sovereign bonds?
2018-06-08 POLITICO: Bruno Le Maire defends France’s aim for ‘ambitious’ eurozone reform
2018-06-07 Jacques Delors Institute: Merkel on EU reform: a decryption
2018-06-07 POLITICO: Head of Berlin think tank: Germans too often ‘misinformed’ on eurozone
2018-06-05 EurActiv: Juncker: ‘Completing the EMU is more important than ever’
2018-06-05 ECB: The international role of the euro
2018-06-03 EurActiv: Merkel offers Macron concessions on eurozone reforms
2018-05-31 POLITICO: EU announces retaliation against Trump tariffs
2018-05-31 EU Budget: A Reform Support Programme and an Investment Stabilisation Function to strengthen Europe's Economic and Monetary Union
2018-05-30 EU budget: €181 million to strengthen the fight against fraud affecting the EU budget
2018-05-29 ECB Vice President Constâncio: 'Italy Knows the Rules'
2018-05-29 Bruegel: The Commission’s proposal for the next MFF: A glass half-full
2018-05-28 ECA highlights key areas for simplifying Cohesion policy after 2020
2018-05-28 Mutual recognition of goods: Council agrees position to reinforce the single market
2018-05-25 Project Syndicate: The Perils of European Deposit Insurance
2018-05-25 Public finances: Conclusions on age-related spending
2018-05-25 Economic governance: Conclusions on macroeconomic imbalances
2018-05-24 Main results - Eurogroup
2018-05-24 VoxEU: Make euro area sovereign bonds safe again
2018-05-24 CEPS: Does the euro area need a safe or a diversified asset?
2018-05-24 POLITICO: German economic adviser: ‘Italy is another argument for reforming now’
2018-05-23 VoxEU: A plan to save the euro
2018-05-23 Main results - European Economic Area Council
2018-05-23 ECB publishes its 2018 Convergence Report
2018-05-23 2019 EU Budget: Commission proposes a budget focused on continuity and delivery – for growth, solidarity, security
2018-05-23 European Semester 2018 Spring Package: Commission issues recommendations for Member States to achieve sustainable, inclusive and long-term g
2018-05-22 Council gives the go-ahead to trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand
2018-05-22 New approach on negotiating and concluding EU trade agreements adopted by Council
2018-05-21 Financial Times: The eurozone ‘safe asset’ is crucial to banking union
2018-05-21 VoxEU: Fiscal rules and the role of the Commission
2018-05-17 POLITICO: Macron declares ‘decision time’ for Europe
2018-05-17 ECB's Constâncio: Completing the Odyssean journey of the European monetary union
2018-05-17 BIS: Olli Rehn: Europe, EMU and the banks
2018-05-16 Bloomberg: Merkel pushes Euro reform, saying ECB policy won't be forever
2018-05-15 Financial Times: The euro needs a unifying politics above all
2018-05-15 VoxEU: Euro area reform: No deal is better than a bad deal
2018-05-15 Financial Times: IMF warns Brexit and Italian politics put European growth at risk
2018-05-14 OMFIF: Germany's important Target-2 debate
2018-05-04 Vox EU: Europe needs a broader discussion of its future
2018-05-03 Le Point: 'Brexit hole' in EU budget
2018-05-03 ECB's Constâncio: Why EMU requires more financial integration
2018-05-03 IB Times: EU predicts bright outlook for economy, tougher times for UK heading for Brexit
2018-05-02 EU budget: Commission proposes a modern budget for a Union that protects, empowers and defends
2018-04-28 POLITICO: Paris, Berlin push for consensus on eurozone overhaul
2018-04-27 Federal Trust: Eurozone Stabilisation Fund: Revisited
2018-04-26 Vox EU: Deepening EMU requires a coherent and well-sequenced package
2018-04-26 Bruegel: State contingent debt as insurance for euro-area sovereigns
2018-04-24 European Commission: 'The Transatlantic Economy Ten Years After the Crisis: Macro-Financial Scenarios and Policy Responses'
2018-04-24 Deutsche Bundesbank: April results of the Bank Lending Survey (BLS) in Germany
2018-04-24 ECB: Results of the April 2018 euro area bank lending survey
2018-04-23 VoxEU: Analysis of the proposal “A constructive approach to euro area reform” by seven German and seven French economists
2018-04-20 ACCA: Global economic confidence rebounds to highest level since 2009 despite trade war risks
2018-04-19 Bank of France's Villeroy de Galhau: The sustainability of European Monetary Union and institutional reform
2018-04-18 Trade: European Commission proposes signature and conclusion of Japan and Singapore agreements
2018-04-13 VoxEU: EMU: Liquidity of solvent member states more important than fiscal stabilisation
2018-04-06 ECB's Cœuré: The consequences of protectionism
2018-03-27 ECB: A minimal moral hazard central stabilisation capacity for the EMU based on world trade
2018-03-26 Bloomberg: Lagarde urges rainy-day fund for euro area to aid against shocks
2018-03-26 ECB: Correspondent central banking model (CCBM) procedures for Eurosystem counterparties
2018-03-22 European Council conclusions on jobs, growth and competitiveness, as well as other items
2018-03-21 European Commission: EU anti-tax avoidance requirements on financing and investment operations
2018-03-20 Multilateral investment court: Council gives mandate to the Commission to open negotiations
2018-03-13 Main results - Economic and Financial Affairs Council
2018-03-12 Remarks by M. Centeno following the Eurogroup meeting of 12 March 2018
2018-03-12 Main results - Competitiveness Council
2018-03-07 European Semester Winter Package: reviewing Member States' progress on their economic and social priorities
2018-03-06 Finance ministers from Northern EU member states underline their shared views and values in the discussion on the architecture of the EMU
2018-03-05 CEPS: Trump’s trade policy turns destructive
2018-02-23 Deutsche Bundesbank: January results of the Bank Lending Survey in Germany
2018-02-21 IMF: The Euro Area Needs a Fiscal Union
2018-02-21 Bloomberg: Germany flexes financial muscle in push for EU ‘solidarity’
2018-02-20 Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 20/02/2018
2018-02-19 Main results - Eurogroup, 19/02/2018
2018-02-15 BIS: The negative interest rate policy and the yield curve
2018-02-14 EU long-term budget after 2020: European Commission sets out options – and their consequences
2018-02-05 ECB's President Mario Draghi remarks at the European Parliament plenary debate on the ECB Annual Report for 2016
2018-02-02 ECB's Cœuré: The euro area’s three lines of defence
2018-01-29 UNCTAD: $89 billion lost in underuse of European Union free trade agreements, report shows
2018-01-23 Main results of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council
2018-01-22 Main results - Eurogroup of 22nd January
2018-01-19 OMFIF: IMF, ECB join forces on Germany
2018-01-15 Financial Times: Bundesbank to include renminbi in its currency reserves
2018-01-12 Financial Times: Dijsselbloem and the lessons of the eurozone debt crisis
2018-01-12 Report on Public Finances in EMU 2017
2018-01-11 Financial Times: ECB joins central bank chorus hinting at faster tightening
2018-01-09 EurActiv: Financial instruments: A paradigm shift in the next EU budget
2018-01-05 EurActiv: A three-step plan for a better European Monetary Fund

Prior Years Reports