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Capital Requirements - 202226 articles out of 26.

2021 Capital Requirements
2021-12-23 WSBI/ESBG:Daisy chain of internal MREL
2021-12-13 EBA publishes amended technical standards on credit risk adjustments
2021-12-09 EBA risk assessment shows improvements in EU banks solvency, profitability and liquidity, but asset price corrections remain a key threat
2021-12-09 EBA updates on monitoring of CET1 capital instruments
2021-12-03 Single Resolution Board publishes MREL dashboard Q2.2021
2021-11-09 ESBG: Bank financing for SMEs must be protected in Basel III finalisation
2021-10-29 ESBG: The EU Commission’s proposed ‘single-stack’ approach for Basel III finalisation would harm European banks
2021-10-06 EBA consultation on credit risk adjustments in the context of risk weights: EBF response
2021-09-29 The EBA publishes its regular monitoring Report on Basel III full implementation in the EU
2021-09-29 GBIC comments on the current EBA consultation on draft SREP guidelines and supervisory stress testing
2021-09-24 EBA launches 2021 EU-wide transparency exercise
2021-09-22 Better Finance: Expropriation of Investors in Slovenian Banks ruled a Violation of Property Rights by European Court of Human Rights
2021-09-10 Bank of Spain Hernandez de Cos: Basel III implementation in the European Union
2021-09-07 GBIC comments on EBA draft ITS on IRRBB disclosure (EBA/CP/2021/20)
2021-09-06 EBA’s study shows that EU banks’ funding plans are poised to gradually return to a pre-pandemic funding composition by 2023
2021-08-27 Final study on the development of tools and mechanisms for the integration of ESG factors into the EU banking prudential framework and into
2021-07-28 AFME: EU banking system remains resilient in face of harshest ever stress test
2021-07-06 BIS: Early lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic on the Basel reforms
2021-07-06 BIS: Limits of stress-test based bank regulation
2021-06-24 EBA updates on monitoring of Additional Tier 1 instruments and issues recommendations for ESG-linked capital issuances
2021-06-16 Dutch Banking Federation: Strict approach to Basel 4 implementation limits capacity for economic recovery
2021-06-08 CEPS: Why finalising Basel III is good for the European banking sector
2021-05-26 EBA publishes final draft technical standards on own funds and eligible liabilities
2021-05-26 SRB publishes updated MREL policy and publishes MREL dashboard Q4.2020
2021-04-07 AFME: Priorities and industry recommendations for the CRR3/ CRD6 bank reform package
2021-02-26 German Financial Stability Committee: In light of the pandemic, countercyclical capital buffer of 0% until end-2021 appropriate
2021-02-24 Vox: How much capital should banks hold?
2021-01-25 EBA announces timing for the launch of its 2021 EU-wide stress test exercise

Prior Years Reports

Capital Requirements - 202057 articles out of 57.

Capital Requirements - 20199 articles out of 9.

Capital Requirements - 201818 articles out of 18.

Capital Requirements - 201730 articles out of 30.

Capital Requirements - 201628 articles out of 28.

Capital Requirements - 20159 articles out of 9.

Capital Requirements - 201416 articles out of 16.

Capital Requirements - 2013106 articles out of 106.

Capital Requirements - 201280 articles out of 80.

Capital Requirements - 201158 articles out of 58.

Capital Requirements - 201040 articles out of 40.

Capital Requirements - 200915 articles out of 15.

Capital Requirements - 200813 articles out of 13.

Capital Requirements - 20073 articles out of 3.

Capital Requirements - 200612 articles out of 12.

Capital Requirements - 200520 articles out of 20.

Capital Requirements - 200412 articles out of 12.

Capital Requirements - 200319 articles out of 19.

Capital Requirements - 20021 articles out of 1.

Capital Requirements - 20011 articles out of 1.

Capital Requirements - 19991 articles out of 1.