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Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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Capital Requirements - 202226 articles out of 26.

Capital Requirements - 202128 articles out of 28.

Capital Requirements - 202057 articles out of 57.

Capital Requirements - 20199 articles out of 9.

Capital Requirements - 201818 articles out of 18.

Capital Requirements - 201730 articles out of 30.

Capital Requirements - 201628 articles out of 28.

Capital Requirements - 20159 articles out of 9.

2014 Capital Requirements
2014-12-23 EBA updated list of Common Equity Tier 1 capital instruments
2014-12-19 Bank of England: Compliance with the EBA’s Guidelines on disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets
2014-12-19 Repeal of the EBA transitional capital preservation recommendation
2014-12-12 European Commission adopts first equivalence decision for the purposes of credit risk weighting Regulation
2014-11-28 Bank of England: CRD IV: Liquidity
2014-11-07 Bank of England: CRD IV: policy statement on data collection for remuneration practices
2014-10-31 European Commission assesses economic consequences of country-by-country reporting requirements set out in Capital Requirements Directive
2014-03-13 Commission adopts nine RTS to implement the single rule book in banking
2014-03-06 EBA publishes results of the Basel III monitoring exercise as of 30 June 2013
2014-03-04 Commission adopts new standards to increase transparency over bankers' pay and risk profiles
2014-01-30 EBF comment on supervisory benchmarking concept established in CRD IV
2014-01-21 Bloomberg: Bonus curbs under threat from EBA plan, lawmaker tells Barnier
2014-01-14 Fitch: Dilution of Basel leverage ratio assists trading banks
2014-01-10 Reuters: German banks urge clarity on contingent bond rules
2014-01-10 Bloomberg: Debt rule faces dilution as regulators heed bank warnings
2014-01-10 BIS: On the economics of committed liquidity facilities

Prior Years Reports

Capital Requirements - 2013106 articles out of 106.

Capital Requirements - 201280 articles out of 80.

Capital Requirements - 201158 articles out of 58.

Capital Requirements - 201040 articles out of 40.

Capital Requirements - 200915 articles out of 15.

Capital Requirements - 200813 articles out of 13.

Capital Requirements - 20073 articles out of 3.

Capital Requirements - 200612 articles out of 12.

Capital Requirements - 200520 articles out of 20.

Capital Requirements - 200412 articles out of 12.

Capital Requirements - 200319 articles out of 19.

Capital Requirements - 20021 articles out of 1.

Capital Requirements - 20011 articles out of 1.

Capital Requirements - 19991 articles out of 1.