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Capital Requirements - 202226 articles out of 26.

Capital Requirements - 202128 articles out of 28.

Capital Requirements - 202057 articles out of 57.

Capital Requirements - 20199 articles out of 9.

Capital Requirements - 201818 articles out of 18.

Capital Requirements - 201730 articles out of 30.

2016 Capital Requirements
2016-12-22 EBA recommends retaining risk-sensitive framework for banks regulatory capital
2016-12-21 EBA sees considerable improvement in the average LCR across EU banks
2016-12-21 EIOPA: Opinion on disclosure of information related to the use of transitional measures in the calculation of technical provisions
2016-12-20 EBA recommends a harmonised EU-wide framework for covered bonds
2016-12-14 EBA makes final recommendations for strengthening loss-absorbing capacity of banks in Europe
2016-12-13 AFME: Free Flow of Capital and Liquidity - Issues for Cross-border Groups in the EU Prudential Framework
2016-12-12 Bank of England: The PRA’s approach to supervising liquidity and funding risks
2016-12-09 Bank of England: Bank capital requirements and balance sheet management practices: has the relationship changed after the crisis?
2016-12-01 The Economist: Revising bank-capital standards
2016-11-24 London Economics: Impact of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) on the access to finance for business and long-term investments
2016-11-24 AFME comments on publication of prudential and resolution proposals
2016-11-23 Commission proposes new rules on banks and announces further measures to fine-tune the EU financial regulatory framework
2016-11-21 EBA provides overview on the proportionate application of remuneration requirements across the EU
2016-11-18 EBA publishes list of public sector entities for the calculation of capital requirements
2016-10-24 EBA calls for a simplified and more harmonised large exposures regime
2016-10-20 EBA recommends that only investment firms identified as GSIIs and OSIIs be subject to the full CRDIV/CRR
2016-10-11 EBA publishes final guidelines on corrections to modified duration for debt instruments
2016-10-03 EBA publishes final Guidelines on implicit support for securitisation transactions
2016-09-29 EBA harmonises the definition of default across the EU
2016-09-22 AFME Position Paper: CRD 5/CRR2: Large exposures framework
2016-09-22 AFME Position Paper: CRD 5/CRR2: Interaction of IFRS 9 with capital requirements
2016-09-21 Reuters: Basel III should not raise banks' capital requirements significantly
2016-09-08 EBA updates its CET1 list
2016-08-05 EBA provides input based on the Single Rulebook Q&As to the European Commission's CRR-CRD review
2016-07-25 Financial Times: Bank regulators, be careful what you wish for
2016-04-21 BIS: Andreas Dombret: Overshooting the mark? Banking regulation and its implications for banking business
2016-01-29 ESMA updates CRR standard on main indices and recognised exchanges
2016-01-19 Financial Times: Basel rules to cost banks €40m-€120m each, says study

Prior Years Reports

Capital Requirements - 20159 articles out of 9.

Capital Requirements - 201416 articles out of 16.

Capital Requirements - 2013106 articles out of 106.

Capital Requirements - 201280 articles out of 80.

Capital Requirements - 201158 articles out of 58.

Capital Requirements - 201040 articles out of 40.

Capital Requirements - 200915 articles out of 15.

Capital Requirements - 200813 articles out of 13.

Capital Requirements - 20073 articles out of 3.

Capital Requirements - 200612 articles out of 12.

Capital Requirements - 200520 articles out of 20.

Capital Requirements - 200412 articles out of 12.

Capital Requirements - 200319 articles out of 19.

Capital Requirements - 20021 articles out of 1.

Capital Requirements - 20011 articles out of 1.

Capital Requirements - 19991 articles out of 1.