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Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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EMIR - 202317 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 202217 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 20213 articles out of 3.

EMIR - 202012 articles out of 12.

EMIR - 201921 articles out of 21.

EMIR - 201822 articles out of 22.

2017 EMIR
2017-12-19 EBA: ESAs publish final draft technical standards amending margin requirements for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives
2017-11-21 ESMA updates its EMIR Q&A
2017-11-17 ESMA consults on calculation of derivative positions
2017-11-14 CEPS - Derivatives Clearing and Brexit: A comment on the proposed EMIR revisions
2017-11-07 ISDA publishes EMIR refit Whitepaper
2017-10-23 AFME’s response to European Commission’s proposal for a regulation amending EMIR
2017-10-02 ESMA updates its EMIR and CSDR Q&As
2017-09-11 Report from the Commission on the need to temporarily exclude exchange-traded derivatives
2017-08-24 ESMA issues guidelines on portability of data between trade repositories
2017-07-10 Results of the June 2017 survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC markets
2017-07-03 FSB reports on reforms to OTC derivatives markets
2017-06-27 BIS: Call for comments on harmonising OTC derivatives data elements
2017-05-10 ISDA Chairman Eric Litvack's remarks at ISDA 32nd Annual General Meeting
2017-05-08 BIS: OTC derivatives statistics at end-December 2016
2017-04-03 ESMA updates EMIR Q&A and validation rules
2017-03-13 FSB publishes consultation on UTI governance
2017-02-28 Harmonisation of the Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI), guidance issued by CPMI-IOSCO
2017-02-02 Financial Times: Derivatives Big Bang catches market off guard
2017-02-02 ESMA updates its EMIR Q&A
2017-01-31 ESMA consults on future guidelines for portability between trade repositories
2017-01-25 ECB: Results of the survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets
2017-01-23 ESMA Chair speaks on reforms in OTC derivatives markets and benchmarks
2017-01-16 ESMA issues opinions on Swedish pension schemes to be exempt from central clearing under EMIR

Prior Years Reports

EMIR - 201638 articles out of 38.

EMIR - 201562 articles out of 62.

EMIR - 201460 articles out of 60.

EMIR - 2013128 articles out of 128.

EMIR - 2012113 articles out of 113.

EMIR - 2011110 articles out of 110.

EMIR - 201057 articles out of 57.

EMIR - 200919 articles out of 19.

EMIR - 20084 articles out of 4.