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EMIR - 202317 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 202217 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 20213 articles out of 3.

EMIR - 202012 articles out of 12.

EMIR - 201921 articles out of 21.

EMIR - 201822 articles out of 22.

EMIR - 201723 articles out of 23.

2016 EMIR
2016-12-21 IOSCO identifies risks to retail investors of OTC leveraged products
2016-12-20 EBA launches data collection addressed to commodity derivatives firms to review the prudential framework for investment firms
2016-12-20 ISDA: Derivatives market analysis: interest rate derivatives
2016-12-19 ESMA consults on supervision fees for trade repositories under SFTR and EMIR
2016-12-17 IOSCO/CPMI: Harmonisation of the Unique Product Identifier
2016-12-15 ESMA consults on extending aggregated trade repository data
2016-12-11 December 2016 BIS Quarterly Review: Delving deeply into currency and derivatives markets
2016-12-11 BIS: The changing shape of interest rate derivatives markets
2016-12-05 Market guidance on standardization of the ISDA variation margin CSA
2016-11-14 ESMA asks Commission to delay central clearing for small financial counterparties
2016-11-10 BIS: Central clearing predominates in OTC interest rate derivatives markets
2016-10-20 Harmonisation of critical OTC derivatives data elements (other than UTI and UPI) – second batch - Consultative report issued by CPMI-IOSCO
2016-10-17 ISDA: Key trends in clearing for small derivatives users
2016-10-04 Commission adopts new rules to mitigate risks in non-cleared OTC derivative transactions
2016-09-20 ESMA consults on trading obligation for derivatives
2016-09-20 ESMA consults on trading obligation for derivatives
2016-09-15 New ISDA White Paper urges greater standardization and efficiency in derivatives market infrastructures
2016-09-09 ESAs reject proposed amendments from the European Commission to technical standards on non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives
2016-08-29 FSB publishes progress reports on implementation of reforms to the OTC derivatives market and on removal of barriers to trade reporting
2016-08-18 Harmonisation of the Unique Product Identifier - Second consultative report issued by CPMI-IOSCO
2016-07-13 ESMA consults on proposed central clearing delay for small financial counterparties
2016-06-27 EDHEC-Risk: Initial margin for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives: overview, modelling and calibration
2016-06-10 European Commission: Adoption of a delegated regulation on central clearing for interest rate derivatives
2016-06-10 Bloomberg: Banks gain ground in push to change derivatives capital rule
2016-05-26 ESMA issues technical standards on indirect clients
2016-05-03 BIS: OTC derivatives statistics at end-December 2015
2016-04-21 TABB: OTC derivatives under MiFID II – Transparency only through collaboration
2016-04-14 ISDA publishes margin-rule-compliant collateral document
2016-04-13 ISDA publishes updated EMIR classification letter
2016-04-05 Financial News: Europe retreats in US derivatives battle
2016-03-30 BIS launched the 2016 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets
2016-03-08 ESAs publish final draft technical standards on margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives
2016-03-01 New EU rules on central clearing for certain credit derivative contracts
2016-02-27 Hedgeweek: Euroclear white paper examines implications of collateral settlement fails
2016-02-16 ESMA updates EMIR Q&A
2016-02-12 US-EU Financial Markets Regulatory Dialogue Joint Statement
2016-02-02 ESMA issues opinions on UK pension schemes to be exempt from central clearing under EMIR
2016-01-19 ECB: Results of the December 2015 survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets

Prior Years Reports

EMIR - 201562 articles out of 62.

EMIR - 201460 articles out of 60.

EMIR - 2013128 articles out of 128.

EMIR - 2012113 articles out of 113.

EMIR - 2011110 articles out of 110.

EMIR - 201057 articles out of 57.

EMIR - 200919 articles out of 19.

EMIR - 20084 articles out of 4.