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EMIR - 202317 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 202217 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 20213 articles out of 3.

EMIR - 202012 articles out of 12.

EMIR - 201921 articles out of 21.

EMIR - 201822 articles out of 22.

EMIR - 201723 articles out of 23.

EMIR - 201638 articles out of 38.

EMIR - 201562 articles out of 62.

EMIR - 201460 articles out of 60.

EMIR - 2013128 articles out of 128.

EMIR - 2012113 articles out of 113.

2011 EMIR
2011-12-21 Basel Committee consultative document: Application of own credit risk adjustments to derivatives
2011-12-21 ISDA updates OTC derivatives market analysis: despite increase in notionals, over 50 per cent of IRS market is cleared
2011-12-20 Adoption of EMIR delayed until early 2012
2011-12-20 ISDA publishes draft OTC taxonomies for a 30-day comment period
2011-12-20 SIFMA statement on CFTC swaps reporting rules
2011-12-09 FN: Fears grow over EMIR delay
2011-12-09 Joint statement on regulation of OTC derivatives markets
2011-11-28 FN: Clearing the decks for new OTC rules
2011-11-25 Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) seeks comments on the regulation of over-the-counter derivatives surveillance and enforcement
2011-11-17 CGFS report: The macro-financial implications of alternative configurations for access to central counterparties in OTC derivatives markets
2011-11-16 BIS: OTC derivatives market activity in the first half of 2011
2011-11-14 Deutsche Bank published an update on the current regulatory initiatives - OTC derivatives markets
2011-11-10 ISDA publishes discussion paper on costs and benefits of mandatory electronic execution requirements for interest rate products
2011-11-09 UK's battle with Brussels is intensifying on financial regulation
2011-11-07 IPE: EMIR Directive will increase collateral costs for pension funds
2011-11-07 FN: Race for the OTC derivatives market
2011-11-03 ISDA leads industry effort to standardise the Credit Support Annex
2011-10-15 Communiqué of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G20
2011-10-12 FN: Global regulators call for aggressive push in derivatives reforms
2011-10-11 FSB published progress report on implementing OTC derivatives market reforms
2011-10-10 Meeting of the OTC Derivatives Regulators' Forum
2011-10-04 ECOFIN Council conclusions: Agreement reached on EMIR
2011-09-27 EBF response to CPSS-IOSCO report on requirements for OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation
2011-09-27 CEA comments on proposals for OTC derivatives regulation
2011-09-23 Polish Presidency published new compromise text on EMIR
2011-09-15 IOSCO announces commodity derivatives markets supervisory principles
2011-09-01 SEC seeks public comment on use of derivatives by mutual funds and other investment companies
2011-08-29 Polish Presidency published new compromise text on EMIR
2011-08-24 IOSCO-CPSS releases report on requirements for OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation
2011-08-05 ISDA publishes analysis of counterparty credit risk management in the US OTC derivatives markets
2011-08-03 Commission published info-letter on Post-Trading
2011-07-26 EDHEC-Risk published a position paper on the price volatility in the food markets
2011-07-25 US regulators seek public input for a joint CFTC-SEC study on international swap regulation
2011-07-18 Polish Presidency published compromise text on EMIR
2011-07-13 Citi publishes report on OTC derivatives
2011-07-11 ISDA publishes 2011 Equity Derivatives Definitions
2011-07-08 FT: Push to regulate derivatives is under strain
2011-07-06 IMA calls for action on derivatives trading rules
2011-07-06 Bloomberg: Differing EU, US derivative rules may discriminate
2011-07-05 FT: Dodd-Frank delay spells OTC dealer reprieve
2011-07-05 Plenary debate on EMIR
2011-07-04 FT: Brussels delays decision on OTC rules
2011-06-23 Canadian Securities Administrators seek comments on regulation of over-the-counter derivatives trade reporting and repositories
2011-06-20 ECOFIN Council conclusions: Economic governance, EMIR and public finance statistics
2011-06-15 ISDA published note on the impossibility of correctly calibrating the current exposure method (CEM) for large OTC derivatives portfolios
2011-06-14 Commissioner Barnier: More transparency and regulations on commodities and raw materials is needed
2011-06-14 CFTC voted to delay for six months key regulations under the derivatives title of the Dodd-Frank act
2011-06-08 FT: Geithner pushes alignment on OTC reform with US
2011-06-07 Speech by FSA Alexander Justham about derivatives reform and progress against the G20 objectives
2011-06-06 Hungarian Presidency published latest Council compromise text on EMIR
2011-06-03 Commissioner Barnier: Time for delivery, making the reforms of the financial system in Europe and the US a reality
2011-05-27 AMF chairman Jouyet calls for market circuit breakers
2011-05-27 Hungarian Presidency published latest compromise text on EMIR
2011-05-26 Steven Maijoor delivers a keynote address at the ICMA conference
2011-05-26 ISDA publishes OTC derivatives market analysis
2011-05-25 IPE: Pension funds win reprieve from European derivatives regulation
2011-05-24 OTC derivatives to be regulated: ECON Committee votes on new EU regulation
2011-05-23 AIMA warned that new barriers to international clearing could be created by EU OTC derivatives proposals
2011-05-23 FN: EU compromise fails to remove pensions threat
2011-05-19 FSA publishes Proposed Guidance on reporting derivative transactions conducted through derivative exchange platforms
2011-05-18 BIS published OTC derivatives market activity in the second half of 2010
2011-05-13 ISDA responds to the FSB report on OTC derivatives markets reforms implementation
2011-05-11 CEA: EMIR should recognise and address the different risk profiles of market participants
2011-05-11 CFTC Commissioner Scott D O’Malia: Not all end-users are created equal
2011-05-05 FT: Banks anxious over Fed regulations
2011-05-04 GFS: Unlevel playing field concerns on pension clearing requirements
2011-05-04 SIFMA supports passage of deadline extension legislation for Dodd-Frank derivatives rulemaking
2011-05-02 Richard Raeburn's EACT Blog: Derivatives - doomsday scenario for end-users?
2011-04-29 Hungarian Presidency published latest compromise text on EMIR
2011-04-25 FT: Getting swap definition right
2011-04-20 ECON committee debate on EMIR’s amendments
2011-04-20 AFME research finds true size of European ‘OTC’ equity market is nearer 16% than 40%
2011-04-15 FSB progress report on OTC derivatives
2011-04-14 ISDA released white paper on product representation for standardised derivatives
2011-04-13 ESMA Steven Maijoor: Avoiding regulatory competition in the future is essential
2011-04-12 SIFMA called margin requirements for derivatives users significant to both financial and commercial companies
2011-04-12 AFME: Global FX Division publishes trade repository ‘request for proposal’
2011-04-12 AIMA: Asset segregation in OTC markets
2011-04-07 FT: US and Canadian clearers explore joint action
2011-04-07 Lexology: The impact of MiFID II on OTC derivatives and commodities trading
2011-04-05 OTC derivatives clearing roundtable
2011-03-31 IMF publishes report ‘Making OTC Derivatives Safe - A Fresh Look‘
2011-03-29 ISDA: SEF rules should provide greater choice, access and liquidity to OTC derivatives market participants
2011-03-23 FN: The EMIR draft is turning into a battleground
2011-03-18 FT: Barnier downplays OTC reform extension
2011-03-18 Dow Jones: US and EU regulators working on coordinating swaps rules
2011-03-17 Eurex Clearing prepares for upcoming regulatory reforms by expanding its services to interest rate and equity swaps
2011-03-02 FT: EC official urges OTC derivatives reform
2011-03-02 IPE: Pension funds should not be exempt from derivatives regulation
2011-03-02 Electronic trading could solve OTC derivative regulatory headaches
2011-03-01 FT: Fears over CFTC derivatives rule
2011-03-01 ECON committee: Second debate on Langen's report
2011-02-22 ISDA comments on report issued by the International Organisation of Securities Commissions
2011-02-21 IOSCO identifies benefits of organised platform derivatives trading
2011-02-21 Langen's draft report on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
2011-02-14 FT: EC proposes incentives to use central clearers
2011-02-14 New York Times: SEC proposes rules on derivative prices
2011-02-07 FT: Banks hit out at EC derivatives proposal
2011-02-07 ITRE committee draft opinion on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
2011-02-03 ISDA comments on Protection of Collateral of Counterparties to Uncleared Swaps
2011-02-02 ECON committee debate on European Market Infrastructure Regulation
2011-02-02 Reuters: SEC to propose rules for swap trading platforms
2011-02-01 Financial News: European regulations on OTC derivatives spark disquiet
2011-01-31 ISDA released equity derivatives transparency studies
2011-01-26 JURI committee debate on the draft opinion on EMIR
2011-01-19 CFTC holds ninth open meeting on Dodd-Frank
2011-01-19 AFME: FX industry at regulatory crossroads
2011-01-19 ECB Opinion on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
2011-01-18 ISDA submission on CSA paper on regulation of OTC derivatives regulation in Canada
2011-01-10 EP Committee on Legal Affairs publishes opinion on OTC derivatives regulation

Prior Years Reports

EMIR - 201057 articles out of 57.

EMIR - 200919 articles out of 19.

EMIR - 20084 articles out of 4.