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EMIR - 202217 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 20213 articles out of 3.

EMIR - 202012 articles out of 12.

EMIR - 201921 articles out of 21.

EMIR - 201822 articles out of 22.

EMIR - 201723 articles out of 23.

EMIR - 201638 articles out of 38.

EMIR - 201562 articles out of 62.

EMIR - 201460 articles out of 60.

2013 EMIR
2013-12-18 FT: Derivative trading rules will not reduce risk
2013-12-18 ISDA survey: Footnote 88 and Market Fragmentation
2013-12-16 ESMA - No 90-day reporting delay for post-EMIR trades
2013-12-12 FN: US and Europe lock horns on derivatives
2013-12-11 FOW Intelligence: Derivatives markets rebound in 2013
2013-12-05 Philip Stafford: Cross-border chaos dogs derivatives rules
2013-12-02 Euroclear UK & Ireland to lead local T+2 settlement initiative
2013-11-29 ISDA/FOA assist with ongoing EMIR Disclosure Requirements
2013-11-11 ESMA publishes updated EMIR Q&As
2013-11-11 Philip Stafford: Europe learns from CFTC on trade reporting
2013-11-08 Hedgeweek: Countdown to EMIR reporting begins
2013-11-07 Commission intends not to endorse ESMA's proposal to delay reporting start date for ETDs
2013-11-06 FT: Regulators urge rewrite for derivatives contracts
2013-11-06 Bloomberg: UK to fight monopolistic derivatives exchanges at EU
2013-11-05 Reuters: Global watchdog says new body with teeth needed to police markets
2013-11-04 Cross-border OTC reforms - No path forward
2013-10-31 Reuters: EU's Barnier warns about softening new derivatives trading rules
2013-10-30 Philip Stafford: Innovation the keystone for exchanges
2013-10-29 Reuters: Derivatives dispute harming EU-US free-trade talks
2013-10-28 ISDA: New EMIR counterparty classification tool launched on ISDA amend to help businesses comply with EMIR
2013-10-28 The Trade: Mandatory SEF trades could transform OTC market
2013-10-25 FESE: Disparity between US and EU CCP margin standards for exchange‐traded derivatives
2013-10-22 Libor set to remain as benchmark rate for OTC derivative contracts
2013-10-22 ESMA publishes amended EMIR Q&A clarifying the use of LEI identifiers
2013-10-17 ESMA/Maijoor: Speech on international regulatory coordination in OTC markets reform
2013-10-15 IOSCO launches its first Securities Markets Risk Outlook
2013-10-14 ECB survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets
2013-10-10 FN: EU firms forced to take action to avoid US clearing rules
2013-10-08 Banking Technology: US-Europe derivatives rulemaking deal "falls at first hurdle"
2013-10-03 ESMA: Meeting of the Principals of the OTC Derivative Regulators Group
2013-10-02 ESMA delivers second set of advice on EMIR equivalence
2013-10-02 FT: SEC throws spanner in the works of new derivatives regime
2013-10-01 Insurance Europe: Letter to ESMA and EIOPA on central clearing exemption for retirement schemes under EMIR
2013-10-01 ESMA/Maijoor address to BWF/ICMA Capital Markets Conference in Frankfurt
2013-09-30 FT: EU urges US to delay swaps reform
2013-09-26 FT: US rules 'endanger' derivatives reforms
2013-09-26 EC revises delivery date for ESMA standards on cross-border application of EMIR
2013-09-24 Deutsche Bank: The impact of OTC market regulations on liquidity
2013-09-23 Industry forced to rethink reporting after ESMA rejects GFMA proposal
2013-09-19 FCA/Wheatley: EU and US must harmonise derivatives rules
2013-09-13 ESMA: Trade Repository registration approval not expected before 7 November, reporting to begin February 2014
2013-09-13 Euroclear: OTC watchdogs pledge to work together on transnational trading
2013-09-12 Fed/Dudley: Remarks at panel discussion on OTC derivatives reform and broader financial reforms agenda
2013-09-12 Responses to ESMA consultation on clearing obligation under EMIR: ABBL, ABI, AIMA, EBF, EFAMA, GFMA, Insurance Europe, ISDA/BBA, NAPF et al
2013-09-11 ECB/Cœuré: Four years after Pittsburgh - What has OTC derivatives reform achieved so far
2013-09-06 EBF: Third country application of EMIR
2013-09-05 OTC Derivatives Regulators Group: Report to the G20 Heads of State summit of 5/6 September 2013
2013-09-02 FSB publishes reports on implementation of OTC derivatives market reforms
2013-09-02 BIS: Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives - Final report issued by the Basel Committee and IOSCO
2013-09-02 ESMA advises Commission on equivalence of non-European derivatives rules
2013-08-26 BIS: Macro-economic impact assessment of OTC derivatives regulatory reforms report issued by the MAGD
2013-08-20 ISDA outlines approach on cross-border issues: Principles address inter-jurisdictional recognition of derivatives regulation
2013-08-12 CPSS and IOSCO issue report on authorities' access to trade repository data
2013-08-12 ECB Opinion on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
2013-08-06 ESMA proposes delay to reporting date for Exchange Traded Derivatives
2013-08-05 UK Treasury publishes FSMA (OTC derivatives, CCPs and TRs) Regulations
2013-08-02 Bundesbank/Dombret: Global derivatives markets in transition
2013-07-26 The Trade: Trade repositories tackle reconciliation issue
2013-07-23 EBF welcomes EU/US agreement on derivatives
2013-07-19 G20 emphasises growth ahead of austerity
2013-07-19 Derivatives Reform: Preparing for an uncertain data landscape
2013-07-17 ESMA consults on non-EU counterparties OTC derivatives
2013-07-15 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions – Note on implementation timing proposal and key changes
2013-07-15 Commissioner Barnier: Interdependent swaps markets need interactive cross-border rules
2013-07-12 Commission adopts Delegated Regulations on TR fees / Exempted entities under EMIR
2013-07-12 ESMA begins detailing central clearing of OTC derivatives
2013-07-11 Pierides & Charleton: Reconciliation + regulation = complication
2013-07-11 Deloitte: CFTC and EU OTC derivatives regulation - An outcomes-based comparison
2013-07-01 FT: Europe steps up regulatory assault on CDS
2013-06-28 Basel Committee consults on derivatives-related reforms to capital adequacy framework
2013-06-25 Speech by CFTC Commissioner Mark P Wetjen before the FIA/FOA
2013-06-21 ISDA 2013 Margin Survey results: $3.70 trillion of collateral in circulation in non-cleared OTC derivatives market
2013-06-20 ISDA publishes year-end 2012 Market Analysis: Portfolio compression and central clearing continue to impact size of OTC derivatives market
2013-06-20 Michel Barnier: US can't go it alone on derivatives
2013-06-19 ESMA/Maijoor: Keynote speech at ISLA's 22nd Annual Conference
2013-06-17 FN: ESMA pledges to fast-track fresh guidance on derivatives rules
2013-06-17 IPE: New rules for Italian investment funds come into effect
2013-06-14 APG explores swap futures to cut cost of central clearing
2013-06-13 Commission extends deadline for ESMA's equivalence work under EMIR
2013-06-11 Hedgeweek: Negotiating the collateral management paradigm shift under Dodd-Frank & EMIR
2013-06-11 ISDA and FOA publish Client Cleared OTC Derivatives Addendum
2013-06-10 WSJ: More swaps fall under the auspices of clearing firms
2013-06-10 ESMA: Guidelines and Recommendations for establishing consistent, efficient and effective assessments of interoperability arrangements
2013-06-04 Sapient: New study shows a significant impact on buy-side portfolio returns due to post Dodd-Frank costs of clearing
2013-05-29 AMF publishes guide for investment management companies on the impact of the European regulation on clearing OTC derivatives
2013-05-29 FT: European regulators clash with US over derivatives market reforms
2013-05-28 AIMA paper highlights areas for deeper international coordination of OTC derivatives regulations
2013-05-28 IPE: Pension funds lack discipline in derivatives
2013-05-28 Bundesbank/Dombret: Boring banking?
2013-05-19 CME Group: Understanding deliverable swap futures
2013-05-15 Reuters: Regulators set September deadline for derivatives deal
2013-05-13 European Commission: Memo on the practical implementation of the EMIR framework to non-EU CCPs
2013-05-08 German banks set standard framework for clearing OTC derivatives
2013-05-08 Chatham Financial survey highlights impact of regulatory uncertainty on derivatives end-users
2013-04-30 New ECB survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets
2013-04-30 ISDA/O'Connor: OTC derivatives - Ensuring safe, efficient markets that support economic growth
2013-04-23 ISDA: OTC derivatives markets poised for growth in Asia
2013-04-22 Paul Tucker: Central counterparties in evolving capital markets - Safety, recovery and resolution
2013-04-20 OTC Derivatives Regulators Group report to G20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of 18-19 April 2013
2013-04-18 Letter to US Treasury Secretary Lew on cross-border OTC derivatives reform
2013-04-17 BIS: Implementation of PFMIs monitored by CPSS and IOSCO
2013-04-11 IPE: OTC derivative margins cause imperfect hedging
2013-04-05 FT: GFI seeks to mitigate derivatives regulation
2013-04-02 BCBS and IOSCO publish responses to consultation on margin requirements
2013-03-27 ESMA/Maijoor: EMIR - A fair price for safety and transparency
2013-03-22 OTC derivatives transactions: Commission adopts report on international treatment of central banks and debt management offices
2013-03-21 EBF publishes comments on BCBS-IOSCO consultation on "Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives"
2013-03-20 ESMA publishes Q&As on EMIR implementation
2013-03-19 IMF/Lagarde: The global financial sector—transforming the landscape
2013-03-19 FT: CFTC eyes derivatives reform compromise
2013-03-15 ALFI comments on BCBS's/IOSCO's Margin Requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives consultative document
2013-03-15 EACT/US Coalition submit responses to BIS-IOSCO consultations on Margin Requirements for Non-centrally-cleared Derivatives
2013-03-11 Reuters: Phase-in of EU derivatives rules may drag on into 2014
2013-03-11 OTC reforms present technology challenges for insurers
2013-03-08 ISDA publishes EMIR non-financial counterparty representation protocol and timely confirmation amendment agreement
2013-03-01 European Commission extends deadline for ESMA advice on equivalence of non-EU rules with EMIR
2013-03-01 IPE: Clearinghouse launches industry group to measure EMIR impact
2013-02-15 Basel Committee and IOSCO issue near-final proposal on margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives
2013-02-11 EMIR: Illustrative implementation timeline - Update
2013-02-08 Statement by Commissioner Barnier on the technical standards to implement the new rules on derivatives
2013-02-04 Commission's declaration on delegated acts under EMIR
2013-01-31 Bloomberg: Barnier tells EU lawmakers in letter not to block swaps rules
2013-01-31 EACT/Raeburn: The EMIR confrontation between the European Parliament, Commission and ESMA
2013-01-29 FN: Investors warm to futures as clearing looms
2013-01-18 FESE/Hardt: The impact of MAD, MiFID and EMIR on the integrity of financial markets
2013-01-09 Commission Delegated Regulations on OTC derivatives, CCPs and TRs: Extension of the scrutiny period for the EP/EC
2013-01-08 IMF: Capital requirements for over-the-counter derivatives central counterparties
2013-01-03 Insurers look to negotiate CSAs ahead of new clearing rules

Prior Years Reports

EMIR - 2012113 articles out of 113.

EMIR - 2011110 articles out of 110.

EMIR - 201057 articles out of 57.

EMIR - 200919 articles out of 19.

EMIR - 20084 articles out of 4.