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EMIR - 202317 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 202217 articles out of 17.

EMIR - 20213 articles out of 3.

EMIR - 202012 articles out of 12.

EMIR - 201921 articles out of 21.

EMIR - 201822 articles out of 22.

EMIR - 201723 articles out of 23.

EMIR - 201638 articles out of 38.

EMIR - 201562 articles out of 62.

EMIR - 201460 articles out of 60.

EMIR - 2013128 articles out of 128.

EMIR - 2012113 articles out of 113.

EMIR - 2011110 articles out of 110.

2010 EMIR
2010-12-22 FT: Derivatives clearing creates new battleground
2010-12-22 Institutional Investor: Europe eyes looser OTC derivatives rules than U.S.
2010-12-20 Belgian Presidency progress report on EMIR
2010-12-17 CEA: OTC derivatives regulation must reflect risk profiles
2010-12-13 WSJ: CFTC hammers out corporate exemption for derivatives rule
2010-12-08 Financial News: 'Secret' EC report clears hedge funds over Greek default
2010-12-01 Financial News: Fresh clash looms over new OTC rules
2010-11-30 ECON committee: First exchange of views on European Market Infrastructure Regulation
2010-11-24 FT: NYSE Euronext push into OTC derivatives clearing
2010-11-23 ISDA: waiver of mandatory clearing requirements for certain OTC derivatives would reduce risk
2010-11-22 Belgian Presidency compromise text on the European Market Infrastructure Regulation
2010-11-10 Canadian Securities Administrators publish a Consultation paper on Over‐the‐Counter Derivatives regulation in Canada
2010-11-09 FED hosted a meeting of the OTC Derivatives Regulators’ Forum
2010-11-05 Comment paper on EC proposal for Regulation on OTC derivatives, CCPs and trade repositories
2010-11-03 CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler and Commissioner Michel Barnier joint statement on OTC derivatives
2010-10-28 SIBOS: OTC chaos moves from derivatives to regulators
2010-10-27 ISDA publishes OTC Derivatives Settlements Best Practice and OTC Derivatives Interest Compensation Claims Best Practice
2010-10-26 Financial Stability Board releases report on improving OTC derivatives markets
2010-10-25 ISDA provides concentration statistics on OTC derivatives activity and publishes Mid-Year 2010 Market Survey results
2010-10-18 IOSCO forms task force on OTC derivatives regulation
2010-10-04 AFME publishes an OTC protocol for default trades
2010-09-29 EP Rapporteur and shadow rapporteurs nominated
2010-09-21 EACT comments on the EC proposal for a regulation of OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
2010-09-15 Commission proposal on OTC Derivatives and Market infrastructures
2010-09-08 EDHEC Risk Institute supports the objective of better regulation of the derivatives markets for commodities
2010-08-25 FESE response to CESR Consultation on standardisation and exchange trading of OTC Derivatives
2010-08-24 OTC derivatives regulation: ECB believes that exemptions for non-financial firms should be conservative
2010-08-20 IMF: Mandatory central clearing for OTC derivatives should be phased in gradually
2010-08-19 AIMA urges EU policymakers to push ahead with reforms of OTC derivatives
2010-07-21 CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler: OTC derivatives dealers will be subject to robust oversight
2010-07-21 AMF financial services newsletter: AMF supports Commission OTC derivatives proposal
2010-07-16 EBF response to EC consultation on derivatives and markets infrastructures
2010-07-14 EACH’s response to EC consultation on derivatives and market infrastructures
2010-07-13 FESE responded to EC’s consultation on 'Derivatives and Market Infrastructures': ESMA should play an essential role
2010-07-13 Joint ISDA, AFME and BBA response to the EC’s public consultation on derivatives and market infrastructure
2010-07-10 AMF Jean-Pierre Jouyet: OTC derivatives trade repositories should be involved in macro-supervision
2010-06-21 ISDA welcomes EC consultations on OTC derivatives
2010-06-15 Plenary debate on OTC derivatives – EP own initiative report in line with Commission’s ideas, Barnier said.
2010-06-14 Commission consults on Derivatives and Market Infrastructures
2010-06-04 European banks urge structural deficiencies in OTC derivatives markets to be addressed via CCPs and collateralisation
2010-06-02 ECON committee debate and vote on OTC report
2010-05-12 CPSS and IOSCO consult on policy guidance for central counterparties and trade repositories in OTC derivatives market
2010-05-11 BIS: OTC derivatives market activity in the second half of 2009
2010-04-30 EFAMA’s comments on ECON draft report on OTC derivatives
2010-04-28 Public hearing on OTC derivatives organized by the EP ECON committee
2010-04-13 IMF: Making OTC derivatives safer- the role of central counterparties
2010-03-31 The House of Lord EU Committee - The future regulation of derivatives markets: is the EU on the right track?
2010-03-26 SEC evaluates funds' use of derivatives
2010-03-11 FT: Germany and France called on the European Union to consider banning CDS speculation.
2010-03-09 ISDA market review of OTC bilateral collateralization practices
2010-03-09 ECON Committee: regulating the derivatives market
2010-03-04 Wolfgang Münchau: The case against naked CDS
2010-02-25 EP publishes OTC draft report
2010-02-09 International Centre for Financial Regulation: overview of OTC derivatives markets regulation
2010-01-27 ECON Committee first exchange of views on derivatives – commodities speculation will be tackled
2010-01-06 EACT: leading European companies unite against proposed European derivatives reform
2010-01-06 ISDA reports on portfolio reconciliation feasibility - advances understanding and promotes better collateral management practices

Prior Years Reports

EMIR - 200919 articles out of 19.

EMIR - 20084 articles out of 4.