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Insurance - 202340 articles out of 40.

Insurance - 202247 articles out of 47.

Insurance - 202176 articles out of 76.

Insurance - 2020100 articles out of 100.

Insurance - 201984 articles out of 84.

Insurance - 2018140 articles out of 140.

Insurance - 2017119 articles out of 119.

2016 Insurance
2016-12-23 EIOPA publishes information on the use of limitations from regular supervisory reporting
2016-12-22 Commercial Risk Europe: Challenges mount for European insurers in 2017
2016-12-19 Fitch: Life insurer stress tests highlight diverse risk exposure
2016-12-16 EIOPA publishes the first report on long-term guarantees and measures on equity risk
2016-12-15 EIOPA announces results of the 2016 EU-wide insurance stress test
2016-12-15 Insurance Europe: Response to EIOPA 2016 Solvency II stress tests
2016-12-15 Commercial Risk Europe: Some reinsurers won’t stay the course as outlook remains negative
2016-12-13 Bruegel: European insurance union and how to get there
2016-12-12 EIOPA publishes guidelines on facilitating an effective dialogue between insurance supervisors and statutory auditors
2016-12-12 Insurance Europe: Support for conclusion of EU/US covered agreement talks reiterated
2016-12-08 Insurance Europe: Concerns raised on Commission proposal for an EU services card
2016-12-08 EIOPA addresses key financial stability risks
2016-12-05 Insurance Europe: Better, not more, information for consumers
2016-12-02 EIOPA is paving the way towards a European recovery and resolution framework for insurers
2016-12-01 Commercial Risk Europe: UK insurers lobby Brexit negotiations
2016-11-28 ECIIA insurance committee to strengthen industry ties
2016-11-21 FSB publishes 2016 G-SII list
2016-11-14 Bank of England: Cyber insurance underwriting risk
2016-11-03 Commercial Risk Europe: Captives flourishing despite soft market but beware Brexit and new tax rules: AM Best
2016-11-01 Insurance Europe: Response provided to IAIS consultation on ICS version 1.0
2016-10-27 Insurance Europe: Making the IPID work for consumers
2016-10-24 Insurance Europe: Protectionist (re)insurance restrictions create barriers to economic growth and can increase concentration risk
2016-10-24 Insurance Europe: Protectionist (re)insurance restrictions create barriers to economic growth and can increase concentration risk
2016-10-20 EIOPA: The Steering Committee of the EU-U.S. Insurance Project defines priority areas for the coming year
2016-10-14 Commercial Risk Europe: NN pursuit of Delta Lloyd suggests SII to drive M&A pick up - Fitch
2016-10-13 Insurance Europe: Joint declaration on the social effects of digitalisation
2016-10-10 BoE: Reporting instructions for non-Solvency II firms (except friendly societies)
2016-10-07 Reuters: Fewer British firms have cyber insurance policies
2016-09-29 Financial Times: London’s insurers rush to cover the Brexit bases
2016-09-15 Commercial Risk Europe: Solvency II under review as UK government and insurers plan for Brexit
2016-09-15 Commercial Risk Europe: Insurance market running into danger over reserves, warns JLT Re
2016-09-14 Packaged retail investment products: Parliament Plenary returns draft law to Commission
2016-09-01 EFAMA wholeheartedly welcomes the adoption of the ECON Motion for a Resolution on the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014
2016-09-01 Insurance Europe: Response provided to OECD consultation on the attribution of profits to permanent establishments
2016-08-18 Commercial Risk Europe: Survey finds buyers content with preparedness for Insurance Act
2016-08-10 FCA: Increasing transparency and engagement at renewal in general insurance markets
2016-08-04 Commercial Risk Europe: Insurance Act ride likely to be bumpy but should usher in professionalism
2016-08-02 Insurance Europe: Comment on publication of EIOPA IPID consultation
2016-08-01 EIOPA consults on the presentation format of the Insurance Product Information Document
2016-07-28 Insurance Europe: Services passport consultation - Ability to facilitate cross-border insurance questioned
2016-07-21 Commercial Risk Europe: Insurance Europe raises concerns as global insurance capital standard moves a step closer
2016-07-21 Commercial Risk Europe: Insurance Act implementation marred by inconsistency
2016-07-21 Insurance Europe: Proposed format for standardised consumer and digital friendly IPID developed
2016-07-19 Insurance Europe: Comment on publication of consultation on proposed global Insurance Capital Standard
2016-07-18 Insurance Europe: Rushed changes to UFR unnecessary and could threaten investment returns for policyholders
2016-07-14 Commercial Risk Europe: Risk managers need to sell value of captives
2016-07-14 Insurance Europe: Harmonisation not answer to difficulties arising from different rules on limitation periods
2016-07-05 EIOPA to launch EU-wide thematic review on market conduct
2016-07-04 EIOPA consults on policy proposals regarding the implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive
2016-06-29 Commercial Risk Europe: No need for London and UK insurers to panic over Brexit
2016-06-20 Fitch: More transparency may help insurers avoid GSII list
2016-06-17 Fitch: Insurance Act will cause insurers to raise premium rates
2016-06-15 Insurance Europe: In-vehicle data: Are consumers really in the driving seat?
2016-06-14 Fitch: UK law change may squeeze commercial insurance margins
2016-06-08 Commercial risk: Risk managers urged to plan for Brexit risks
2016-06-06 Commercial Risk Europe: Concerns over insurer response to Insurance Act
2016-06-06 FSB releases guidance on resolution planning for systemically important insurers
2016-05-26 Insurance Europe: Regulation must enable insurers to put customers first
2016-05-24 EIOPA launches the EU-wide Insurance Stress Test 2016
2016-05-24 Insurance Europe: New-look Annual Report published
2016-05-12 Commercial Risk Europe: London insurers express grave concerns for Brexit
2016-05-05 Commercial Risk Europe: Insurers' Q1 profits hurt by market volatility
2016-04-21 Insurance Europe: Digitalisation cannot remove all barriers to cross-border insurance
2016-04-01 European Commission: Capital Markets Union - Making it easier for insurers to invest in infrastructure
2016-03-31 Commercial Risk Europe: Bermuda officially Solvency II equivalent
2016-03-24 Commercial Risk Europe: European insurers underprepared for UK insurance law changes
2016-03-24 Commercial Risk Europe: Risk managers begin to feel burden of the Insurance Act
2016-03-21 Commercial Risk Europe: Global regulation adds burden hot on the heels of Solvency II
2016-03-14 Insurance Europe: Boosting financial literacy key to ensuring growth and stability in European economy
2016-03-14 Financial Times: Banks’ and insurers’ systems creak under regulatory pressure
2016-03-07 Insurance Europe: Exceeding OECD tax avoidance recommendations could harm EU competitiveness
2016-02-23 European Commission: Joint statement on US - EU negotiations for a bilateral agreement on insurance and reinsurance measures
2016-02-22 Fitch: G-SII Regulation - Still a Long Way to Go
2016-02-15 BoE: Strengthening accountability in banking and insurance: Implementation of SM&CR and SIMR; and PRA requirements on regulatory references
2016-02-12 US-EU Financial Markets Regulatory Dialogue Joint Statement
2016-02-06 IAIS Releases 2015 Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR)
2016-01-29 Insurance Europe: Response provided on preparatory POG guidelines
2016-01-28 Insurance Europe: Internal models deliver significant benefits in supervising reinsurers
2016-01-28 Insurance Europe: Response provided to NTNI consultation
2016-01-25 EDHEC Risk: How to calibrate risk appetite, tolerance and limits - The issues at stake for capital allocation, ERM and business performance
2016-01-25 Financial Times: Banking can learn from insurance on systemic risk
2016-01-25 Forbes: Insurance, a fintech laggard, hints at change
2016-01-23 Deloitte: 2015 life insurance and annuity industry outlook - Taking the longer-term view
2016-01-20 EU-Japan High Level Meeting on Financial Issues
2016-01-18 Financial Times: Insurers commit $1bn to tech start-ups
2016-01-07 IAIS releases 2015 Global Insurance Market Report (GIMAR)
2016-01-06 ECB: Statistics on euro area insurance corporations and pension funds
2016-01-04 Insurance Europe: Response to the FSB consultation on effective resolution strategies for G-SIIs

Prior Years Reports

Insurance - 201576 articles out of 76.

Insurance - 2014115 articles out of 115.

Insurance - 2013215 articles out of 215.

Insurance - 2012143 articles out of 143.

Insurance - 201140 articles out of 40.

Insurance - 201019 articles out of 19.

Insurance - 200920 articles out of 20.

Insurance - 200810 articles out of 10.

Insurance - 200721 articles out of 21.

Insurance - 200610 articles out of 10.

Insurance - 200514 articles out of 14.

Insurance - 200411 articles out of 11.

Insurance - 20033 articles out of 3.

Insurance - 20021 articles out of 1.

Insurance - 20011 articles out of 1.