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Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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MiFID - 202320 articles out of 20.

MiFID - 202244 articles out of 44.

MiFID - 202112 articles out of 12.

MiFID - 202033 articles out of 33.

MiFID - 201980 articles out of 80.

MiFID - 2018103 articles out of 103.

MiFID - 201795 articles out of 95.

MiFID - 201645 articles out of 45.

MiFID - 201545 articles out of 45.

MiFID - 201453 articles out of 53.

MiFID - 201338 articles out of 38.

MiFID - 201251 articles out of 51.

2011 MiFID
2011-12-20 EBF position on the review of the MiFID
2011-12-17 Basic information on the MiFID review
2011-12-15 ESMA publishes an updated opinion on waivers from Pre-trade Transparency
2011-12-14 FT: High stakes over definition of high-frequency trading
2011-12-06 ECON Committee: Public hearing on MiFID II/MiFIR
2011-12-05 Speech by AMF chair, Jean-Pierre Jouyet, at the EP on MiFID Review
2011-12-05 FN: Investors cry foul over MiFID exclusion
2011-11-30 CFA Institute supports post-trade transparency requirements for EU bond markets under MiFID II
2011-11-24 Speech by Jean-Pierre Jouyet at the AMF Annual conference
2011-11-21 ECON Committee: Public questionnaire on MiFID II
2011-10-24 FN: Commission drops MiFID gender quotas
2011-10-21 FN: MiFID II - in a nutshell
2011-10-20 AFME comment on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation
2011-10-20 European investors and exchanges ask for the MiFID Review to put the economy first
2011-10-20 NYSE Euronext statement on MiFID review
2011-10-20 ISDA comments on EC's MiFID proposals
2011-10-20 Deutsche Börse supports the goals of MiFID II
2011-10-20 ECR: EU's MiFID and MAD proposals are good place to start
2011-10-20 Commission published the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
2011-10-17 WSJ: EU seeks more power for national regulators over derivatives
2011-09-30 IFAonline: Independent firms singled out for commission ban in MiFID II draft
2011-09-09 FN: The ten things we learnt from the MiFID leak
2011-09-06 FN: EC toughens stance on MiFID
2011-09-05 FT: Liberalisation push on ‘listed’ derivatives
2011-08-10 ESMA provides opinions on pre-trade transparency waivers
2011-07-25 FN: MiFID II timing spells two more years of doubt
2011-07-06 Steven Maijoor speaks on the European fund industry paradigm: Combining long-term investment horizons and risk profiles
2011-06-27 FN: Derivatives' regulatory day of reckoning nears
2011-06-07 MiFID II adoption by the Commission pushed back to October
2011-06-07 FT: Credit Suisse warns over dark pool reform
2011-04-18 ESMA published MiFID Questions and Answers - Investor Protection & Intermediaries
2011-04-04 FESE sent letter to Commissioner Barnier regarding MiFID
2011-03-26 FN: Spain still slow to embrace MiFID
2011-03-24 FN: Europe ready to proceed on MiFID
2011-02-25 EFAMA reply to the European Commission Public Consultation on the Review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
2011-02-23 ALFI's comments on and responses to the European Commission's consultation on the review of MiFID
2011-02-21 MiFID 2.0: 'Casting New Light on Europe’s Capital Markets' - full report
2011-02-15 UK response to the Commission Services' consultation on the Review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
2011-02-15 Interview with MEP Kay Swinburne on High Frequency Trading
2011-02-14 New report on “The Myths and Realities of Equity Trading in Europe”
2011-02-11 ESBG response to the public consultation on the review of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
2011-02-10 AFME's response to the MiFID review consultation
2011-02-09 EuropeanIssuers’ position paper on MiFID
2011-02-09 MiFID 2.0: Casting New Light on Europe's Capital Markets
2011-02-07 IMA calls for consistent regulation across the retail market in Europe
2011-02-07 Financial News: UK slams European Commission over new plans for MiFID
2011-02-07 FT: Europe backlash grows against MiFID reforms
2011-02-04 ICMA responds to MiFID consultation
2011-02-04 FESE response to the MiFID consultation
2011-02-04 MiFID Implementation in the midst of the Financial Crisis: Results of an ECMI Survey
2011-02-03 The AMF published a study evaluating MiFID questionnaires in France
2011-02-02 EACT response to EC on Markets in Financial Instruments
2011-02-02 AMF responses to the European Commission consultation on the MiFID Review
2011-01-14 FN: In praise of dark pools of liquidity

Prior Years Reports

MiFID - 201024 articles out of 24.

MiFID - 200912 articles out of 12.

MiFID - 200815 articles out of 15.

MiFID - 200771 articles out of 71.

MiFID - 200628 articles out of 28.

MiFID - 200525 articles out of 25.

MiFID - 200429 articles out of 29.

MiFID - 200321 articles out of 21.

MiFID - 200225 articles out of 25.

MiFID - 200115 articles out of 15.

MiFID - 20003 articles out of 3.

MiFID - 19991 articles out of 1.