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Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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MiFID - 202244 articles out of 44.

MiFID - 202112 articles out of 12.

MiFID - 202033 articles out of 33.

MiFID - 201980 articles out of 80.

MiFID - 2018103 articles out of 103.

MiFID - 201795 articles out of 95.

MiFID - 201645 articles out of 45.

MiFID - 201545 articles out of 45.

MiFID - 201453 articles out of 53.

MiFID - 201338 articles out of 38.

MiFID - 201251 articles out of 51.

MiFID - 201154 articles out of 54.

MiFID - 201024 articles out of 24.

MiFID - 200912 articles out of 12.

MiFID - 200815 articles out of 15.

MiFID - 200771 articles out of 71.

MiFID - 200628 articles out of 28.

MiFID - 200525 articles out of 25.

MiFID - 200429 articles out of 29.

2003 MiFID
2003-12-04 ISD: Villiers article - where next for the ISD
2003-12-04 DSGV position paper on new Investment Services Directive
2003-10-08 Council agreement on ISD
2003-09-25 EP vote on ISD
2003-09-10 ESBG welcomes EMAC vote on ISD
2003-09-02 EMAC vote on ISD Directive
2003-09-01 ISD OVERVIEW
2003-07-16 EMAC compromise amendments on ISD
2003-07-01 ESBG concerned about impact of ISD on SME Finance
2003-06-20 UNICE Position Paper on ISD
2003-06-20 ECB opinion on ISD
2003-04-24 CEPS report assessing ISD Proposal
2003-04-23 ISD Workshop: Debate on Internalisation – final report
2003-04-07 Commission publishes consultation results on Capital requirements
2003-04-04 Workshop on ISD - Internalisation
2003-03-26 FESE Position on ISD
2003-03-18 EPFSF-Report on ISD
2003-03-16 CEPS comment on ISD and Lamfalussy procedure
2003-02-28 FBF Opinion on ISD
2003-02-21 ESBG Position Paper on ISD
2003-02-18 EMAC hearing on ISD

Prior Years Reports

MiFID - 200225 articles out of 25.

MiFID - 200115 articles out of 15.

MiFID - 20003 articles out of 3.

MiFID - 19991 articles out of 1.