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MiFID - 202244 articles out of 44.

MiFID - 202112 articles out of 12.

MiFID - 202033 articles out of 33.

MiFID - 201980 articles out of 80.

MiFID - 2018103 articles out of 103.

MiFID - 201795 articles out of 95.

MiFID - 201645 articles out of 45.

MiFID - 201545 articles out of 45.

MiFID - 201453 articles out of 53.

MiFID - 201338 articles out of 38.

MiFID - 201251 articles out of 51.

MiFID - 201154 articles out of 54.

MiFID - 201024 articles out of 24.

MiFID - 200912 articles out of 12.

MiFID - 200815 articles out of 15.

MiFID - 200771 articles out of 71.

2006 MiFID
2006-12-22 CESR consults on inducements and passporting under MiFID
2006-12-15 CESR consults on passport under MiFID
2006-11-29 CESR published responses to consultation on MiFID
2006-11-24 FSA impact study of MiFID
2006-11-17 finextra: Deutsche Börse touts MiFID services
2006-11-15 Investment banks to launch European equities platform
2006-11-15 IPE: Pension funds “cold” on trading platform plan
2006-10-20 CESR adopts MiFID Level 3 work program
2006-10-11 MiFID – An opportunity to profit
2006-09-28 Finextra: Securities firms launch alternative trading system
2006-09-25 Survey: Firms on track with MiFID preparations
2006-09-15 EAPB position on Commission’s Call for Evidence on MiFID
2006-09-14 Euro banks hit by MiFID concerns
2006-09-12 FBE response on Call for Evidence on Transparency
2006-09-09 FESE response to CESR’s Work Programme on MiFID
2006-09-02 Publication in Official Journal of implementing measures under MiFID
2006-08-04 AMF consultation on enforcing best execution principles in MiFID
2006-07-26 Finextra: Firms stop work on MiFID in face of FSA best execution proposals
2006-07-18 CESR consultation on work programme for MiFID
2006-06-30 Speech McCreevy - Preparing for MiFID
2006-06-26 MiFID implementing measures close to adoption
2006-06-15 Parliament approved MiFID Draft implementing measures
2006-06-01 ECON Vote on MiFID Directive
2006-05-23 CEPS Policy Brief on MiFID
2006-04-28 Responses on CESR call for evidence on market transparency data
2006-04-10 FT: Financial services groups ‘ignoring directive’
2006-03-21 ECON Draft Resolution on MiFID
2006-01-16 BdB calls for a European Directive on MiFID rather than regulations

Prior Years Reports

MiFID - 200525 articles out of 25.

MiFID - 200429 articles out of 29.

MiFID - 200321 articles out of 21.

MiFID - 200225 articles out of 25.

MiFID - 200115 articles out of 15.

MiFID - 20003 articles out of 3.

MiFID - 19991 articles out of 1.