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Payments - 20227 articles out of 7.

Payments - 202113 articles out of 13.

Payments - 202028 articles out of 28.

Payments - 201937 articles out of 37.

Payments - 201860 articles out of 60.

Payments - 201760 articles out of 60.

Payments - 201655 articles out of 55.

Payments - 201550 articles out of 50.

Payments - 201439 articles out of 39.

2013 Payments
2013-12-19 ECB: New Euro Retail Payments Board will reinforce market governance
2013-12-17 EPC: The proof of the pudding is in the eating - SEPA benefits identified by businesses and public administrations
2013-11-20 ECB launches public consultation on Recommendations for the security of mobile payments
2013-11-08 EPC: Fact check - The rationale for SEPA
2013-11-07 EBF publishes European Interbank Guidelines
2013-11-04 EBF Position Paper on the European Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Interchange Fees for Card-Based Payment Transactions
2013-11-04 BoE/Salmon: The UK payments landscape
2013-10-24 ECB publishes second SEPA migration report
2013-10-24 EPC: Minimum requirements for cross-border 'BIC from IBAN derivation' solutions
2013-10-10 EPC: Next generation SEPA SCT & SDD Rulebooks to be published in November 2014; comments invited
2013-10-02 EPC publishes clarification letter on electronic mandates
2013-09-06 EPC: ECB publishes qualitative SEPA indicators for the second quarter of 2013 to assess SEPA progress by stakeholder groups at country level
2013-08-21 EBF publishes TWG comments on the draft "Regulation of the ECB on oversight requirements for systemically important payment systems"
2013-07-30 EPC Newsletter: Progress of SEPA migration and recent legal and regulatory developments impacting the European payments market
2013-07-24 VP Almunia: Introductory remarks on proposal for regulation on interchange fees for cards, Internet and mobile payments
2013-07-24 European Commission: New rules on Payment Services for the benefit of consumers and retailers [Proposal]
2013-07-24 EACB: Commission's proposal to revise the PSD grants third parties unconditional access to bank accounts with no warranties
2013-07-24 EBF: A cap on MIFs is likely to impact negatively card payment services
2013-07-24 EBF: Payment Services Directive - Innovation and security should go hand in hand
2013-07-24 Sven Giegold: Finally costs for payment services will decrease
2013-07-08 EPC and Cards Stakeholders Group launch public consultation on security requirements for remote payments
2013-07-04 EBF: Final TWG response to the first user consultation on ISO 20022 strategy for T2
2013-07-02 European Payments Council publishes new mobile wallet payments White Paper and invites comments by 30 September, 2013
2013-06-28 EPC survey on electronic mandate solutions in SEPA
2013-06-26 EPC publishes version 2.0 of the 'Clarification Paper: SEPA Credit Transfer and SEPA Direct Debit'
2013-06-25 EPC invites stakeholders to develop jointly minimum requirements for 'BIC from IBAN derivation' solutions for cross-border SEPA transactions
2013-06-07 ECB consults on draft regulation on oversight requirements for systemically important payment systems
2013-06-03 EPC: Public Consultation 2013 - SEPA Cards Standardisation Volume
2013-05-17 ESBG: Electronic legal tender is now a matter of fairness
2013-05-08 EACB: Access to basic bank accounts is positive for financial inclusion but should not come at the detriment of proximity...
2013-05-08 EPC: If you have not migrated to SEPA yet – act now!
2013-05-08 EBF: Europe's banks show serious concern over proposal for EU bank account Directive
2013-04-25 EPC: There is only Plan A: Get ready for SEPA by 1 February 2014 in the euro area!
2013-04-15 EPC launches public consultation: Improving the Efficiency of the Handling of Cash - Cash Cycle Models
2013-04-15 ECB/Cœuré: Harmonising cashless payments - The SEPA experience
2013-04-08 ECB publishes survey on correspondent banking in euro
2013-04-04 EPC: late movers: learn to love SEPA. There are ten months left to meet the 1 February 2014 migration deadline
2013-03-21 ECB publishes first SEPA Migration Report and warns against risks of late migration
2013-03-08 EBF Key Information Document on Bank Accounts
2013-03-07 EPC: The long road to harmonisation - Transitional arrangements in EU Member States permissible under SEPA Regulation
2013-02-19 EPC: Early movers on the demand side identify best practice – Part II (SEPA Direct Debit)
2013-02-11 EPC: 'Quick Response Code - Guidelines to Enable Data Capture for the Initiation of a SEPA Credit Transfer'
2013-02-07 EPC: Early movers on the demand side identify best practice – Part I
2013-01-31 ECB releases final Recommendations for the security of internet payments, starts public consultation on payment account access services
2013-01-29 EPC: There is only Plan A - Get ready for SEPA in the next 12 months in the euro area
2013-01-09 EPC: The 2013 euro payments outlook

Prior Years Reports

Payments - 201262 articles out of 62.

Payments - 201125 articles out of 25.

Payments - 201013 articles out of 13.

Payments - 200923 articles out of 23.

Payments - 200827 articles out of 27.

Payments - 200748 articles out of 48.

Payments - 200631 articles out of 31.

Payments - 200514 articles out of 14.

Payments - 200413 articles out of 13.

Payments - 20038 articles out of 8.

Payments - 20024 articles out of 4.

Payments - 20018 articles out of 8.