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Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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Payments - 202337 articles out of 37.

Payments - 20227 articles out of 7.

Payments - 202113 articles out of 13.

Payments - 202028 articles out of 28.

Payments - 201937 articles out of 37.

Payments - 201860 articles out of 60.

Payments - 201760 articles out of 60.

Payments - 201655 articles out of 55.

Payments - 201550 articles out of 50.

Payments - 201439 articles out of 39.

Payments - 201346 articles out of 46.

Payments - 201262 articles out of 62.

Payments - 201125 articles out of 25.

2010 Payments
2010-12-21 Association of German Banks: Private banks call for a sense of proportion when fixing end dates for migration to SEPA
2010-12-17 SEPA: Commission sets deadline for pan-European payments system
2010-12-10 CPSS publishes payment and settlement statistics
2010-11-25 SEPA: busy year is coming to an end and another exciting year lies ahead
2010-11-02 EPC calls on EU lawmakers to set end dates for migration to the SEPA schemes through regulation
2010-10-29 ECB publishes 7th SEPA Progress Report: Migration continues but requires realistic yet ambitious regulatory end dates
2010-10-26 Commission published 3rd survey on public administrations’ readiness and migration to SEPA
2010-10-20 Basic information on SEPA
2010-10-18 ECB Tumpel-Gugerell: SEPA, where do we stand?
2010-10-13 Eurosystem publishes oversight frameworks for credit transfer and direct debit schemes
2010-09-13 ECB publishes the 2009 statistics on payments
2010-06-08 SEPA Council meets for the first time: discusses migration end-dates and future of SEPA for cards
2010-05-05 ECB Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell: SEPA for cards, more than a symbol of SEPA’s success

Prior Years Reports

Payments - 200923 articles out of 23.

Payments - 200827 articles out of 27.

Payments - 200748 articles out of 48.

Payments - 200631 articles out of 31.

Payments - 200514 articles out of 14.

Payments - 200413 articles out of 13.

Payments - 20038 articles out of 8.

Payments - 20024 articles out of 4.

Payments - 20018 articles out of 8.