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Capital Markets Union: The objectives

  • develop a more diversified financial system complementing bank financing with deep and developed capital markets

  • unlock the capital around Europe which is currently frozen and put it to work for the economy, giving savers more investment choices and offering businesses a greater choice of funding at lower costs

  • establish a genuine single capital market in the EU where investors are able to invest their funds without hindrance across borders and businesses can raise the required funds from a diverse range of sources, irrespective of their location

Source: European Commission (more explanation here)

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Capital Markets Union - 2023135 articles out of 135.

Capital Markets Union - 2022116 articles out of 116.

Capital Markets Union - 2021110 articles out of 110.

Capital Markets Union - 2020116 articles out of 116.

Capital Markets Union - 2019138 articles out of 138.

Capital Markets Union - 2018128 articles out of 128.

Capital Markets Union - 201792 articles out of 92.

Capital Markets Union - 201675 articles out of 75.

Capital Markets Union - 2015141 articles out of 141.

Capital Markets Union - 201453 articles out of 53.

Capital Markets Union - 201356 articles out of 56.

Capital Markets Union - 201267 articles out of 67.

2011 Capital Markets Union
2011-12-09 AMF launches public consultation on certain provisions relating to takeover bids
2011-12-07 ECB published its opinion on securities markets legislation
2011-12-05 ESMA issues a warning to retail investors on trading in foreign exchange products
2011-11-30 SIFMA statement on House Financial Services Committee passage of derivatives-related legislation
2011-10-20 EBF: European banks welcome MiFID Review proposal
2011-10-19 European Banking Federation: Euribor-EBF is a transparent structure
2011-10-15 Trends in IPO Listings by SMEs in the EU
2011-10-13 SEC and FSA hold strategic dialogue meeting
2011-10-11 SIFMA Statement on FSOC proposal for designation of non-bank financial companies as SIFIs
2011-10-10 FN: FESE opens the door to MTFs
2011-10-05 ECON Committee: Exchange of views with ESMA, EBA and EIOPA
2011-09-20 AFME and ICMA announce new cooperation agreement
2011-09-19 FN: MiFID tightens the net around clearing silo model
2011-09-13 ECON Committee workshop: Securities Law Directive (SLD) - what's in a securities account?
2011-09-08 Almunia: Policy objectives in merger control - Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext
2011-09-07 TABB says regulation opens door to high frequency trading of equity options in Europe
2011-09-01 European Covered Bond Council publishes Fact Book 2011
2011-09-01 Reuters: Regulators seek trading secrets
2011-07-20 Graham Bishop book review: "Running the World’s Markets: The Governance of Financial Infrastructure" by Ruben Lee
2011-07-12 Almunia: Competition policy in 2010 and the reform of State Aid rules on the services of general economic interest (SGEI)
2011-07-07 ESMA publishes the results of an investigation into how Member States have implemented the Transparency Directive
2011-07-06 IOSCO consults on issues raised for market efficiency and integrity by technological developments
2011-07-04 FN: Hungarians pass 'fraught' derivatives reform to Poland
2011-07-04 FN: ESMA opens review of proxy advisory firms
2011-06-29 LSE-TMX merger terminated
2011-06-28 FN: LSE chief warns over risks of new regulatory focus
2011-06-28 Systemic risk: The role of securities regulators
2011-06-27 FSA launches FCA approach document
2011-06-24 Council published progress report on investor compensation schemes
2011-06-22 WSJ: In case of ETF emergency
2011-06-14 AFME: Europe needs an expanded securitisation market
2011-06-14 AFME: Europe needs an expanded securitisation market
2011-06-13 FSA published Annual Report for the year 2010/11
2011-06-08 AFME/ESF published securitisation data report, 2011 Q1
2011-06-08 Interim review and perspectives for the AMF Strategic Plan published in 2009
2011-06-08 AMF publishes its Annual Report 2010
2011-06-07 New HFT lobbying group for Europe
2011-06-06 FT: FSA issues warning on structured products
2011-05-31 IPE: Europe may introduce new OTC Directive before end of reprieve
2011-05-30 AMF: Risk and trend mapping for financial markets and retail savings 2011
2011-05-30 European Structured Investment Products Association (eusipa) adopted Code of Conduct
2011-05-25 AFME published high yield and leveraged loan report – Q1 2011
2011-05-16 Commissioner Almunia: Competition policy is needed to tackle the harmful behaviour of individual financial services market participants
2011-05-12 Speech by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Mark Hoban MP, at the Markit Conference in London
2011-04-29 Antitrust: Commission probes CDS market
2011-04-14 ICMA: Investors launch transparency initiative for covered bonds
2011-04-07 FT: High-speed traders asked to explain methods
2011-04-07 FESE: Exchanges and data vendors to restore post‐trade transparency in the European equity market
2011-04-04 An MEP out to risk-weight the eurozone
2011-03-17 ESMA response to the European Commission consultation on CSDs and securities settlement
2011-02-14 FT: UK minister criticises ‘vague’ MiFID proposals
2011-02-07 World Bank released policy paper on self-regulation in securities markets
2011-02-02 Commission called for action on commodities and raw materials
2011-02-02 IOSCO published 'Principles on Point of Sale Disclosure' for Collective Investment Schemes
2011-01-25 G20 Presidency: Sarkozy stressed the need to tackle the instability of the world commodities market
2011-01-19 ESMA finds diversity across Europe in regulators’ contingency measures for financial crisis situations
2011-01-13 Commission consults on common rules for Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) and securities settlement
2011-01-11 NYSE Euronext assesses 2010 in global derivatives business

Prior Years Reports

Capital Markets Union - 201053 articles out of 53.

Capital Markets Union - 200919 articles out of 19.

Capital Markets Union - 200818 articles out of 18.

Capital Markets Union - 200742 articles out of 42.

Capital Markets Union - 200621 articles out of 21.

Capital Markets Union - 20057 articles out of 7.

Capital Markets Union - 20042 articles out of 2.