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Brexit: The politics seen from both UK and Europe; the economic impacts and financial sector implications. As the impact of Brexit on the City of London (and UK financial services industry generally) has become ever-more apparent, we provide a separate category "Brexit and the City". My articles and videos on the topic are separately in "Graham's articles"

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Brexit - 2023151 articles out of 151.

Brexit - 2022165 articles out of 165.

Brexit - 2021184 articles out of 184.

Brexit - 2020273 articles out of 273.

Brexit - 2019463 articles out of 463.

Brexit - 2018454 articles out of 454.

Brexit - 2017594 articles out of 594.

Brexit - 2016682 articles out of 682.

2015 Brexit
2015-12-16 Open Europe/ComRes poll: Failure to win key reforms could swing UK’s EU referendum vote
2015-12-16 Reuters: Former PM Major says EU exit would leave Britain in dangerous 'splendid isolation'
2015-12-15 Financial Times: Glorious defeat not enough for David Cameron to stave off Brexit
2015-12-14 The Telegraph: Britain and Italy stand together on EU reform
2015-12-13 Reuters: Cameron not planning to drop EU welfare demands - spokeswoman
2015-12-13 The Guardian: Prime minister Jekyll needs to keep a tighter leash on his inner Hyde
2015-12-13 Financial Times: Brexit risk a chance for industry to engage in eurozone recovery
2015-12-11 VoxEU: Some unpleasant Brexit econometrics
2015-12-11 IMF: United Kingdom—2015 Article IV Consultation Concluding Statement of the Mission
2015-12-10 CEPS: To be in, or to be out: Reflections on the Danish referendum
2015-12-09 POLITICO: France fears Brexit debate will boost Le Pen
2015-12-09 EurActiv: How to interpret Cameron’s ‘renegotiation’ strategy
2015-12-08 City AM: Former Prudential Europe boss: There's no way we'll leave the EU - A Brexit means it would take 15 years to "disentangle" our deals
2015-12-08 Financial Times: Brussels examines option for UK migration brake
2015-12-08 City AM: David Cameron’s EU renegotiation has been exposed as the fudge it is
2015-12-07 City AM: FTSE 100 bosses back EU membership as public support for a Brexit soars
2015-12-07 City AM: The City must get behind the European Commission’s sensible financial reforms
2015-12-07 British Influence: What would happen if the UK voted to leave?
2015-12-07 Letter by President Donald Tusk to the European Council on the issue of a UK in/out referendum
2015-12-04 The Daily Telegraph: David Cameron may campaign for Brexit, allies say
2015-12-04 POLITICO: Achtung, Brexit
2015-12-03 Financial Times: EU leaders balk at new treaty demands from Cameron
2015-12-03 Reuters: Moody's says Brexit would hurt UK economy, benefits unclear
2015-12-02 POLITICO: British EU reform deal unlikely to meet December deadline
2015-12-02 City AM: Disunited kingdom - How far apart are we on the EU?
2015-12-02 Open Europe: Denmark’s upcoming EU referendum: Would a ‘No’ vote be a shot across the bow for those resisting UK demands?
2015-12-01 CER: Britain, immigration and Brexit
2015-11-30 Interest in EU policies grew, says Eurobarometer poll
2015-11-30 Labour Party: Leaving the EU would put Britain’s economic security under risk
2015-11-30 Reuters: Greece aims for debt relief deal in February 2016 after reforms done
2015-11-27 Financial Times: Brexit would make UK a ‘supplicant’, says Lord Hill
2015-11-27 British Influence: The EU or the Commonwealth? Britain can have both
2015-11-25 LSE: The golden age of Sino-British relations has begun – quitting the EU could halt it
2015-11-25 Introductory remarks to the House of Lords EU Committee
2015-11-24 Forbes: Britain, investment, and Brexit
2015-11-24 POLITICO: Germany wants to be a Brexit broker
2015-11-24 The Independent: Majority of British public now wants a 'Brexit', poll reveals
2015-11-23 City AM: New CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn puts pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron over in/out vote
2015-11-23 City AM: It’s time business started to play its vital role in Britain’s EU membership debate
2015-11-23 EurActiv: Britain’s EU reform talks stumble on social benefits
2015-11-20 EurActiv: Will Cameron get what he wants and will it matter if he does?
2015-11-20 Bank of England: The prudential regime, and implementation of the Senior Insurance Managers Regime, for non-Solvency II firms
2015-11-19 EurActiv: Making the Brexit deal ‘formal, legally-binding and irreversible’
2015-11-19 Financial Times: British business must not stay silent in the Brexit debate
2015-11-19 Bank of England: Publication of the PRA and FCA review into the failure of HBOS
2015-11-18 Britain Stronger in Europe: How UK trade benefits from our EU membership
2015-11-18 Constitutional Affairs Committee Chair Hübner: “Nobody wins if the UK leaves the European Union”
2015-11-13 The Guardian: Europe is in crisis - this is no time for petty-mindedness
2015-11-13 Open Europe: Don’t write off Cameron’s EU renegotiation yet
2015-11-13 City AM: The UK is now more in favour of leaving the EU than remaining a member, according to a new poll
2015-11-12 EurActiv: Draghi: UK negotiations must preserve euro 'achievements'
2015-11-11 POLITICO: 10 takeaways on Cameron’s speech
2015-11-10 Open Europe responds to David Cameron’s letter and speech on EU reform
2015-11-10 David Cameron speech at Chatham House event: The Future of Britain's Relationship with the EU
2015-11-10 TheCityUK responds to the Prime Minister’s EU reform proposals
2015-11-09 POLITICO: David Cameron’s Brexit brinkmanship
2015-11-09 LSE: Investing for Influence
2015-11-08 Policy Network: Cameron's EU reforms - steering between the trivial and the impossible
2015-11-07 The Independent: David Cameron should spell it out. He wants a two-speed Europe
2015-11-06 ESRI: Scoping the Possible Economic Implications of Brexit on Ireland
2015-11-06 Policy Network: What does Cameron actually want?
2015-11-06 Chatham House: Strengthening our voice in the global order
2015-11-04 EurActiv: Osborne makes Berlin Brexit negotiation plea
2015-11-04 Policy Network: What would 'out' look like?
2015-10-29 Fondation Robert Schuman: Brexit or Britin - is it really colder outside?
2015-10-29 Reuters: U.S. trade czar says Britain would lose on trade outside the EU
2015-10-29 Open Europe: What would a ‘Norway-style’ relationship with the EU entail?
2015-10-29 The Independent/Clegg: When it comes to the EU, we shouldn't kid ourselves: all forms of out are as bad as each other
2015-10-29 CEPS: Will Cameron get what he wants? Anticipating reactions to Britain’s EU reform proposals
2015-10-28 Ipsos-Mori: Stay's lead narrows in EU Referendum debate
2015-10-27 EurActiv: UK trust in EU lower than any other country
2015-10-26 Reuters: Cameron rules out second EU referendum if UK votes to leave
2015-10-26 POLITICO: Commission looks to sideline Parliament on UK reforms
2015-10-26 British influence: Flexibility - just another word to describe a well-tried European Union practice, variable geometry
2015-10-24 The Telegraph: What does Britain have to fear from eurozone integration?
2015-10-22 Financial Times: Europe boosts Britain’s strength on the world stage
2015-10-21 Bank of England: EU membership and the Bank of England
2015-10-20 Fondation Robert Schuman: What Fair Deal between UK and EU Member States?
2015-10-19 CEBR: The impact of the UK being in the Single Market
2015-10-17 The Economist: The reluctant European
2015-10-16 Financial Times: Britain stumbles into long EU-referendum campaign
2015-10-15 Bloomberg: What the U.K. Needs From Europe, and Vice Versa
2015-10-12 Financial Times: Pro-EU In campaign launches with politicians in the shadows
2015-10-10 UK Parliament: Economic impact of the UK’s EU membership inquiry launched
2015-10-10 POLITICO: Cross-party Brexit group launches
2015-10-09 Financial Times: Cameron woos Merkel amid fears hedge funds will back Brexit push
2015-10-07 VerfassungsBlog: Cameron’s bid for irreversible guarantee means constitutional chaos
2015-10-06 POLITICO/Hammond: Britain’s four-point package for EU reform
2015-09-28 CEPS: Cameron’s ‘renegotiations’ (or Russian roulette) with the EU - An interim assessment
2015-09-28 Two major british business organizations call on Cameron to push forward EU reform
2015-09-24 YouGov: EU referendum – the state of public opinion
2015-09-17 EurActiv: Half of British small businesses would vote to stay in EU
2015-09-17 Financial Times/Corbyn: The orthodoxy has failed - Europe needs a new economic settlement
2015-09-10 Financial Times: George Osborne makes shielding City priority in EU talks
2015-09-10 Open Europe: The how, what and why of non-Eurozone safeguards
2015-09-04 Reuters: British, Spanish prime ministers make joint call for EU reform
2015-07-27 Open Europe: The UK has a vital role to play in shaping the future of Europe. Now is not the time to turn our backs.
2015-07-22 Sieps: Could it be ‘Brexpulsion’ rather than ‘Brexit’?
2015-07-17 British Influence: Wake up, Westminster! Why MPs should pay more attention to the EU
2015-07-13 ICSA: Two thirds of UK companies believe a Brexit would damage them
2015-07-06 Deloitte: UK CFOs shrug off Grexit risks and back EU membership
2015-06-30 BoE: PRA - Regulated fees and levies: rates for 2015/16
2015-06-30 EurActiv: Cameron should not ignore EU CMU reforms
2015-06-30 TheCityUK’s EU reform agenda: detailed proposals for a competitive Europe
2015-06-25 Financial Times: Britain would not survive a vote for Brexit
2015-06-24 EU Centre in Singapore / Oerstroem Moeller: Brexit – lessons from four referenda on the EU in Denmark
2015-06-23 City A.M.: Standard & Poor's: Brexit could "significantly dent" UK financial services and insurance sectors
2015-06-23 BoE: PRA and FCA announce new rules on remuneration
2015-06-22 VoxEU: European integration - Benefits of deep versus shallow integration
2015-06-16 EurActiv: ‘Brexit’ referendum - A boomerang named ‘Speed Kill’
2015-06-15 BoE: Solvency II: ORSA and the ultimate time horizon — non-life firms
2015-06-15 BoE: Solvency II: regulatory reporting, internal model outputs - SS25/15
2015-06-10 POLITICO: Brexit and the City
2015-06-10 POLITICO / Hammond: Britain’s four-point package for EU reform
2015-06-09 Open Europe calls on Cameron to pursue an ambitious plan for reform
2015-06-08 BoE: The prudential regulation of insurers under Solvency II
2015-06-02 BoE: Depositor and policyholder protection – technical amendments
2015-06-01 The Huffington Post: On Brexit
2015-06-01 BoE: Solvency II: internal model reporting codes and components and life product codes
2015-05-31 Financial Times: Why Britain has no chance of European treaty change
2015-05-23 EUbusiness: Bank of England admits to researching 'Brexit' risks
2015-05-22 Bank of England Consultation Paper: The BoE’s power to direct institutions to address impediments to resolvability
2015-05-21 Open Europe: EU Reform Index - Evaluating 30 potential proposals for EU renegotiation
2015-05-20 Financial Times: To avoid Syriza’s fate over the EU, Britain must embrace fudge
2015-05-19 EurActiv: What can Brussels do to avoid Brexit?
2015-05-15 Open Europe: Is EU treaty change really mission impossible?
2015-05-14 EurActiv: Brexit battle will be won, or lost, on the economy
2015-05-12 BoE: Bank’s Response to EC Green Paper: Building a Capital Markets Union
2015-05-10 Financial Times: What David Cameron’s electoral victory means for Europe
2015-05-08 POLITICO / Macshane: Stand by for ‘Brexit’
2015-05-06 EurActiv: How British elections represent the state of Europe
2015-05-05 EurActiv: Juncker - If Greece leaves, Anglo-Saxons will try to break up eurozone
2015-05-05 British Influence: The next UK government must not let talk of a Brexit undermine its attempts to influence EU decision-making
2015-05-01 European Movement: Review of the Balance of Competences between the UK and the EU
2015-04-30 Financial Times: All British political parties are eurosceptic now
2015-04-30 Financial Times: Bribes and evasions on housing and the deficit
2015-04-30 BoE: The PRA Rulebook: Part 3
2015-04-28 Bertelsmann Stiftung: Brexit could be expensive – especially for the UK
2015-04-22 CSFI: The City and Brexit
2015-04-15 Financial Times: Most European business chiefs back Britain in EU, study shows
2015-04-15 Reuters: Brussels rules out Treaty negotiations with Britain until 2019
2015-04-10 BoE: Consistency of UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles with the Solvency II Directive
2015-04-08 Moody's: Risk of UK exit from EU stronger credit driver than uncertainty over election outcome
2015-04-07 British Influence: What the British government should conclude from its own researches on the EU
2015-04-03 BoE: The PRA Rulebook: Part 2 - PS7/15
2015-04-03 BoE: Statement of Policy - The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to insurance business transfers
2015-04-02 Fabian Society: Public opinion and the EU
2015-03-31 BoE: Solvency II - treatment of sovereign debt in internal models
2015-03-30 BoE published details of 2015 stress test for largest UK banks and building societies
2015-03-30 BoE: Global Preamble - Codes of best market practice and shared global principles
2015-03-29 ECB and BoE announce measures to enhance financial stability in relation to centrally cleared markets
2015-03-28 BoE: PRA provides feedback on Solvency II matching adjustment pre-application process
2015-03-27 BoE: Senior Insurance Managers Regime - a streamlined approach for non-Solvency II firms
2015-03-27 BoE: Changes to the Approved Persons Regime for Solvency II firms: forms, consequential changes and transitional arrangements
2015-03-24 Reuters: Leaving EU would be 'disastrous' for Britain - Standard Life chairman
2015-03-23 Open Europe: What if...? The Consequences, challenges and opportunities facing Britain outside the EU
2015-03-23 BoE: Strengthening individual accountability in banking and insurance
2015-03-20 BoE: PRA published rules on Solvency II
2015-03-18 Euractiv: Interview with Lord Mayor of London - 'The single market is what it is all about'
2015-03-16 Reuters: Juncker says EU needs Britain, but can't change basic treaty
2015-03-11 Euractiv: Voting on Brexit - The EU issues shaping the UK election
2015-03-08 Financial Times: Financial services would be hit hardest by Brexit
2015-02-24 Reuters: Shrinking liquidity tops financial market concerns in BoE review
2015-02-13 BoE: Estimating the extent of the ‘too-big-to-fail’ problem
2015-02-09 Financial Times series: Counting the cost of ‘Brexit’
2015-02-09 ING: Ready for Brexit?
2015-01-21 Euractiv: The EU was made in Britain
2015-01-20 Reuters: BoE's Cunliffe cautiously welcomes EU capital markets plan

Prior Years Reports

Brexit - 201423 articles out of 23.

Brexit - 201347 articles out of 47.

Brexit - 201215 articles out of 15.