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Brexit: The politics seen from both UK and Europe; the economic impacts and financial sector implications. As the impact of Brexit on the City of London (and UK financial services industry generally) has become ever-more apparent, we provide a separate category "Brexit and the City". My articles and videos on the topic are separately in "Graham's articles"

Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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Brexit - 2023151 articles out of 151.

Brexit - 2022165 articles out of 165.

2021 Brexit
2021-12-28 POLITICO: EU’s Šefčovič warns of Brexit deal ‘collapse’ if UK exits Northern Ireland Protocol
2021-12-25 CER:One year on, it’s clear that Brexit has failed on its advocates’ own terms
2021-12-16 LSE's Pomfret: Why does the EU look different through English eyes?
2021-12-16 Bloomberg: Firms Brace for Extra Brexit Red Tape Amid Supply Lines Squeeze
2021-12-13 CER: The cost of Brexit: October 2021
2021-12-11 FT: UK offers big concession over Northern Ireland trading relations
2021-12-07 UKandEU Curtice: Voters still Divided over Brexit – but Back UK Government in Battles with Brussels
2021-12-07 UKandEU: What do the British electorate think of Brexit now?
2021-12-02 City AM: US to push back on trade deal with UK over Brexit concerns
2021-12-01 CER insight 'The cost of Brexit: September 2021' by John Springford
2021-11-28 Best for Britain: Opposition cooperation in a minority of seats can remove Tories from power
2021-11-11 VoteWatch: BusinessEurope's Santos: EU-UK Trade post-Brexit
2021-11-09 FT: Close to half of UK’s FTSE 350 ‘damaged’ by Brexit
2021-11-09 The UK in a changing Europe: The Chancellor and Treasury need to re-engage with Brexit
2021-11-08 Bloomberg: U.K. Triggering Article 16 Would Be Reckless, Irish PM Warns
2021-11-08 Jon Worth: Labour: a new relationship with the EU
2021-10-28 City AM: Forget the pandemic: Brexit’s impact on UK economy will be much worse, warns fiscal chief
2021-10-21 The UK in a Changing Europe: UK-EU regulatory divergence tracker
2021-10-20 City AM: Temporary Brexit? Half of young British business owners expect UK will apply to rejoin EU
2021-10-14 Irish Times: Pat Leahy: Pessimism grows in Dublin over protocol
2021-10-14 BBC Newsnight: Boris Johnson and the Northern Irish Protocol: tearing it up
2021-10-13 UK in a Changing Europe: A reflection (or four) on Lord Frost's speech
2021-10-13 CITY AM: Brexit: Boris Johnson never understood what leaving Customs Union meant, says Cummings
2021-10-12 Lord Frost speech: Observations on the present state of the nation, 12 October 2021
2021-09-23 EURACTIV: EU exodus from UK continues, new data finds
2021-09-15 European Parliament paves the way for special fund to mitigate the impact of Brexit
2021-09-07 EPC: After Brexit: Could bilateral agreements facilitate the free movement of persons?
2021-07-09 CRE: UK regulators make first move on financial services D&I rules
2021-07-09 This is MONEY: Would attracting tech star firms to float in the UK boost your investments? What the plan to cut IPO red tape could mean for
2021-07-02 Reuters: UK and Singapore agree post-Brexit deal for financial services
2021-07-01 Reuters: Paris gets new JPMorgan trading hub in post-Brexit push
2021-07-01 Joint readout of principals’ meeting of UK and US authorities regarding central counterparty resolution
2021-07-01 ICMA AMIC responds to FCA consultation on UK MiFID research and best execution
2021-06-30 City AM: UK current account deficit narrows to £12.7bn
2021-06-30 EU-UK relations: solutions found to help implementation of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland
2021-06-30 Federal Trust: Brexit: So little said, so much to say.
2021-06-25 Vox's Portes: Immigration and the UK economy after Brexit
2021-06-25 Bloomberg: U.K. Open to Further Overhaul of Listing Rules to Lure Business
2021-06-24 Project Syndicate: Brexit Turns Five
2021-06-22 What UK thinks: Has Brexit been a success? The public’s perspective
2021-06-22 What UK thinks - Curtice: Five Years On: Has Brexit Been A Success?
2021-06-22 Projetc Syndicate: Chris Patten - Brexit’s Collateral Damage
2021-06-18 CRE: GDPR could be the target of UK’s post-Brexit ‘red tape’ cutting
2021-06-17 FT: UK meat industry cuts production as Brexit labour shortages bite
2021-06-17 CER: The UK-Australia trade deal has been painted as both a travesty and a triumph for Britain – it’s neither
2021-06-17 City AM: UK tech hiring hits fresh high amid bumper foreign investment
2021-06-16 City of London: UK Government urged to put digital trade at heart of future free trade agreements
2021-06-15 Commissioner McGuiness: Opening remarks at Seanad Special Select Committee on the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU
2021-06-14 CER: The cost of Brexit: April 2021
2021-06-10 Bloomberg: Brexit Britain’s Bank Tax Pushback Is a Bad Look
2021-06-09 Reuters: Britain takes step to classifying 'green' investments
2021-05-31 FT Brexit shrank UK services exports by £110bn, academics find
2021-05-28 Bloomberg: ECB Probes Whether Goldman, Peers Still Too Tied to London
2021-05-18 Project Syndicate's Davies: A Brexit Post-Mortem for the City
2021-05-17 ISM: The impact of the Brexit Trade Deal on music businesses: the first 100 days
2021-05-15 Vox: Brexit deterred international students from applying to UK universities
2021-05-13 FT: Brexit disruption forces German exporters to think again
2021-05-11 IHS Markit: Brexit, Global OTC IRS markets - Q1 review
2021-05-11 Reuters: New York wins Brexit swaps shake-up as clearing stays in London
2021-05-11 Bloomberg: The U.K. Deficit That Risks Cutting the Pound’s Rally Short
2021-05-07 Bloomberg: Key Brexit Clash Would Cost Euro Swap Traders $2.4 Million a Day
2021-05-06 POLITICO: 7 takeaways from Michel Barnier’s Brexit book
2021-05-06 FT: Boris Johnson’s ‘madman’ strategy dumbfounded Brussels’ Brexit chief
2021-05-05 City AM UK to scrap EU rule giving choice of clearer in derivatives
2021-05-05 London 4 Europe: The Irish Brexit – conundrum and trilemma
2021-04-30 EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement: Council adopts decision on conclusion
2021-04-30 European Parliament formally approves EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement
2021-04-30 BusinessEurope: EU-UK: European Parliament ratification ends uncertainty for business
2021-04-28 City Corporation unveils action plan to be world’s most innovative, inclusive and sustainable centre
2021-04-28 BDB:Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom
2021-04-23 EPC: Could the Brexit domino effect come back to haunt us?
2021-04-22 City AM: City needs EU equivalence deal to function properly, warns asset management chief
2021-04-16 FT letters: The reason euro swaps clearing is in London
2021-04-16 City AM: Enforcement of judgments: Brussels opposes UK entry to the Lugano Convention legal pact
2021-04-16 EP committees recommend giving consent to EU-UK agreement
2021-04-16 EY Financial Services Brexit Tracker: UK Financial Services Firms continue to incrementally move assets and relocate jobs to the EU, but cha
2021-04-16 European Commission: Interview with Michel Barnier
2021-04-16 New Financial: Brexit & The City: The Impact So Far
2021-04-15 Simmons & Simmmons: Cross-border disputes: no Lugano Convention, so what next?
2021-04-14 EP: EU-UK trade agreement: committees to vote on Thursday
2021-04-14 CEPS: UK financial services should shift focus away from equivalence
2021-04-14 Reuters: EU Parliament partly clears path to UK trade deal vote
2021-04-13 FCA: Regulating the UK as a global financial centre
2021-04-13 City AM: Brexit: Paperwork and bureaucracy have created barriers at the border as tough as tariffs
2021-04-13 City Corporation urges support for UK membership of Lugano Convention
2021-04-07 FT: Forget equivalence, the City of London needs a post-Brexit plan
2021-04-01 FT: Brussels squares up to UK in fight over euro swaps clearing
2021-03-30 CER: Post-Brexit data transfers are not a done deal
2021-03-26 IRSG: Response to HM Treasury Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review Phase II Consultation
2021-03-26 House of Lords: Complex institutional framework of the UK-EU future relationship examined by EU Committee
2021-03-26 FT: UK and EU begin diverging on financial regulation after Brexit
2021-03-26 Bloomberg: Seven Charts Show How Brexit Has Already Changed the City of London
2021-03-26 Reuters: Britain and EU strike financial services cooperation pact
2021-03-22 SRB approach to the eligibility of UK law instruments without bail-in clauses after Brexit
2021-03-19 Bloomberg: U.K. Edges Closer Toward Limited Brexit Finance Deal With EU
2021-03-17 FCA: A forward look at regulation of the UK’s wholesale financial markets
2021-03-17 CRE: UK’s PRA says SII review won’t significantly reduce capital buffers
2021-03-12 Bloomberg: U.K. Plans Sweeping Markets Review to Give London a Brexit Edge
2021-03-12 Breugel's Veron: Financial services: The Brexit dust begins to settle
2021-03-11 FT: Amsterdam: Europe’s surprise early winner as Brexit shakes up the City
2021-03-11 EURACTIV: UK faces difficult post-Brexit era under ‘lying’ PM, says French ex-ambassador
2021-03-05 City of London Corporation: Providing financial services to the world
2021-03-05 CEPS: On the fringes: EU-UK financial services under the TCA
2021-03-04 ECB's Panetta: Central clearing and the changing landscape
2021-03-04 EURACTIV: New Brexit row after UK extends exemption to Irish border checks
2021-03-03 UK Treasury: Independent review recommends reforms to UK Listing rules to boost growth and markets
2021-03-03 Investmetn week: Lord Hill review: FCA urged to approach listings shake-up with caution
2021-03-03 City Corporation responds to Lord Hill review of UK listings regime
2021-03-03 IA comments on the outcome of the UK Listing Review
2021-03-02 EY Brexit Tracker: Dublin remains most popular EU relocation city for UK FS firms
2021-02-24 UKandEU: Public opinion - the legacy of Brexit
2021-02-24 Bloomberg: BOE’s Bailey Slams EU Stance on Swaps Clearing After Brexit
2021-02-24 The Economist: Counting the cost of Brexit’s impact on trade
2021-02-23 FT: Insurers urge UK to reduce capital buffer in break from EU rules
2021-02-22 UK Finance: Promoting global trade in financial services is central to UK economic recovery
2021-02-22 Bovill: London to remain financial services centre of Europe
2021-02-22 CER:Keeping up appearances: What now for UK services trade?
2021-02-22 Bloomberg: 5 things to know about post-Brexit talks on financial services
2021-02-22 CRE: EC confirms UK data adequacy but will review in 2025
2021-02-17 City AM: Bim Afolami MP: Brexit gives us the chance to refit our financial regulation for the 21st century
2021-02-17 CITY AM: Brexit is 'remarkable opportunity' to change City regulations, say MPs
2021-02-17 EPC: The EU–UK relationship: It is what it is
2021-02-17 FT: Brussels is fighting to make the EU more competitive in financial services Robert Shrimsley
2021-02-17 FT: ‘Slash and burn’ of EU rules ruled out post-Brexit
2021-02-16 FN: Politicians and ex-trading bosses launch new City lobby group to tackle Brexit
2021-02-12 Federal Trust: Brexit: Ending the City’s Dominance of European Finance?
2021-02-11 City AM: Brexit crowns Amsterdam Europe's top trading hub, ousting The City
2021-02-10 Bloomberg: BOE’s Bailey Says U.K. Won’t Slash Regulation After Brexit
2021-02-10 Bloomberg: EU Seeks to Delay Formal Ratification of Post-Brexit Trade Deal
2021-02-10 City of London: Total tax contribution of UK financial services.
2021-02-10 EURACTIV: Don’t wage battle against the City, UK bank governor urges EU
2021-02-10 EURACTIV: EU rejects most UK demands on Northern Ireland trade, concedes on steel
2021-02-09 Bloomberg: U.K. Won’t Publish Assessment of EU Trade Deal as Red Tape Hits
2021-02-08 Fondation Robert Schuman: Brexit and the Irish Question
2021-02-08 Bloomberg: London Finance Takes Another Hit as Carbon Market Goes to EU
2021-02-06 IHS Markit: 2021: Brexit, no equivalence and the day of the SEF
2021-02-05 Speech by Andrea Enria, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB, at the 20th LSE German Symposium
2021-02-05 InvestEurope: Private equity and venture capital associations welcome UK and EU regulatory cooperation agreements
2021-02-05 CRE: Two thirds of Airmic members fear additional insurance costs from Brexit
2021-02-03 Bloomberg: The City of London Is Now at the Mercy of Brexit’s Tug of War
2021-02-03 FCA sets out its approach to international firms
2021-02-03 EU-UK deal: next steps in Parliament’s scrutiny
2021-02-03 FT: An equivalence ‘deal’ for the City and EU is doomed to fail
2021-02-02 FT: Boutique London fund managers hit early Brexit turbulence
2021-02-02 City AM: City of London lobby urges EU to grant UK financial services firms widespread access to its markets
2021-02-01 Bloomberg: London Bankers Face Location Limbo as ECB Targets Brexit Moves
2021-01-26 FT: City warned EU will do London no favours on financial services
2021-01-26 Bloomberg: EU Turns the Screws on Bankers Clinging to Their London Desks
2021-01-26 Vox: Brexit uncertainty and trade disintegration in Europe and beyond
2021-01-25 PIIE:How the EU-UK Brexit deal affects Britons
2021-01-22 Bloomberg: EU Warns City of London That Brexit Finance Deal Is Distant
2021-01-21 FT: EU ‘not punishing’ UK financial services sector, London envoy insists
2021-01-19 UKTPO:Taking Stock of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Trade in Services and Digital Trade
2021-01-19 FT: Sadiq Khan: Financial services have been badly let down by Brexit
2021-01-18 FT: City of London bosses warn against post-Brexit deregulation
2021-01-18 Bloomberg: London Finance Vacancies Fell 49% in 2020 on Brexit, Covid Angst
2021-01-15 EP: New EU-UK agreement is welcome but thorough scrutiny remains, insist lead MEPs
2021-01-15 Institute for Government: UK–EU future relationship: the deal - Services
2021-01-15 Bloomberg: Brexit Driving Top Dealmakers Out of London and Into the EU
2021-01-15 BoE Governor at Treasury Select Committee: "do not become a rule-taker"
2021-01-15 Treasury Select Committee: UK’s economic and trading relationship with the EU
2021-01-15 FT: Sunak says Brexit will ‘reinforce’ City as world leading financial centre
2021-01-14 FT: Amsterdam vies for IPO spotlight as Brexit dents London’s allure
2021-01-13 ESMA: MiFID II framework on supervisory cooperation, authorisation...
2021-01-13 FRC: UK-adoption of Amendments for IBOR Phase 2 and Amendments to IFRS 4
2021-01-13 Bloomberg: London Finance Clings to Hope for Some Post-Brexit EU Access
2021-01-13 Bloomberg: City of London Needs Brexit Limbo to End
2021-01-12 Federal Trust: Brexit as Tragedy of Errors
2021-01-11 Bruegel: The double irony of the new UK-EU trade relationship
2021-01-11 POLITICO: The next Brexit battle: Financial services
2021-01-08 EIOPA: MoUs with UK authorities in the area of insurance and pensions
2021-01-08 FT: City of London to bring back Swiss stock trading following EU exit
2021-01-07 MEP Giegold: We need to ensure a level playing-field on financial services post-Brexit: our letter to the Commission
2021-01-07 EURACTIV: Brexit ‘big bang’ to trigger tectonic trading rift in Europe
2021-01-07 EURACTIV:
2021-01-07 CRE: BoE governor says UK should not ‘take’ EU financial services rules for access
2021-01-06 Project Syndicate's Gabriel: Europe After Brexit
2021-01-06 Federal Trust: Was Godot worth the wait? The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement explained
2021-01-06 FT: London unlikely to regain lost EU share trading, warn City figures
2021-01-06 SRB and Bank of England bank resolution cooperation arrangement comes into force
2021-01-04 FCA: MoUs with European authorities in the areas of securities, insurance and pensions, and banking
2021-01-04 Brexit: ESMA withdraws the registrations of six UK-based credit rating agencies and four trade repositories
2021-01-04 Federal Trust: The UK’s European Question is Far From Over
2021-01-04 Federal Trust: Brexit: The “Deal” is less than it seems

Prior Years Reports

Brexit - 2020273 articles out of 273.

Brexit - 2019463 articles out of 463.

Brexit - 2018454 articles out of 454.

Brexit - 2017594 articles out of 594.

Brexit - 2016682 articles out of 682.

Brexit - 2015168 articles out of 168.

Brexit - 201423 articles out of 23.

Brexit - 201347 articles out of 47.

Brexit - 201215 articles out of 15.