The Directive requires banks to insert clauses in contracts to give effect to bail-in in a very broad range of liabilities governed by non-EU law. AFME’s new model clause is part of efforts to ensure the cross-border effectiveness of resolution and provide banks and counterparties with model drafting to assist with the significant challenges of implementation. The model clause is aimed at inclusion in debt instruments and is supported by a legal opinion. The model clause has been developed with assistance from Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP and input from AFME’s members.
Bail-in provisions, which come into force in most EU jurisdictions from 1 January 2016, allow a resolution authority the power to cancel, reduce, or convert into another form of security an amount owed to a creditor. The UK, Germany and France have already transposed these bail-in requirements.
Oliver Moullin, Director, Recovery and Resolution at AFME, said: “AFME’s model clause for contractual recognition of bail-in should assist banks and counterparties with meeting the requirements of Article 55 BRRD in relation to debt instruments and support cross-border resolution. While AFME is very supportive of the objectives of ensuring that cross-border resolution is effective and the model clause should support this, we continue to have concerns regarding the breadth of the scope of Article 55 and have proposed changes that should be made to address this.”
David Gottlieb, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, said: “Cleary Gottlieb is pleased to have assisted AFME and its members in the development of a model bail-in clause for use by issuers of debt securities and capital instruments organized in the United Kingdom that are subject to the requirements of Article 55 in their liabilities governed by New York law. It is also adaptable for issuers subject to the laws of other EU Member States and for liabilities governed by the laws of other non-EU jurisdictions.
The model clause is intended to be a simple and straightforward means of addressing the requirements of the BBRD as transposed in the UK and the Final Draft RTS published by the European Banking Authority in July. It also satisfies the requirements for public issuances in the United States and provides the basis for a legal opinion as to the enforceability and effectiveness of the provision under New York law, as required by the BRRD.
Aside from transferable debt instruments, it is a mammoth administrative task for banks to think about adding the bail-in clause to every single contract or agreement that creates a liability under non-EU law since it is largely what they do. The general consensus of the industry is that further legislation is going to be required to narrow the scope of eligible liabilities under Article 55.”
AFME’s model clause
Final draft RTS on contractual recognition of bail-in

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