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Welcome to the GrahamBishop Archive.

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Reporting - 201925 articles out of 25.

Reporting - 201845 articles out of 45.

Reporting - 201748 articles out of 48.

Reporting - 201652 articles out of 52.

2015 Reporting
2015-12-17 FEE: Views on the role of practitioners in providing assurance on disclosure of non-financial information
2015-12-17 FRC promotes clear and concise reporting through strategic report
2015-12-07 FSB publishes fourth EDTF report on bank risk disclosures
2015-11-27 EFRAG: Draft comment letter on the IASB's ED/2015/8 IFRS Practice Statement - Application of Materiality to Financial Statements
2015-11-03 IFAC: New thought paper setting out a vision for integrated thinking
2015-10-27 ESMA: Enforcement priorities for listed companies’ 2015 financial statements
2015-10-27 ESMA: Quality improvement of disclosures in financial statements
2015-10-22 IASB: Four new organisations join the IASB's Investors in Financial Reporting programme
2015-10-16 ACCA: Innovative not-for-profit guide to financial reporting
2015-10-12 FEE: The future of corporate reporting
2015-09-01 FEE demonstrates different scope of bank audits of regulatory reporting across Europe
2015-07-29 IFAC: IPSASB´s consultation paper on recognition and measurement of social benefits
2015-07-16 EFRAG: Short discussion series “The statement of cash flows: issues for financial institutions”
2015-07-16 IFAC: Integrated and external reporting
2015-07-16 IFAC: IAASB finalizes amendments to ISAs to promote greater focus on financial statement disclosures
2015-06-10 Deloitte commented on the classification of liabilities
2015-06-05 IFAC supports US Treasury Secretary Lew's call for important policy decisions on public sector finances
2015-06-01 GRI: Sustainability and reporting trends in 2025
2015-05-28 IASB: Proposed enhancements to the conceptual underpinning of financial reporting
2015-05-20 FEE response to the EC consultation on review of the prospectus directive
2015-05-19 EFRAG draft comment letter on the IASB's ED Effective Date of IFRS 15
2015-05-11 EFRAG commented on the IASB´s ED/2014/6 Disclosure Initiative
2015-05-05 IASB/Issue 3 of the Essentials: Sizing Up the Balance Sheet
2015-04-27 IFAC: Coalition meeting supports better public sector financial reporting
2015-04-24 FEE comment letter on Basel Committee’s consultation on guidance on accounting for expected credit losses
2015-04-22 IASB/Danjou: 'Financial Reporting and Financial Markets'
2015-04-10 IFAC: IAASB’s revised standard on auditor focus and investor focus on qualitative disclosures
2015-04-03 IFAC: IPSASB published recommended practice guideline on reporting service performance information
2015-04-03 EFRAG´s feedback statement on reporting the financial effects of rate regulation
2015-03-31 EFRAG: A feedback statement of the responses to the Discussion Paper 'Classification of Claims'
2015-03-31 ESMA´s report on the enforcement and regulatory activities of accounting enforcers within the EU in 2014
2015-03-27 FRC commented on proposed amendments to IAS 7
2015-03-23 IASB/Investor Perspective: 'Helping investors better understand cash flow'
2015-02-13 EFRAG: Feedback statement on the IASB’s paper Reporting the Financial Effects of Rate Regulation
2015-02-11 EFRAG: Draft comment letter on disclosure Initiative (proposed amendments to IAS 7)
2015-02-09 EFRAG: Feedback statement to 'Presentation of the reversal of acquisition step-ups'
2015-02-04 EFRAG, OIC, ASBJ: Feedback statement on paper about accounting and disclosure for goodwill
2015-01-23 IFAC: IAASB proposes changes for reporting on special purpose financial statements
2015-01-09 EBA: Comment letter to IFRS IC on presentation of negative interest rates in the statement of comprehensive income

Prior Years Reports

Reporting - 201424 articles out of 24.

Reporting - 201372 articles out of 72.

Reporting - 201231 articles out of 31.

Reporting - 201134 articles out of 34.

Reporting - 20108 articles out of 8.

Reporting - 200934 articles out of 34.

Reporting - 200855 articles out of 55.

Reporting - 200727 articles out of 27.

Reporting - 200615 articles out of 15.

Reporting - 20058 articles out of 8.

Reporting - 20043 articles out of 3.

Reporting - 20034 articles out of 4.

Reporting - 20022 articles out of 2.

Reporting - 20001 articles out of 1.