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In January 2011, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) replaced the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Supervisors (CEIOPS). EIOPA is part of the European System of Financial Supervision consisting of three European Supervisory Authorities and the European Systemic Risk Board. It is an independent advisory body to the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission.

Based in Frankfurt, EIOPA’s priorities include Solvency II, supervision in insurance groups, reorganisation and winding-up of insurance undertakings, life assurance, activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision and  prudential assessment of acquisitions in the financial sector. EIOPA is commissioned to monitor and identify trends potential risks and vulnerabilities stemming from the micro-prudential level, across borders and across sectors.

For EIOPA's articles relating to pensions, please click here.

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EIOPA - 20198 articles out of 8.

EIOPA - 201815 articles out of 15.

EIOPA - 20172 articles out of 2.

EIOPA - 201614 articles out of 14.

EIOPA - 201536 articles out of 36.

2014 EIOPA
2014-12-23 EIOPA published update on Data Point Model and XBRL taxonomy design
2014-12-23 EIOPA consults on the draft ITS related to the equity index for the equity capital charge
2014-12-23 Joint Committee of the ESAs published final draft technical standards on risk concentration and intra-group transactions
2014-12-23 ESAs seek views on guidelines aimed at reducing reliance on credit ratings
2014-12-19 EIOPA Risk Dashboard December 2014
2014-12-05 EIOPA deliveres a common application package for internal models
2014-12-03 EIOPA publishes its third Consumer Trends Report
2014-11-28 EIOPA: Consultation paper on powers for banning insurance-based investment products
2014-11-25 4th annual conference of EIOPA
2014-11-07 ESA’s budget 2015 – ensuring safe financial markets
2014-11-03 EIOPA Work Programme 2015
2014-10-31 EIOPA published Action Plan 2015/16 for Colleges
2014-10-31 EIOPA published the outcome of public consultation on Guidelines for the Operational functioning of colleges of supervisors
2014-10-20 EIOPA issues Guidelines on the use of the Legal Entity Identifier
2014-10-03 EIOPA: Consultation paper on conflicts of interest in direct and intermediated sales of insurance-based investment products
2014-09-18 EIOPA: conference on global insurance supervision
2014-09-15 EIOPA publishes its 2013 Annual Report
2014-09-10 IPE: Juncker Commission to ‘eliminate’ EU funding of EIOPA
2014-09-09 EIOPA: Insurance regulation and supervision – going global
2014-08-08 EIOPA welcomes the publication of the ESFS Review Report
2014-08-01 European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority: EU-U.S. Insurance Project updates its strategy
2014-07-31 European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority publishes Assumptions for SCR calculation
2014-07-31 EIOPA publishes an update on Data Point Model and XBRL taxonomy design
2014-07-24 EBA, ESMA and EIOPA consult on risk concentration and intra-group transactions
2014-07-17 EIOPA: The future of life insurance, Solvency II and investment strategies
2014-07-11 EIOPA: Consumer protection and conflicts of interest in sales of insurance-based investment products
2014-06-27 EIOPA: Consultation on the use of the Legal Entity Identifier
2014-06-27 EIOPA: new report on occupational pensions issues
2014-06-17 EIOPA: Risk Dashboard June 2014 – Q1 2014 data
2014-06-16 EIOPA: Smarter regulation will benefit consumers
2014-06-13 EIOPA publishes its Annual Report 2013
2014-06-02 EIOPA consults on set 1 of the Solvency II guidelines
2014-05-27 EBA/EIOPA/ESMA: Joint Committee to hold Consumer Protection Day 2014
2014-05-14 EIOPA introduces new format for Financial Stability Report
2014-05-13 EIOPA/Mawdsley: Has capital influx saturated the ILS market?
2014-04-30 EIOPA: Insurance stress test 2014
2014-04-09 EIOPA: The (Re-)calibration dilemma
2014-04-09 EIOPA: Global capital standards will reinforce the international level playing field
2014-04-09 EIOPA: Infrastructure projects – improved data needed to support risk reassessment
2014-04-02 EIOPA consults on operational functioning of colleges of supervisors
2014-04-01 EIOPA consults on Set 1 of its Implementing Technical Standards for Solvency II
2014-03-31 EIOPA's opinion on use of common application packages for internal models
2014-03-20 EIOPA Risk Dashboard – March 2014
2014-03-12 ESAs consult on supervisory practices for financial conglomerates
2014-03-03 EIOPA/Bernardino: Global Capital Standards - Laying down the future for global insurance supervision
2014-02-19 EIOPA: Towards an EU single market for personal pensions
2014-02-14 EIOPA/Bernardino: EIOPA's role in enhancing insurance supervision in the EU
2014-02-13 EIOPA publishes Report on the Functioning of Colleges and the Accomplishments of the 2013 Action Plan
2014-02-06 ESAs publish final Report on mechanistic references to credit ratings in the ESAs' guidelines and recommendations
2014-01-30 EIOPA: Report on good practices on comparison websites
2014-01-20 EIOPA: Insurance Stress Test 2014
2014-01-15 EIOPA publishes review of consumer trends methodology

Prior Years Reports

EIOPA - 201364 articles out of 64.

EIOPA - 201224 articles out of 24.

EIOPA - 201110 articles out of 10.

EIOPA - 20101 articles out of 1.

EIOPA - 200924 articles out of 24.

EIOPA - 200810 articles out of 10.

EIOPA - 200717 articles out of 17.

EIOPA - 200612 articles out of 12.

EIOPA - 200514 articles out of 14.

EIOPA - 20048 articles out of 8.

EIOPA - 20032 articles out of 2.