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In January 2011, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) replaced the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Supervisors (CEIOPS). EIOPA is part of the European System of Financial Supervision consisting of three European Supervisory Authorities and the European Systemic Risk Board. It is an independent advisory body to the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission.

Based in Frankfurt, EIOPA’s priorities include Solvency II, supervision in insurance groups, reorganisation and winding-up of insurance undertakings, life assurance, activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision and  prudential assessment of acquisitions in the financial sector. EIOPA is commissioned to monitor and identify trends potential risks and vulnerabilities stemming from the micro-prudential level, across borders and across sectors.

For EIOPA's articles relating to pensions, please click here.

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EIOPA - 20198 articles out of 8.

EIOPA - 201815 articles out of 15.

EIOPA - 20172 articles out of 2.

EIOPA - 201614 articles out of 14.

EIOPA - 201536 articles out of 36.

EIOPA - 201452 articles out of 52.

2013 EIOPA
2013-12-19 EIOPA proposes changes to capital requirements for debt securitisation
2013-12-18 Joint ESA Opinion on the functioning of the European Systemic Risk Board
2013-12-16 EIOPA: Final report on public consultation on occupational pension schemes
2013-12-10 Summary of EIOPA's 3rd Annual Conference
2013-12-09 EIOPA issues report on Good Supervisory Practices for distributors of insurance products
2013-12-09 EIOPA/Montalvo: Solvency II will help us to overcome possible future challenges
2013-12-03 EIOPA publishes Guidelines on complaints-handling by insurance intermediaries
2013-12-03 EIOPA publishes Opinion on beneficiary protection arrangements regarding life insurance contracts
2013-11-29 EIOPA publishes results of survey on crisis prevention, management and resolution preparedness of national supervisors
2013-11-28 EBA, EIOPA and ESMA publish Joint Position on product oversight and governance processes
2013-11-27 EIOPA/Bernardino: Sound risk management enhances consumer protection, stability and reputation
2013-11-20 EIOPA/Montalvo: Making a difference for Europe and its citizens
2013-11-11 EIOPA launches a Consumer Lounge on its website
2013-11-04 IPE: ECON backs Bernardino's call for independent levy to fund EIOPA
2013-10-31 EIOPA establishes a Q&A tool on its Guidelines
2013-10-14 EIOPA/Bernardino: Interview with the Irish Broker (Ireland)
2013-10-10 EIOPA publishes its Work Programme 2014
2013-10-09 EIOPA publishes Action Plan 2014/15 for colleges / List of cross-border insurance groups for which a college is in place
2013-10-04 EIOPA appoints new stakeholder groups
2013-10-02 2014 Work Programme of the Joint Committee of the ESAs
2013-09-30 Statements by ESA chairs at annual ECON Committee hearing
2013-09-20 EIOPA: Risk Dashboard - September 2013
2013-09-19 Letter from EIOPA/Bernardino to DG MARKT/Faull on enhancing consumer protection in insurance investment products
2013-09-16 EIOPA publishes response to IOPS consultation on pension supervisory authorities
2013-09-12 EIOPA: Summary of the second EIOPA/ICIR Conference on Global Insurance Supervision
2013-09-09 EIOPA/Bernardino: Creation of a sustainable and adequate pension system in the EU and the role of EIOPA
2013-09-05 European Supervisory Authorities highlight cross-sectoral risks
2013-08-07 EIOPA Annual Report 2012
2013-07-25 EIOPA publishes Report on Market Developments in cross-border IORPs
2013-07-18 EIOPA publishes results of peer reviews on internal models
2013-07-04 EIOPA publishes the first EU assessment of the financial situation of pension funds
2013-06-28 EIOPA issues opinion on consumer protection issues in Payment Protection Insurance
2013-06-28 EIOPA/Bernardino: European Supervisory Authorities - Our joint effort in enhancing consumer protection in Europe
2013-06-27 EIOPA launches public consultation on two Good Practices Reports in the area of consumer protection
2013-06-24 EIOPA/Montalvo on global/cross-border regulation and supervision
2013-06-24 EIOPA: Risk Dashboard – June 2013
2013-06-14 EIOPA publishes Annual Report 2012
2013-06-14 Commission welcomes EIOPA report on Long-Term Guarantee Assessment for insurance sector
2013-06-12 EIOPA publishes its 2013 Half-Year Financial Stability Report
2013-06-12 Opening speech by EIOPA/Bernardino at the public event on personal pensions in Frankfurt
2013-05-24 EIOPA/Bernardino: Introductory statement at the public hearing on the Financial Supervision in the EU
2013-05-16 EIOPA publishes Discussion Paper on a possible EU single market for personal pension products
2013-05-13 EIOPA stakeholder groups – selection process 2013
2013-04-24 EIOPA: Database of pension plans and products in the European Economic Area (EEA)
2013-04-22 EIOPA: Stakeholder groups – Selection process 2013
2013-04-12 Joint Committee report on risks and vulnerabilities in the European Union's financial system
2013-04-10 EIOPA publishes response on classification and measurement according to limited amendments to IFRS 9
2013-04-08 EIOPA: Discussion Paper on standard formula design and calibration for certain long-term investments
2013-04-03 EIOPA/Bernardino interview: "It's not Solvency II that provokes challenges to business, it's the economic environment"
2013-04-02 EIOPA: EU-US insurance dialogue agrees high level project plan
2013-03-22 EIOPA: Risk Dashboard – March 2013
2013-03-21 EIOPA/Bernardino: "We are confident about the preparation level of insurance undertakings"
2013-03-15 EIOPA and World Bank sign agreement to develop global insurance sector
2013-03-11 EIOPA/Bernardino: How to ensure sustainability, strong governance and full transparency in occupational pensions
2013-03-04 EIOPA recommends a coordinated supervisory response to the long-lasting low interest rates
2013-02-25 EIOPA/Montalvo interviewed for report "Asset Management for Insurance, Europe"
2013-02-22 Q&A with EIOPA/Bernardino on the Report on Good Practices related to the information provision in DC schemes
2013-02-20 Call for expression of interest regarding membership in the EIOPA Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group
2013-02-18 EIOPA/Bernardino: IMD2 and Solvency II – The road to better policyholder protection and financial stability
2013-02-13 EIOPA: Executive Director Carlos Montalvo interviewed by Reactions magazine
2013-01-29 EIOPA publishes Report on the Functioning of Colleges of Supervisors and Action Plan 2013
2013-01-28 EIOPA launches long-term guarantee assessment
2013-01-18 EIOPA: Multi-Annual Work Programme 2012-2014
2013-01-16 EIOPA: Joint Committee 2013 Work Programme

Prior Years Reports

EIOPA - 201224 articles out of 24.

EIOPA - 201110 articles out of 10.

EIOPA - 20101 articles out of 1.

EIOPA - 200924 articles out of 24.

EIOPA - 200810 articles out of 10.

EIOPA - 200717 articles out of 17.

EIOPA - 200612 articles out of 12.

EIOPA - 200514 articles out of 14.

EIOPA - 20048 articles out of 8.

EIOPA - 20032 articles out of 2.