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12 November 2010

FSB report on progress since the Washington summit in the implementation of the G20 recommendations

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Der FSB Bericht zeigt die Fortschritte des umfangreichen Reformprogramms auf, dem die G20 Mitgliedsstaaten auf ihrem Treffen in Washington zugestimmt hatten. Die Finanzreformen sollen zu einem belastbaren und weniger prozyklischen Finanzsystem führen, das den Bedürfnissen der Volkswirtschaften entspricht.

This has included:
·         new bank capital and liquidity standards (Basel III);
·         a policy framework to address the moral hazard risk posed by SIFIs;
·         system-wide oversight arrangements at national, regional and international levels;
·         measures to improve core market infrastructures;
·         expansion of the regulatory perimeter to include the OTC derivatives markets, hedge funds and credit rating agencies; and
·         supervisory tools to raise standards of governance, risk management and capital conservation at financial institutions.

© Financial Stability Board

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