The EC has published a report which describes the impact of the Transparency Directive and how it has been complied with, identifies the main issues emerging from the application of the Transparency Directive and draws a number of conclusions.
The Commission has published a report on the operation of the Directive 2004/109/EC accompanied by a consultation document which is the basis for a public consultation on possible ways forward to modernise the transparency regime for listed companies. At the same time, the Commission has published a staff working document which analyses in detail the impact of the Directive and the issues emerging from its application.
The report describes the impact of the Transparency Directive and how it has been complied with (section 2); identifies the main issues emerging from the application of the Transparency Directive (section 3) and draws a number of conclusions (section 4). This report is completed by a Commission staff working paper which provides further detail on the issues described as well as on how information has been collected.
This public consultation document aims at having valuable insights, quantitative and qualitative evidence, on impacts, costs and benefits stemming from Directive 2004/109/EC (the Transparency Directive) obligations and or from possible additional transparency requirements. It aims also to have views on possible changes to the Transparency Directive obligations.
Deadline for comments is 23 August 2010
© European Commission

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