As the EU recovery fund slowly nears its implementation phase, member states’ absorption capacity and control mechanisms are considered among of the main challenges for its successful roll-out.
Only six member states are still to give their blessing to the EU’s
€800 billion recovery fund. National governments could receive the first
funds by the end of July, once the European Commission approves their
national recovery plans.
The EU stimulus programme represents a “unique opportunity” for
Europeans to build back better after the COVID-19 pandemic, European
Commission executive vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis, said recently.
But its implementation is a “challenging task”, he added.
Amid doubts around the implementation of the €800 billion recovery
fund, European Commission and experts stress that the EU instrument is
not a US-like emergency stimulus but an investment tool for the
medium-term to transform the European economy.
The first priority for the EU executive is to ensure the quality of
the national recovery plans. To date, 18 national governments have
submitted their investment and reform proposals. Most member states are
expected to send their proposals by the end of May or early June, more
than a month later than the initial end-of-April deadline.
Dombrovskis said that governments who already submitted their plans
met the green and digital targets of the recovery facility and included a
“good balance” of reforms and investments. The Commission now has two
months to assess the national plans in detail, some of them more than
50.000 pages long. “We are under a lot of pressure to deliver swiftly”,
admitted Economic Affairs Commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni.
But the results of the six-year strategy to modernise Europe’s
economies using EU cash will depend on the capacity of member states to
handle the unprecedented amount of new funds coming from Brussels.
EU officials and diplomats agreed that the absorption of the recovery
fund will be “challenging” in Italy and Spain, the two largest
beneficiaries of the instrument.
To ensure a timely and efficient absorption of the funds, the
European Central Bank recommended bolstering administrative capacity in
member states and reducing bottlenecks.
“The quality and capacity of public administration are likely to be
decisive factors in the successful use of Next Generation EU funds and
could be a promising area for reform,” the ECB said in a note published
in March.
Another issue of concern is the governance of the mechanism. Member
states will unlock the recovery funds twice per year, once the
Commission and national officials validated the completion of agreed
Some have warned that the complexity of the process could hamper successful implementation of the fund.
Maria Demertzis, deputy director at Bruegel, said that there are
still issues to be clarified, including how the governance and the
conditionality will work in practice, the interaction between the
Commission and the Council, and the role of the European Parliament.
Demertzis did not expect that approving funds would turn into a
lengthy process such as the troika programmes. But “there will be
discussions among member states, and there needs to be”, she added.
The European Court of Auditors issued a note of concern with the
governance and recommended simplifying the procedures to the extent
possible, to reduce the administrative burden and facilitate absorption.
The court also proposed last October reconsidering the frequency and
timing of reporting and evaluation, and defining suitable indicators for
the overall achievements of the fund.
The European Commission could find it difficult to transfer the first
tranche of the recovery funds to all member states according to its
calendar, as most plans are expected to be approved at the same time and
there will be limited capacity to borrow from the markets.
The auditing and control mechanisms of the instrument, mostly left to
national authorities, have been a major issue in the negotiations
between the Commission and the capitals over the recovery plans.
As CEPS, a think-tank, explained in a study published in March, the
cash-for-results “requires a strengthening of the ex post mechanisms for
evaluation, control, and sanctions.”
The ECB also pointed out that “adequate national control and audit
systems could also play a crucial role in ensuring an effective
implementation of the recovery package”.
“Control systems could include precautionary measures to prevent
corruption, fraud and conflicts of interest,” the Frankfurt-based
institution added.
But according to the European Court of Auditors, the control
mechanisms of the fund “need to be strengthened”, in particular against
fraud and irregularities.
“We would like to stress the importance of effective measures against
fraud and irregularities to counter the risks arising from significant
additional resources to be spent in a short time,” the court explained.
For that reason, it proposed bolstering the European oversight by
“clearly” defining the role of the European Parliament and the Court of
Auditors in the instrument.
Having an adequate auditing and control framework is particularly
important as the Commission has encouraged member states to crowd in
private investment to multiply the impact of the fund.
Against this backdrop, experts said that providing legal certainty
and guarantees to private investors would help to increase the impact of
the European stimulus.
“An efficient process for checks, controls and an audit trail should
be established” stressed Jorge Núñez, associate senior researcher at
CEPS, “providing public and private operators with the necessary legal
certainty while providing an efficient (one-stop shop) mechanism for the
verification of investments and reforms”.

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