The UK should consider the trade-offs it is willing to make in a post-Brexit deal, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen says.
She said the closer the UK's access to the single market - which it is leaving - the more it must adhere to EU rules.
But cabinet minister Michael Gove said the UK "would regain its economic and political independence" and any deal "would need to reflect that reality". [...]
Speaking to reporters in Brussels, Ms von der Leyen acknowledged there were differences between the two sides following the first round of negotiations.
"We are aware that there are differences in the approach towards what scope should the future agreement have and what are - if I may say so - the rules of the game everybody has to abide to," she said.
"So it will be important that the UK makes up its mind - the closer they want to have access to the single market, the more they have to play by the rules that are the rules of the single market.
"If this is not the UK's choice then of course they will be more distant and it will be more difficult for the UK to access the single market."
She said it was "up to the UK within the negotiations to think about the trade-offs they want to take into account". [...]
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