Updated 2019 rulebook versions for the SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) scheme, the SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme, the SEPA Direct Debit Core (SDD Core) scheme and the SDD Business-to-Business (SDD B2B) scheme have been published.
The version 1.1 of the SCT, SCT Inst, SDD Core and SDD B2B rulebooks includes an updated version of the Scheme Management Internal Rules (now named ‘SEPA Payment Scheme Management Rules’). These rules now reflect the creation of a Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) that replaces the Compliance and Adherence Committee (CAC) and the Appeals Committee.
The DRC will be responsible for complaints management and appeals for all EPC-managed payment and payment-related schemes. The adherence process of the various schemes will be managed by the EPC secretariat, whereby complaints can be raised with the DRC.
There are no changes to the business and operational rules in the updated version 1.1 of the 2019 EPC SEPA scheme rulebooks. The updated versions are in force from 1 April 2020 to 21 November 2021.
Full news on EPC
Full SCT_rulebook on EPC
Full SCT_Inst_rulebook on EPC
Full SDD_Core_rulebook on EPC
Full SDD_B2B_rulebook on EPC

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