This report summarises and analyses the results of the third-wave survey conducted by the Research Task Force on the role of multiple regulatory constraints in the Basel III framework.
The latest survey (end-December 2017) retains the format of the end-December 2016 survey: each block of questions tests the impact of a regulatory instrument and provides an indication of the interaction among said instruments and the problems created by the growing complexity of the Basel III framework.
To provide additional insights (and check data quality), banks’ answers from this survey are merged with banks’ information on the other topics collected through the Basel III monitoring exercise.
Overall, authors find a great degree of consistency across topics and between survey waves.
The report is structured in six sections and an annex. Section 2 summarises the objectives and the structure of the survey, which is reprinted in full in the annex. Section 3 provides an overview of the sample. Section 4 presents the key takeaways. Section 5 presents in-depth analysis of the eight sections of the survey (grouped in subsections 5.1 to 5.8). Section 6 describes the data quality assurance process.
The annex contains an overview of question-specific response rates, the glossary and a detailed analysis of the interactions between multiple regulatory constraints.
Working paper
© BIS - Bank for International Settlements

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