Consumer expert Richard Lloyd has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director to the Board of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Richard has held senior roles in numerous consumer organisations, including Which?, where he was Executive Director. He is a founding trustee of the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute and is currently Chair of Resolver, the consumer complaint resolution organisation.
Richard Lloyd’s three-year term will begin on 1 April 2019.
Baroness Sarah Hogg has also been re-appointed as a Non-Executive Director for a second three-year term, starting on 1 April 2019. Baroness Hogg is an experienced director of listed companies including 3i, Carnival and GKN, and public bodies including the BBC. She is the FCA’s Senior Independent Director.
Finally, Amelia Fletcher OBE’s second term as a Non-Executive Director has also been extended for a further year, up to 31 March 2020. She will also continue to serve as a Non-Executive Director and Senior Independent Director of the Payment Systems Regulator during this period. Amelia is Professor of Competition Policy at Norwich Business School and a Non-Executive Director of the Competition and Markets Authority.
Charles Randell, FCA Chair, said:
'Richard's proven expertise and deep experience of both consumer issues and financial services mean he is ideally placed to further reinforce the FCA Board’s consideration of consumer needs. I know he will make a significant contribution and I look forward to working with him. I am also delighted that that Sarah Hogg and Amelia Fletcher will continue to serve on the Board.'
Press release
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