ESMA announces that its IT system for the collection of financial instrument reference data under MAR (i.e. the Financial Instrument Reference Data System – FIRDS) will become operational starting from 17 July 2017. FIRDS will collect financial instrument reference data from market participants in the jurisdictions where the competent authority delegated this task to ESMA.
As of 17 July 2017, market operators of regulated markets as well as investment firms and market operators operating multilateral trading facilities will be able to transmit via FIRDS reference data concerning financial instruments for which a request for admission to trading was made, which were admitted to trading or were traded from 3 July 2016 onwards.
Full communication
ESMA updates its MAR Q&As
The updated Q&As include new answers regarding:
Disclosure of inside information related to Pillar II requirements; and
Blanket cancellation of orders policy.
The purpose of this document is to promote common supervisory approaches and practices in the application of MAR. The Q&A mechanism is a practical convergence tool used to promote common supervisory approaches and practices. It should also help investors and other market participants by providing clarity on the requirements. ESMAwill periodically review these Q&As and update them where required.
Full Q&A

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