The Panel found the general quality of reporting to be good. There was evidence of improvement in the reporting of principal risks and uncertainties. The reporting of mitigating actions, in particular, was considered to be done well.
The Panel also welcomed early signs that some boards were reconsidering the presentation of their financial information to focus on key messages. It was pleased to see evidence of boards eliminating unnecessary detail and giving greater prominence to material disclosures. A few had also changed the order of content to assist shareholders’ understanding of their company’s business, policies, performance and position.
As in previous years, the Panel continued to be concerned about the quality of the reports and accounts of some smaller listed and AIM quoted companies with whom it raised more potentially substantive issues and which took time to resolve satisfactorily. The directors of such companies should not underestimate the importance of their legal responsibility to prepare accounts that comply with the law and accounting standards.
Commenting on the findings and recommendations, Richard Fleck, Chairman of the FRRP and Conduct Committee said: "The Panel was encouraged by the continued willingness of boards to hold constructive and open dialogue with the Panel. They have responded well to suggestions as to how they might improve the quality of their reports by focussing on key messages. That cooperation is central to the effectiveness of the UK model of enforcement."
Press release

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