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How you can support this work

Four direct solutions:

1.       Are you are going to put a consultancy or research project out to tender? Why not check if it falls within my area of expertise and ask me to quote (perhaps including a team of my friends)? 

2.       Will you be required to maintain your professional qualification by demonstrating Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? MiFID II comes into force in January 2018 and  ESMA's Guidelines require those involved in selling securities to clients to be `knowledgeable and competent'. Our CPD products can help you/your firm demonstrate compliance. In particular, our new "CPD Weekly: 10 Minute Read ‘n Verify" can provide 7.5 hours of targeted CPD per year.

3.       Are you looking for a speaker at an event – in-house or for clients? Take a look at the record of my speeches.

4.       Act directly and personally:become a Friend of – for just €12 (inc VAT if applicable) per month. We offer a simple and flexible subscription system for individuals – market professionals, or just citizens concerned about the risk of Brexit.

Indirect assistance:

·         Use social media: Follow me on Twitter; `favourite’ any of my tweets that you like and then re-tweet them to your network.

·         Forward some copies of our `Friends’ Thursday e-mails to your friends and colleagues – with a recommendation.

·         If you are a professional association, why not broadcast the `Friends service’ around your network – both professional and private? You may have many members who would value the new individual subscription as a simple method of keeping in touch with developments that are important to them.



Why my `pro bono' work is relevant to market participants