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Articles are shown from 2010. For earlier articles, please consult the main BankingSecurities and Asset Management sections of the website.

Shadow banking is the system of credit intermediation that involves entities and activities that are outside the regular banking system, and thus are not regulated like banks. Shadow banking entities operate outside the regular banking system, and yet engage in the following bank-like activities: accepting funding with deposit-like characteristics; performing maturity and/or liquidity transformation; undergoing credit risk transfer; and using direct or indirect financial leverage.

Shadow banking activities are those that could act as important sources of funding for non-bank entities. These activities include securitisation, securities lending and repurchase transactions ("repo"). 

Shadow banking entities include i.a.: Special purpose entities which perform liquidity and/or maturity transformation, e.g. ABCP, SIV, SPV; Money Market Funds (MMFs) and other types of investment funds or products with deposit-like characteristics; and investment funds that provide credit or are leveraged, including Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). 

For further information, see Green Paper FAQs, 19.3.12

Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Shadow Banking – Addressing New Sources of Risk in the Financial Sector 

Regulation on transparency of securities financing transactions

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2022 Shadow Banking
2022-11-30 ESMA: Final report - Guidelines on stress test scenarios under the MMF Regulation - 2022 update
2022-05-24 AIMA: ACC comments on regulation of EU loan funds
2022-05-23 EBA publishes final technical standards to identify shadow banking entities
2022-05-18 CMA response to the European Commission’s Targeted Consultation on the functioning of the Money Market Fund Regulation
2022-05-16 EFAMA reply to EC targeted consultation on the functioning of the Money Market Fund Regulation
2022-05-04 EBA provides its advice to the EU Commission on non-bank lending
2022-05-02 ESAs consult on sustainability disclosures for Simple, Transparent and Standardised securitisations
2022-04-25 AIMA: EU Securitisation – Final risk retention RTS
2022-04-12 European Commission: Targeted consultation on the functioning of the Money Market Fund Regulation
2022-04-12 EBA publishes final draft technical standards on the risk retention requirements for securitisations
2022-03-23 InsuranceEurope: Insurers welcome ELTIF review, but warn asset class remains unattractive for long-term institutional investors
2022-02-16 ESMA proposes reforms to improve resilience of Money Market Funds
2022-01-26 ECB: Mind the liquidity gap: a discussion of money market fund reform proposals
2022-01-04 IOSCO Investment Funds Statistics Report

Prior Years Reports

Shadow Banking - 202112 articles out of 12.

Shadow Banking - 20203 articles out of 3.

Shadow Banking - 20181 articles out of 1.

Shadow Banking - 20172 articles out of 2.

Shadow Banking - 20163 articles out of 3.

Shadow Banking - 201515 articles out of 15.

Shadow Banking - 20142 articles out of 2.

Shadow Banking - 201223 articles out of 23.

Shadow Banking - 20102 articles out of 2.