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28 March 2008

CEIOPS members meeting

CEIOPS held its Members' Meeting in Frankfurt on 26 and 27 March 2008. Members approved a number draft documents for further development or publication after editing. CEIOPS also announced the imminent launch of the QIS4 exercise on 2 April 2008.


The documents for publication include:

- the General Protocol relating to the collaboration of the insurance supervisory authorities of the Member States of the EU;

- CEIOPS’ Survey on proposals for amending the Insurance Mediation

Directive and Luxembourg Protocol;

- QIS4 Specifications;

- a timetable for the harmonisation of reporting;

- a Work Programme on equivalence, with timelines.


With regard to Occupational Pensions CEIOPS will publish

- an Initial review of key aspects of the implementation of the

IORP Directive, and

- a Survey on fully funded, technical provisions and security mechanisms in the European occupational pensions sector.


Press release


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