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04 July 2013


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The European pensions authority has confirmed that Solvency II-type proposals would increase UK pension fund deficits by around £150 billion to at least £450 billion.

James Walsh, lead EU policy adviser, National Association of Pension Funds, said: “This is final confirmation from the EU’s own advisers that Solvency II-type rules would inflict an unpalatable and unnecessary blow on UK pensions. It is a relief that Commissioner Barnier has postponed these plans for now, but this report underlines the need for them to be scrapped completely. They must not be revived by the next European Commission. Instead EU policymakers should take a step back and think about what the real priorities should be for pensions. Pension funds continue to support the EC’s vision of ‘safe, adequate and sustainable’ pensions. We need a clear view of the features that would enable pension schemes to deliver on those objectives.”

Full press release

© NAPF - National Association of Pension Funds

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