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19 January 2018

ESMA(欧州証券市場機構)、 MiFID 2(第2次金融商品市場指令)・MiFIR(金融商品市場規則)透明性要件に係る暫定算出方法の対象商品を追加

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ESMA published an extended version of the MiFID II/MiFIR transitional transparency calculations for equity and bond instruments, adding further instruments.

The TTC for these additional instruments are displayed alongside the already published TTC that were published on 22 December 2017, which remain unchanged. ESMA has added today the applicable TTC for: 

·         equity instruments, traded for the first time on a trading venue between 13 September 2017 and 2 January 2018 (included); and 

·         bond instruments (except ETCs and ETNs), traded for the first time on a trading venue between 01 November 2017 and 2 January 2018 (included).

The calculations of the newly added instruments where done by National Competent Authorities. ESMA compiled these calculations with utmost care and to the best of its ability for publication.

The updated files establish the transparency parameters that are currently applicable for instruments first listed before 3 January 2018.

Transparency calculations


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