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15 June 2007

EBF response on possible adjustments to UCITS Directive

Responding to the Commission working document on possible adjustments to the UCITS directive, the EBF notes that the Commission’s proposals are primarily made from the asset management point of view, and there are some areas where additional consideration should be given to the distribution side. Also, some areas that lack consideration of the depositary side, in particular in the areas of fund mergers, asset pooling and the management company passport.

FBE also underlines that changes to the UCITS Directive have to be consistent with the MiFID Directive. The reform of the simplified prospectus will also be one of the priority points in the amendments to the UCITS Directive. Further priorities lie from our point of view in the management company passport and in the notification procedure,

Voice of the European banking sector',WIDTH, 300, SHADOW, true, FADEIN, 300, FADEOUT, 300, STICKY, 1,DURATION,3500)" onmouseout="UnTip()");">FBE amendments to UCITS.pdf ' target='_blank'> Document


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