Graham Bishop RSS Feed - Daily News and Information Related to Graham Bishop Articles.Daily RSS Article and news related to RSS, really simple syndication, and news aggregation. Information related to Graham Bishop.com danger posed by the National Front may lie where it is not expected! Accordingly, some consider with relative equanimity the president ]]> April 2015The European Union suffers from a democratic deficit! Though this affirmation is subject to a broad consensus, it is fo ]]> April 2015The Fall of the EURO The acceleration of the €’s fall to $ 1,06 as I write these lines ]]> March 2015The Juncker Plan - A little bit of clarity please! There is  a quasi unanimous recognition of the need to stimulate ]]> February 2015Greece – the E.C.B. - the E.U.: A bundle of contradictions! Syriza’s victory is first and foremost a victory for democracy. T ]]> January 2015