AMF’s new strategy: enhance French markets

14 July 2009

AMF priorities are: enhancing investment protection, delivering heightened risk monitoring and increasing the attractiveness of the French market. 

The AMF's priorities for the coming years will be based on three main lines of action: 

- Enhancing investment protection and bolstering the confidence of individual investors;
- Delivering heightened risk monitoring, closer supervision of market participants, and more effective enforcement;
- Playing a more active role in efforts to increase the attractiveness of the French markets, for the benefit of investors and the financing of the country's economy.
The AMF will also
- Support, through the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR), ambitious measures to encourage integrated financial supervision.
- Contribute to promoting international accounting standards that reflect the business realities and investment horizons of the corporate sector
- Support discussions and actions underway at European level to simplify pre-contractual disclosures
- Defend a European regulatory framework to encourage private equity
- Support initiatives to establish an OTC derivatives clearing infrastructure in the euro area.
Full report

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