CEIOPS feedback statement on Implementing Measures on the System of Governance

20 May 2009

The feedback statement presents CEIOPS' view on the comments received and how they have been taken into account in the development of Level 2 advice. CEIOPS has recently started a consultation on the Level 2 implementing measures.

CEIOPS published the feedback statement in response to comments received on its Issues Paper on ‘Implementing Measures on the System of Governance’.


The feedback statement presents CEIOPS' view on the comments received and how they have been taken into account in the development of Level 2 advice.


CEIOPS has recently published a Consultation Paper on the proposed advice to the European Commission on Level 2 implementing measures with regard to the system of governance. The advice is based on the Issues Paper on System of Governance taking into account stakeholders’ comments as well as CEIOPS’ further thoughts on the issues.


In particular CEIOPS has introduced amendments to the proposed Level 2 advice that implement lessons learnt from the current financial crisis.


Feedback statement

Consultation Paper no. 33