IASB seeks views on FASB guidance on fair value

19 March 2009

The IASB seeking views about the FASB proposals that deal with guidance on fair value measurement and impairments of financial instruments. It considers publishing formal proposals for public comment following the feedback.

The IASB seeking views about the FASB proposals that deal with guidance on fair value measurement and impairments of financial instruments.


The IASB considers publishing formal proposals for public comment following the feedback. A request for views will be published on the IASB website later this week.


Both of FASB’s proposals are in the form of draft Staff Positions and are intended to provide additional application guidance. The FASB has set a 15-day comment period, which will end on 1 April 2009.


“Whilst these are US proposals specifically targeted at US capital markets we have been asked by the G20 and others to deal with financial reporting issues on a globally consistent basis”, Sir David Tweedie, Chairman of the IASB said.

Deadline for comments on the IASB consultation is 20 April 2009.


Press release

Press release

FSAB press release

Proposed Staff Position FAS 157-e – Deadline 1 April

Proposed Staff Position FAS 115-a, FAS 124-a, and EITF 99-20-b – Deadline 1 April

FSAB Board decission 16 March


Request for views 

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