EFRAG comments on CESR draft Statement on fair value

18 September 2008

EFRAG members were concerned about CESR’s positioning of the statement and suggest that CESR repositions its Statement as input to the IASB, rather than providing guidance to preparers.

EFRAG members were concerned about CESR’s positioning of the statement and suggest that CESR repositions its Statement as input to the IASB, rather than guidance to preparers. Amongst other things, that would help to emphasise that it is the IASB that should be the body that first responds to the accounting issues arising as a result of the current market turmoil.


Also, the starting point should be for the IASB to develop good principle-based requirements and terminology on what is meant by an active market and an inactive market, EFRAG notes.


In the draft Statement, CESR discusses a number of issues that have come to its attention in the aftermath of the recent market turmoil, including:


Comment letter


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